Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 7,1,71Marcellus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si in area, cuius usus fructus alienus esset, quis aedificasset, intra tempus quo usus fructus perit superficie sublata restitui usum fructum veteres responderunt.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XVII. Where anyone builds a house on a lot in which some other person has the usufruct, and the house is removed before the expiration of the time within which the usufruct will be terminated, the usufruct must be restored; in accordance with the opinion of the ancient authorities.
Dig. 8,6,13Marcellus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si quis ex fundo, cui viam vicinus deberet, vendidisset locum proximum servienti fundo non imposita servitute et intra legitimum tempus, quo servitutes pereunt, rursus eum locum adquisisset, habiturus est servitutem, quam vicinus debuisset.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XVII. Where a party who owns an estate entitled to a right of way over neighboring land sells a portion of the same adjoining the servient estate, but does not impose the servitude, and before the prescribed time by which a servitude is lost has elapsed, again acquires the portion which he sold, he will be entitled to the servitude which his neighbor owed.
Dig. 41,2,19Marcellus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Qui bona fide alienum fundum emit, eundem a domino conduxit: quaero, utrum desinat possidere an non. respondi: in promptu est, ut possidere desierit. 1Quod scriptum est apud veteres neminem sibi causam possessionis posse mutare, credibile est de eo cogitatum, qui et corpore et animo possessioni incumbens hoc solum statuit, ut alia ex causa id possideret, non si quis dimissa possessione prima eiusdem rei denuo ex alia causa possessionem nancisci velit.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XVII. A man who purchased a tract of land from another in good faith afterwards leased the same land from the owner. I ask whether he ceased to possess it or not. I answered that he immediately ceased to do so. 1When it is stated by the ancients that no one could himself change the title of his possession, it is probable that they had in mind one who, being in possession of property bodily, as well as by intention, determined to possess it under some other title; and not one who, having relinquished possession under his first title, desired to obtain possession a second time, under another.
Dig. 41,3,17Marcellus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si per errorem de alienis fundis quasi de communibus iudicio communi dividundo accepto ex adiudicatione possidere coeperim, longo tempore capere possum.