Digestorum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 23,3,59Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Si mulier ita dotem promiserit: ‘decem tibi aut Titio doti erunt’, hoc casu dici potest vel Titio dari posse, sed de dote virum teneri, quemadmodum si Titio iussisset dari. nec mirum, cum etiam promissura viro dotem possit delegante eo alteri promittere, etsi dici solet alii quam marito dotis nomine mulierem non posse obligari. his enim casibus viro dos quaeritur. non enim existimabimus illam ita promississe, cum vel de Titii nuptiis cogitaret. 1Ex asse heres institutus rogatusque mulieri dodrantem hereditatis restituere iussu eius quod debet doti promisit marito. vereor, non sit obligatus: nam mulieri in hoc tenetur, ut hereditatem restituendo transferat actiones et quas habet et quibus est obstrictus, quas transferre ad alium, quam cui debet fideicommissum, non potest. aliquis dixerit incerti cum eo agi posse, fideicommissi praestet aestimationem. huic ego consentire non possum: nam obligari mulieris debitorem ita aequum est, si accipere id ipsum quod ei debetur vir potest. sed ne indotata mulier esse videatur, dicendum est ipsi mulieri ex Trebelliano restituendam esse partem hereditatis quae ei relicta est, ut ea suo marito pro dote eam solveret, quia et ad eam fideicommissum et onera eius pertinent delegatione propter nimiam suptilitatem et casus necessitatem minime optinente. 2Eius nomine quae libera videbatur decem in dote dedisti: eo casu habebis condictionem, quo habere potuisses, si mulieris liberae nomine dedisses nec nuptiae secutae essent. si manumissa nupserit, ita demum dos erit, si ea mente dedisti, ut quandoque secutis nuptiis dos esset. igitur si mulieri donaturus dedisti, dominus condicet, quemadmodum si eum qui sibi donaturus esset mulier ipsam donare iussisset.
Marcellus, Digest, Book VII. If a woman should promise a dowry as follows: “Ten aurei shall belong to you or to Titius as my dowry,” in this instance, it may be said that she can give the sum to Titius, but her husband will always be liable for the dowry, just as if he had ordered it to be given to Titius. There is nothing extraordinary about this, since a woman who intends to promise a dowry to a man can be substituted by him to make the promise to another, although it is usually held that a woman will not be liable for her dowry to anyone else than to her husband, as in these instances the dowry is acquired by the husband; for we do not believe that she would have made such a promise when she was thinking about her marriage with Titius. 1When an heir is appointed to an entire estate, and is asked to deliver three-fourths of the same to a woman, and, under her direction, promises her husband, by way of dowry, what he owes her, I apprehend that he will not be liable. He will be liable, however, in the delivery of the estate, to assign to the woman all rights of action, both those in his favor and those for which he is bound; but he cannot assign these rights to anyone else than the party to whom he owes them on account of the trust. Another might say that the husband could bring an action against him for an uncertain sum, to compel him to pay the estimated amount due under the trust. I cannot agree to this, for it is just that the debtor of the woman should only be liable for the amount which the husband can receive out of what is due. Still, in order that she may not be without a dowry, it must be said that a share of the estate left to her should be restored to her under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, so that she herself may give her husband this as her dowry, because the trust and all its liabilities belong to her, and, on account of the extreme subtlety and necessity of the case, the substitution will be of no force or effect. 2Ad Dig. 23,3,59,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 313, Note 6.You gave ten aurei, by way of dowry, for a woman who was thought to be free, and in this instance you will be entitled to an action to recover what you have given; just as if you had done this in behalf of a free woman, and the marriage did not take place. If the woman should marry, after having been manumitted, what you gave will only be a dowry, if you gave it with the intention that it should become a dowry when the marriage ceremony was performed. Therefore, if you gave the property as a present to the woman, her master will have a right to recover it; just as where a party is about to give something to a woman, and the latter orders it to be given to her husband.
Dig. 24,1,49Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Sulpicius Marcello. mulier, quae ad communem filium volebat, qui in potestate patris erat, post mortem patris fundum pervenire, eum patri tradidit, uti post mortem restituatur filio. quaero, an donatio tibi videatur, ut nihil agatur, an valeat quidem, sed mulieri potestas datur, si noluerit, eum repetere respondit: si color vel titulus, ut sic dixerim, donationi quaesitus est, nihil valebit traditio, idem si hoc exigit uxor, ut aliquid ex ea re interim commodi sentiret maritus: alioquin si solo eius ministerio usa est et id egit, ut vel revocare sibi liceret vel ut res cum omni emolumento per patrem postea ad filium transiret, cur non idem perinde sit ratum ac si cum extraneo tale negotium contraxisset, hoc est extraneo in hanc causam tradidisset?
Marcellus, Digest, Book VII. Sulpicius to Marcellus. A woman who wished that, after her husband died, her land should pass to the common son of her and her husband who was under the control of his father, transferred the land to her husband, in order that he might leave it to his son after his death. I ask whether you think that the donation is of such a character as to render the transaction void, or whether, if it is valid, the woman will have the power to revoke it, if she is unwilling to allow it to stand? The answer was, if a pretext or an excuse (so to speak), is sought for the gift, the delivery will not be valid; that is, if the wife expected that her husband would reap any advantage from it in the meantime. Otherwise, if she only made use of the services of her husband, and he gave them so that she might be able to revoke the donation; or, in order that the property with all its emoluments might pass through the father to the son, why should it not be considered valid, just as if the transaction had taken place with a stranger, that is to say, if the property had been delivered to him under the same circumstances?
Dig. 24,3,57Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Usu fructu in dotem dato si divortium intervenerit nec proprietas rei apud maritum vel mulierem sit, eam dotis esse restitutionem, ut maritus caveat, quamdiu vixerit, passurum se uti frui mulierem heredemque eius. quod an verum sit circa adiectionem heredis, dubito. interest, quemadmodum sit usus fructus in dotem datus. si, cum haberet mulier fructum, viro, cuius erat proprietas fundi, usum fructum cessit, nihil mulier heredi suo relinquet: debebatur enim ei usus fructus, qui ad heredem non solet transire. quod si fundi sui fructum mulier viro cessit, restitui is a viro debet: cum proprietate enim ad heredem eius transisset, si vir in reddendo eo non fecisset moram. si vero alienata sit proprietas aut aliquis fundi sui usum fructum mulieris iussu viro eius dederit in dotem, inspiciendum est primum, quemadmodum mulieri possit restitui: potest autem vel cautionibus interpositis, ut sic ut potest vir iure suo cedat mulieri fruique eam patiatur, vel, si se accommodavit dominus proprietatis, volente eo mulieri constituatur usus fructus: nam aut fructum fundi ille mulieri poterit cedere aut aliquid videlicet pro eo, ut inter eos actum fuerit, dare. nam et finge hoc ipsum mulierem posse proprietatis domino vendere. quo casu non inique etiam mulieris herede agente vir facere cogetur: quippe si moram non fecisset, pretium fructus mulier heredi suo reliquisset. quod si facultatem usus fructus vendendi proprietatis domino mulier non habuerit, patientiam, quam percipiendi fructus praestare ipsi debuit, etiam heredi eius praestat.
Marcellus, Digest, Book VII. Where an usufruct is given by way of dowry, and a divorce takes place, the ownership of the property will not vest in either the husband or the wife, and where the restitution of the dowry is to be made, the husband must give security that, as long as he lives, the woman and her heirs will be allowed to enjoy the usufruct. I doubt whether this addition with reference to the heirs is correct, for it makes a difference in what way the usufruct was given, as dowry; since if the woman is to have the profits, the usufruct at her death will pass to her husband, to whom the ownership of the property belongs, and she will leave no right in the same to her heir, for the usufruct will then be due to her husband; as it is not customary for it to pass to the heir. But if the woman granted the usufruct with the land to her husband, it must be restored by him to her heirs, since it passes along with property to her heirs, if her husband was not in default in surrendering it. But, if the property has been alienated, or anyone had given the usufruct of his land, by order of the wife, to her husband as dowry, it must first be considered in what way it can be restored to the woman. This may be accomplished either by means of security given by the husband, or he can assign his rights to his wife as far as he is able to do so, and allow her to enjoy the property; or he can make some arrangement with the owner of the same, so that, with the consent of the latter, the usufruct can be transferred to the woman, as he can either grant her the usufruct of the land or give her something instead of it, as may be agreed upon between them. For, suppose that the woman should sell the usufruct to the owner of the property; in this instance, it would not be inequitable for the husband to be compelled to transfer the usufruct, since he can even be sued by the heir of the woman, for if he had not been in default in making the transfer, she could have left the price of the usufruct to her heir. If, however, she did not have the power to sell the usufruct to the owner of the property, the husband would be forced to allow the heir to gather the crops, which privilege he was obliged to grant to the woman herself.
Dig. 25,2,20Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Si rem, quam maritus bona fide emerat, uxor amovit vel opem furi tulit idque fecit divortii causa, rerum amotarum iudicio damnabitur.
Marcellus, Digest, Book VII. Where a wife herself removes, or makes use of the services of the thief to remove property which her husband purchased in good faith, and does this with the intention of obtaining a divorce, judgment shall be rendered against her in an action for the recovery of property wrongfully appropriated.
Dig. 37,10,10Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Cum mulier deferente herede iuraverit se praegnatem esse, bonorum possessio ex edicto Carboniano dari debet, vel denegari, si illa heredi detulit iusiurandum, cum causa cognita detur possessio, ne aut heredi bonorum possessio data faciat praeiudicium aut denegata ius ordinarium eripiat pupillo.
Marcellus, Digest, Book VII. Where a woman, to whom an oath has been tendered by the heir, swears that she is pregnant, possession of the estate should be granted under the Carbonian Edict, or it should be refused if she tendered the oath to the heir; for possession should be given after proper cause has been shown to prevent the heir from being prejudiced if it should be given; or if it should be denied, to avoid depriving the minor of his legal rights.
Dig. 40,14,1Marcellus libro septimo digestorum. Si libertus alterius alio agente ingenuus pronuntiatus esse dicetur, sine ulla exceptione temporis patronus eius cognitionem solet exercere.