Digestorum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 28,7,23Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum. ‘Uter ex fratribus meis consobrinam nostram duxerit uxorem, ex dodrante, qui non duxit, ex quadrante heres esto’. aut nubit alteri aut non vult nubere. consobrinam qui ex his duxit uxorem, habebit dodrantem, erit alterius quadrans. si neuter eam duxerit uxorem, non quia ipsi ducere noluerunt, sed quia illa nubere noluerit, ambo in partes aequales admittuntur: plerumque enim haec condicio: ‘si uxorem duxerit’, ‘si dederit’, ‘si fecerit’ ita accipi oportet, quod per eum non stet, quo minus ducat aut det aut faciat.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XII. “Let whichever of my brothers, who shall marry our cousin, be my heir to three-fourths of my estate, and let the one who does not marry her be my heir to one-fourth of the same.” The said cousin either marries another, or does not wish to marry anyone. The brother who marries the cousin will be entitled to three-fourths of the estate, and the remaining fourth will belong to the other. If, however, neither of them marries the girl, not because they were unwilling to do so, but because she refused to be married, both of them will be admitted to equal shares of the estate; for generally, the condition: “If he should marry a wife; if he should pay a sum of money; if he should perform some act”; must be understood to mean that it is not his fault if he does not marry the woman, pay the money, or perform the act.
Dig. 29,4,5Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum. Excusatus videtur patronus, qui institutionem praetermisit, cum aliter esset a liberto scriptus heres quam eum institui oportet: nam et si servus eius ex asse institutus fuerit et per quemcumque casum non potuerit iussu domini adire hereditatem, impune praetermittet ex testamento hereditatem.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XII. A patron is held to be excused who rejects an appointment as heir, when he has been appointed heir by his freedman in a different way than he ought to have been. For if his slave should have been appointed sole heir to an estate, and on account of some accident was not able to enter upon it by order of his master, he can, with impunity, decline to accept the estate given him by the will.
Dig. 29,4,7Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum. Quidam Titium et Maevium instituit heredes et centum Titio legavit: uterque omissa testamento legitimam adiit hereditatem. non probe legatorum actionem Titius postulabit. idem, si utrique legasset.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XII. A certain man appointed Titius and Mævius his heirs, and bequeathed a hundred aurei to Titius, and both of them relinquished their rights under the will, and entered upon the estate as heirs-at-law. Titius cannot properly bring an action to recover his legacy. The same rule will apply where the testator bequeathed legacies to both the heirs.
Dig. 29,5,16Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum. Domino a familia occiso servus communis necem eius detexit: favore libertatis liber quidem fieri debet, pretii autem partem sibi contingentem socium consequi oportet.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XII. Where a master was killed by one of his slaves, and a slave who was owned in common by the deceased and another party detected the criminal, he should be liberated on account of the favor due to freedom, but the partner should be paid his share of the value of the slave.
Dig. 45,1,96Idem libro duodecimo digestorum. Qui servum mihi ex stipulatu debebat, si in facinore eum deprehenderit, impune eum occidit, nec utilis actio erit in eum constituenda.
Dig. 50,16,87Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum. Ut Alfenus ait, ‘urbs’ est ‘Roma’, quae muro cingeretur, ‘Roma’ est etiam, qua continentia aedificia essent: nam Romam non muro tenus existimari ex consuetudine cotidiana posse intellegi, cum diceremus Romam nos ire, etiamsi extra urbem habitaremus.
Marcellus, Digest, Book XII. Alfenus says the City of Rome includes all that is encircled by its walls; but Rome also consists of all the buildings which adjoin it, for it should not be considered to be merely bounded by its walls, for when we say that we are going to Rome, we do so according to the ordinary acceptation of these words, even if we live outside of the city itself.