Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 23,2,33Idem libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Plerique opinantur, cum eadem mulier ad eundem virum revertatur, id matrimonium idem esse: quibus adsentior, si non multo tempore interposito reconciliati fuerint nec inter moras aut illa alii nupserit aut hic aliam duxerit, maxime si nec dotem vir reddiderit.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Many authorities hold that when a woman, after separation, returns to her husband, this is the same marriage. I assent to this opinion, provided they are reconciled before a long time has elapsed, and neither of them has married anyone in the meantime, and especially if the husband has not returned the dowry.
Dig. 23,2,50Idem libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Proxime constitutum dicitur, ut, cum quis libertam suam duxerit uxorem, quam ex fideicommissi causa manumiserit, liceat libertae invito eo nuptias contrahere: puto, quia non erat ferendus is qui ex necessitate manumisit, non suo arbitrio: magis enim debitam libertatem praestitit quam ullum beneficium in mulierem contulit.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. It is said to have been recently decided that where a man marries his freedwoman whom he manumitted in compliance with the terms of a trust, she can contract matrimony with another without his consent; and I think this is correct, because he should not enjoy the privilege of a patron who was obliged to manumit the woman and did not do so voluntarily, as he rather gave her the freedom to which she was entitled, than conferred any benefit upon her.