Digestorum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 29,2,75Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Ex semisse Titius heres scriptus est: quadrantis bonorum possessionem per errorem petit. quaero, an nihil actum sit an vero perinde omnia servanda sint, ac si quadrans nominatus non sit. respondit magis nihil actum esse, quemadmodum cum ex semisse scriptus heres ex quadrante per errorem adiit hereditatem.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. Titius was appointed heir to half of an estate, and, through mistake, demanded possession of only one-fourth of it. I ask whether such a demand is not void, or whether all his rights are saved just as if the fourth of the estate had not been mentioned by him. The answer was, that the better opinion is that the demand is of no force or effect, just as if in the case where a party has been appointed heir to half of an estate, he erroneously only accepts a quarter of the same.
Dig. 29,7,9Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Aristo negavit valere codicillos ab eo factos, qui pater familias nec ne esset, ignorasset. Ulpianus notat: nisi veteranus fuit: tunc enim et testamentum valebit.
Dig. 35,2,52Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Ex asse patronum heredem instituit libertus, cum ducentos aureos in bonis haberet, et legavit filio centum viginti, extraneo reliqua: deminutio legati, quod extraneo praestat legatum, proficit filio ad consequenda solida, quae ei legata sunt. 1Quacumque ex causa legata non praestantur, imputantur heredi in quartam partem quae propter legem Falcidiam remanere apud eum debet.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. A freedman appointed his patron heir to his entire estate, which amounted to two hundred aurei, and then bequeathed a hundred and twenty to his son, and the balance to a stranger. The diminution of the legacy which was paid to the stranger will benefit the son in acquiring the entire legacy which was bequeathed to him. 1Where, for some reason or other, legacies are not required to be paid, they are included in the fourth part which the heir is entitled to retain under the Falcidian Law.
Dig. 37,5,25Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Qui filium emancipaverat et nepotem ex eo retinuerat in potestate, testamento filium exheredavit, nepotem ex aliqua parte instituit heredem et alium filium emancipatum praeteriit. potest defendi nepotem quoque bonorum possessionem contra tabulas petere posse: nam pro ea parte, qua quisque intestato suus heres esset, si pater suus heres non esset, bonorum possessio defertur. 1Is, cuius filius in adoptione erat, nepotem, quem filius postea procreaverat, scripsit heredem, emancipatum filium praeteriit: num habet nepos ex edicto bonorum possessionem? tuendus tamen exemplo parentium et liberorum, quibus legata praestare coguntur qui bonorum possessionem contra tabulas acceperunt. 2Si forte ex eodem filio retinuerat nepotem unum pluresve, indubitate pro ea parte tuendus est, pro qua parte tueretur, si ex filia nepos aut mater defuncti heredes instituti essent: nam his comparatur.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. A certain man who had emancipated his son, and retained his grandson under his control, disinherited his son, appointed his grandson his heir to a certain part of his estate, and passed over his other emancipated son in his will. It can be maintained that the grandson had a right to demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will; for prætorian possession is distributed in proportion to the share which each one would have obtained in case of intestacy, if the father had not been a proper heir. 1A testator, whose son had been adopted, appointed as his heir his grandson, whom his son had subsequently begotten, and passed over the emancipated son. Will the said grandson be entitled to prætorian possession of the estate under the Edict? He ought, nevertheless, to be protected, just as ascendants and descendants are to whom legacies must be paid by those who have obtained prætorian possession in opposition to the terms of the will. 2If the testator had retained under his control one or more grandsons by his said son, there is no doubt whatever that he or they should be protected to the same extent, as would have been the case if the grandson by his son, or the mother of the deceased, had been appointed heirs, for he can be compared to them.
Dig. 37,8,3Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Qui duos filios habebat, alterum ex his emancipavit, nepotem ex eo in potestate retinuit: emancipatus filium sustulit et a patre exheredatus est: quaero, cum frater eius et ipse emancipatus praeteritus sit et nepotes ex emancipato filio ab avo heredes instituti, quid de bonorum possessione iuris sit? et quid intersit, si emancipatum quoque, ex quo nepotes erant nati, praeteritum esse ponamus. respondi, si filium retento ex eo nepote emancipaverit et emancipatus procreaverit filium et heres uterque nepos institutus fuerit, pater eorum exheredatus, alius filius praeteritus: solus filius praeteritus bonorum possessionem contra tabulas petere poterit: exheredatus enim obstat filiis suis post emancipationem susceptis. nepoti tamen retento in potestate bonorum possessio dari debet, quoniam, si pater eius emancipatus praeteritus esset, simul cum eo bonorum possessionem accipere posset propter id caput edicti, quod a Iuliano introductum est, id est ex nova clausula, nec debet deterioris esse condicionis, quia pater eius exheredatus sit. idque ei praeterito quoque praestari oportebit. sed fratris eius, qui post emancipationem natus est, diversa condicio est: conservanda est tamen et illi ad virilem partem hereditas, sicut etiam imperator Antoninus in persona nepotis ex filia rescripsit.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. A father who had two sons emancipated one of them, and retained his grandson by the latter under his control. The emancipated son himself had a son, who was disinherited by his father. I ask, if his brother and the emancipated son himself should be passed over in the will, and the grandsons of the emancipated son be appointed by the grandfather heirs to his estate, what would be the rule, in case of prætorian possession, and what difference would it make if we suppose that the emancipated son, from whom the grandsons were descended, should also be passed over in the will? I answered that if the testator should have emancipated his son, and retained the grandson by the latter under his control, and the emancipated son should have a son, and both grandsons should be appointed heirs, and their father be disinherited, and the other son passed over, the latter alone could demand prætorian possession in opposition to the terms of the will; for the disinherited son is an impediment in the way of his own children born after emancipation. Prætorian possession should, however, be granted to the grandson remaining under the control of his grandfather; as, if his father, who had been emancipated, should be passed over in the will, he can obtain prætorian possession of the estate under that Section of the Edict which was introduced by Julianus; that is to say, under the new clause. Nor would he be in worse condition because his father was disinherited, and he must be shown the same consideration if he himself had been passed over in the will. The condition of his brother, however, who was born after emancipation, is different; for the estate must be preserved for his benefit, so far as his entire share is concerned, as the Emperor Antoninus stated in a Rescript with reference to a granddaughter, the child of the daughter of the testator.
Dig. 37,12,4Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Patri qui filium emancipavit de his, quae libertatis causa imposita fuerint, praetor nihil edicit, et ideo frustra pater operas stipulabitur de filio.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. The Prætor makes no provision in the Edict with reference to a father who has emancipated his son, and imposed upon the latter certain conditions in consideration of granting him freedom; and therefore the father can enter into no valid stipulation as to any services to be rendered by his son.
Dig. 38,2,31Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Patrono libertus fundum, quem ab eo alienum emerat, legavit et constituit patronus ad se pertinere legatum: contra tabulas bonorum possessionem accipere non potest, etsi nihil profecit ei legatum, quia alienam rem legaverit ei libertus, quia patronus ipse eum liberto vendiderat.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. Where a freedman devised to his patron a tract of land which he himself had purchased from him but which belonged to another, and the patron asserted that the legacy belonged to him, he cannot obtain prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, even though the devise was of no benefit to him; because the freedman bequeathed to him property belonging to someone else, as well as for the reason that the patron himself had sold the land to his freedman.
Dig. 38,15,5Marcellus libro nono digestorum. Cum filio familias bonorum possessio delata est, dies, quibus certiorare patrem non potest, ut vel iubeat adgnosci bonorum possessionem vel ratam habeat agnitionem bonorum possessionis, non cedunt. fingamus statim primo die, quo fuerit delata, adgnovisse eum bonorum possessionem, certiorare patrem, ut comprobet, non posse, non cedent dies centum: incipient autem cedere, cum certior fieri potuit. praeteritis autem centum diebus frustra ratum habebit. 1Quaeri potest, si, cum posset filius petere bonorum possessionem, patre ita absente, ut certiorare eum non possit, vel etiam furente, petere neglexerit, an peti amplius non possit. sed quid noceat non petitam bonorum possessionem, quae, si petita esset, tamen non ante adquireretur, quam pater comprobasset? 2Si servus alienus heres institutus venisset, quaeritur, an posteriori domino dies bonorum possessionis petendae imputari oporteret. et placet, quantum priori domino superfuerit, ei imputari.
Marcellus, Digest, Book IX. Where prætorian possession of an estate is granted to a son under paternal control, the days on which he is unable to notify his father, so that the latter may either direct him to accept possession, or ratify the possession which has already taken place, will not run against him. Suppose that, on the first day when he knew that he was entitled to prætorian possession of the estate he had accepted it, and could not notify his father in order that he might approve of what he had done, the hundred days will not run against him. They will, however, begin to run from the date when his father could have been informed, but, after the hundred days have elapsed, the ratification will be void. 1It may be asked if, when a son was able to demand prætorian possession of an estate, his father was absent so that he could not notify him; or if he was insane, and the son should neglect to demand possession, whether he could do so afterwards. But how can it prejudice his rights, if the possession of the estate was not demanded, when, if this had been done, it could not have been obtained unless the father had ratified the act? 2If a slave belonging to another is appointed heir, and then is sold by his master, the question arises whether the days prescribed for demanding prætorian possession must be considered to run against the new master. It is settled that the time to which the former master was entitled will run against him.