Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXIX
Dig. 28,4,3Marcellus libro vicesimo nono digestorum. Proxime in cognitione principis cum quidam heredum nomina induxisset et bona eius ut caduca a fisco vindicarentur, diu de legatis dubitatum est et maxime de his legatis, quae adscripta erant his, quorum institutio fuerat inducta. plerique etiam legatarios excludendos existimabant. quod sane sequendum aiebam, si omnem scripturam testamenti cancellasset: nonnullos opinari id iure ipso peremi quod inductum sit, cetera omnia valitura. quid ergo? non et illud interdum credi potest eum, qui heredum nomina induxerat, satis se consecuturum putasse, ut intestati exitum faceret? sed in re dubia benigniorem interpretationem sequi non minus iustius est quam tutius. sententia imperatoris Antonini Augusti Pudente et Pollione consulibus. ‘Cum Valerius Nepos mutata voluntate et inciderit testamentum suum et heredum nomina induxerit, hereditas eius secundum divi patris mei constitutionem ad eos qui scripti fuerint pertinere non videtur’. et advocatis fisci dixit: ‘Vos habetis iudices vestros’. Vibius Zeno dixit: ‘Rogo, domine imperator, audias me patienter: de legatis quid statues?’ Antoninus Caesar dixit: ‘Videtur tibi voluisse testamentum valere, qui nomina heredum induxit?’ Cornelius Priscianus advocatus Leonis dixit: ‘Nomina heredum tantum induxit’. Calpurnius Longinus advocatus fisci dixit: ‘Non potest ullum testamentum valere, quod heredem non habet’. Priscianus dixit: ‘Manumisit quosdam et legata dedit’. Antoninus Caesar remotis omnibus cum deliberasset et admitti rursus eodem iussisset, dixit: ‘Causa praesens admittere videtur humaniorem interpretationem, ut ea dumtaxat existimemus nepotem irrita esse voluisse, quae induxit’. nomen servi, quem liberum esse iusserat, induxit. Antoninus rescripsit liberum eum nihilo minus fore: quod videlicet favore constituit libertatis.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XXIX. A case was recently brought to the attention of the Emperor, where a certain testator erased the names of the heirs, and the estate was claimed as forfeited to the Treasury. There was doubt for a long time as to what disposition should be made of the legacies, and especially of such as had been bequeathed to those whose appointment as heirs had been erased. Several authorities decided that the legatees should be excluded, and I thought that this course should be adopted if the testator had cancelled his entire will; others were of the opinion that what had been erased was abrogated by operation of law, but that all the remainder was valid. What course should then be pursued? Could it not sometimes be held that a testator who had erased the names of his heirs was aware that he would be in the same position as if he had died intestate? Where a point is in doubt, it is not less just than safe to follow the more indulgent interpretation. The following is the decision by the Emperor Antoninus Augustus, during the Consulship of Pudens and Pollio: “Since Valerius Nepos, having changed his mind, has mutilated his will, and erased the names of his heirs, his estate, in accordance with the Constitution of my Divine Father, does not seem to belong to the heirs mentioned therein”. He also stated to the advocates of the Treasury: “You have your own judges”. Vivius Zeno said, “I ask, O Lord Emperor, that you hear me patiently, what do you decide with reference to the legacies?” The Emperor Antoninus replied: “Does it seem to you that a testator who erased the names of his heirs intended that his will should stand?” Cornelius Priscianus, the advocate of Leo, said: “The testator only erased the names of his heirs”. Calpernius Longinus, the Advocate of the Treasury, answered, “No will can be valid in which an heir is not appointed”. Priscianus added, “He manumitted certain slaves, and bequeathed legacies.” The Emperor Antoninus, having caused all the parties to retire while he considered the matter, and having ordered them to be again admitted, said: “The present case seems to admit of an indulgent interpretation, so that we think that the testator Nepos only intended that portion of his will which he erased to be annulled”. He had actually erased the name of a slave whom he had ordered to be free. Antoninus stated in a Rescript that the slave would, nevertheless, be liberated. He decided the question in this way on account of the favor conceded to freedom.
Dig. 31,28Marcellus libro vicesimo nono digestorum. Cum patronus ex debita parte institutus fideicommissum relictum ab eo praestare non cogitur: si omiserit institutionem, qui eam partem vindicant utrum eodem modo retinere an vero praestare debeant fideicommissum? et magis est deberi fideicommissum, quoniam quod illius personae praestaretur, hoc nequaquam ad alium pertinere deberet.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XXIX. Where a patron is appointed by his freedman heir to the share to which he is entitled by law, he is not compelled to execute a trust left by him. If the patron should reject the appointment, can those who have a right to claim his share hold it in the same manner, or will they be obliged to discharge the trust? The better opinion is that they will be compelled to discharge it, since the especial privilege enjoyed personally by the patron should, by no means, be enjoyed by another.
Dig. 33,3,3Idem libro vicesimo nono digestorum. Si fundum Maevio et ad eum viam per alium fundum et eundem fundum sine via Titio legasset, si uterque fundum vindicasset, sine via legato fundum cessurum, quia neque adquiri per partem servitus possit. et si prius Maevius fundum vindicaret altero deliberante, posse dubitari, an, si postea Titius omississet, viae legatum salvum esset, et hoc magis videbatur: quamquam si sub condicione quis fundum legasset, viam pure, aut pro parte fundum pure, pro parte sub condicione et viam sine condicione, si pendente ea legati dies cessisset, interiturum fore viae legatum: ut responsum est, cum alteri ex vicinis, qui fundum communem habebant, viam sub condicione, alteri pure legasset et pendente condicione decessisset, quia alterius legatarii persona impedimento esset, quo minus solidus fundus cum via vindicaretur.
The Same, Digest, Book XXIX. If anyone should devise a tract of land to Mævius, and a right of way to give access to the same through other land, and then should leave the same tract of land to Titius without the right of way, and both of them should claim the land; the latter should be delivered without the right of way, because a servitude cannot be partially acquired. If, however, Mævius should be the first to claim the land, while the other is deliberating as to whether or not he will accept it, if Titius should afterwards reject the estate, it may be doubted whether the right of way which was bequeathed will continue to exist. This has been held to be the better opinion. But if anyone should devise a tract of land under some condition, and the right of way absolutely; or a part of the land absolutely, and a part of the same under a condition, and the right of way absolutely; and the devise should become due before the condition was fulfilled, the bequest of the right of way will be annulled. The rule is the same where two neighbors of the testator owned a tract of land in common, and he left a right of way to one of them conditionally, and to the other absolutely, and before the condition was fulfilled he died; and this is the case because one of the legatees prevents the other from claiming the entire premises together with a right of way.
Dig. 50,17,192Marcellus libro vicensimo nono digestorum. Ea, quae in partes dividi non possunt, solida a singulis heredibus debentur. 1In re dubia benigniorem interpretationem sequi non minus iustius est quam tutius.
Ad Dig. 50,17,192BOHGE, Bd. 1 (1871), S. 22: Auslegung zum Nachtheile des Contrahenten, welcher aus dem Vertrage ein Recht auf eine ihm vortheilhaftere Auslegung herleitet.ROHGE, Bd. 7 (1873), S. 1: Auslegung zum Nachtheile des Contrahenten, welcher aus dem Vertrage ein Recht auf eine ihm vortheilhaftere Auslegung herleitet.Marcellus, Digest, Book XXIX. Property which cannot be divided will be due in its entirety from the heirs, as individuals. 1In matters which are ambiguous, it is not less just than safe to adopt the more benevolent interpretation.