Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro XI
Dig. 15,3,14Iulianus libro undecimo digestorum. Marcellus notat: Interdum et propter hoc quod in rem alterius socii versum est de in rem verso cum altero agi potest, qui conventus a socio petere potest id in quo damnatus fuerit. quid enim dicemus, si peculium servo ab altero ademptum fuerit? Paulus: ergo haec quaestio ita procedit, si de peculio agi non potest.
Julianus, Digest, Book XI. Note by Marcellus. Sometimes, also, the action for property employed in the affairs of another can be brought against one joint-owner; for the reason that such employment of property has taken place, and he, having been sued, can recover from his partner the amount for which judgment has been rendered against him. What shall we say, however, if the slave has been deprived of the peculium by one of the owners? Paulus says that this question only arises where an action on the peculium does not lie.