Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVIII
Dig. 42,8,12Marcellus libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si pater filio familias liberam peculii administrationem dederit, non videtur ei et hoc concessisse, ut in fraudem creditorum alienaret: talem enim alienationem non habet. at si hoc quoque concessit filio pater, ut vel in fraudem creditorum facere possit, videbitur ipse fecisse et sufficient competentes adversus eum actiones. etenim filii creditores etiam patris sunt creditores, cum eius generis videlicet habebunt actionem, ut his de peculio praestari necesse sit.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XVIII. If a father grants the free administration of his peculium to a son under his control, he is not held to have done so for the purpose of alienating it to defraud his creditors, for he himself has not the power to make an alienation of this kind. If, however, the father should grant the peculium, to his son with a view to defrauding his creditors, he will be held to have done this himself, and there will be sufficient ground for actions to be brought against him. For the creditors of the son are also the creditors of the father, as they will be entitled to an action of this kind in case it is necessary for money to be paid to them out of the peculium.