Digestorum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 7,8,20Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. Servus, cuius mihi usus legatus est, adquirit mihi, si institor erit et operis eius utar in taberna: nam mercibus vendundis emendisque adquirit mihi: sed et si iussu meo per traditionem accipiet.
Dig. 29,1,31Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. Si miles Titio et Seio servum legaverit et eum Titius manumississet deliberante Seio moxque is legatum omisisset, liberandum fore dico, quia et si heres servum alicui legatum interim manumisisset, deinde legatarius repudiasset, liber esset.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XIII. Where a soldier bequeathed a slave to Titius and Seius, and while Seius was deliberating as to whether he would accept the bequest or not, Titius manumitted the slave, and Seius afterwards declined the legacy, I say that the slave should be free, for the reason that if an heir manumits a slave bequeathed to anyone, and the legatee afterwards rejects the bequest, the slave will become free.
Dig. 30,83Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. Titius Stichi partem tibi legavit: eiusdem Stichi partem Seius tibi legavit: ex utriusque testamento consequeris.
Dig. 31,23Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. ‘Lucio Titio fundum Seianum vel usum fructum fundi Seiani lego’. potest legatarius vel fundum vindicare vel fructum, quod facere non potest is cui tantum fundus legatus est.
Dig. 33,2,15Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. ‘Damnas esto heres Titium sinere in illa domo habitare, quoad vivet’: unum videtur esse legatum. 1Qui duos fundos habebat, unum legavit et alterius fundi usum fructum alii legavit: quaero, si fructuarius ad fundum aliunde viam non habeat quam per illum fundum qui legatus est, an fructuario servitus debeatur. respondit, quemadmodum, si in hereditate esset fundus, per quem fructuario potest praestari via, secundum voluntatem defuncti videtur id exigere ab herede, ita et in hac specie non aliter concedendum esse legatario fundum vindicare, nisi prius ius transeundi usufructuario praestet, ut haec forma in agris servetur, quae vivo testatore optinuerit, sive donec usus fructus permanet sive dum ad suam proprietatem redierit.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XIII. “Let my heir be charged to permit Titius to reside in such-and-such a house, as long as he lives.” This is held to be a single legacy. 1Where a testator had two tracts of land, and devised one of them, and then conveyed it to one person and the usufruct of it to another, I ask, if the usufructuary did not have access to the said land by any other way than through the tract which had been devised, whether the servitude would be due to him. The answer that the rule was the same as if the land had belonged to an estate through which a right of way could be granted to the usufructuary, and, according to the will of the deceased, it appeared that this was required from the heir; for in this instance, the legatee would not be permitted to claim the land, unless he had first granted the right of way through it to the usufructuary, in order that the same condition which was obtained during the lifetime of the testator might be preserved either as long as the usufruct continued to exist, or until it was reunited with the land.
Dig. 33,3,2Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. Fundum communem habentibus legari potest via, cum et communis servus recte viam stipulatur et, cum duo ei qui ipse viam stipulatus fuerit heredes exstiterint, non corrumpitur stipulatio.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XIII. A right of way can be bequeathed to persons holding a tract of land in common, just as a slave held in joint ownership can legally stipulate for a right of way, and the stipulation will not be annulled where two heirs are left by him who stipulated for the right of way.
Dig. 46,3,67Marcellus libro tertio decimo digestorum. Si quis duos homines promiserit et Stichum solverit, poterit eiusdem Stichi dominium postea consecutus dando liberari. in nummis minor vel prope nulla dubitatio est: nam et apud Alfenum Servius eum, qui minus a debitore suo accipere et liberare eum vellet, respondit posse saepius aliquos nummos accipiendo ab eo eique retro dando ac rursus accipiendo id efficere: veluti, si centum debitorem decem acceptis liberare creditor velit, ut, cum decem acceperit, eadem ei retro reddat, mox ab eo accipiat ac novissime retineat: etsi in dubitationem a quibusdam hoc male deducatur, quod non possit videri is qui ita accepit, ut ei a quo accepit retro reddat, solvisse potius quam decessisse.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XIII. If anyone should promise two slaves, and deliver Stichus, and he afterwards becomes the owner of the said Stichus, he will be released from liability by delivering him. With reference to the payment of money, there is less doubt, and, indeed, almost none at all. For in Alfenus, Servius says that a creditor who is willing to accept less than is due from his debtor, and release him, can do so by frequently receiving a sum of money from him, returning it, and afterwards receiving it again; for instance, if a creditor, to whom a debtor owes a hundred aurei, is willing to release him on the payment of ten, and after haying received the ten, gives the same coins back to him, and afterwards receives them and returns them up to the full amount, and finally retains them, although this has not been accepted by certain authorities as being sufficient payment, because he who takes the money in order to refund it, seems rather to have paid it himself than to have received it.