Digestorum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 29,1,8Marcellus libro decimo digestorum. Idem est et si adrogaverit filium neposve successerit in locum filii.
Dig. 29,1,29Marcellus libro decimo digestorum. Si a milite scriptus heres sua sponte adierit hereditatem et rogatus totam hereditatem restituerit, ex Trebelliano transeunt actiones. 1Miles testamento suo manumittendo nihil efficit in eo, cuius libertas lege Aelia Sentia vel alia qua impeditur. 2Edictum praetoris, quo iusiurandum heredibus institutis legatariisque remittitur, locum habet etiam in militum testamentis, sicut etiam in fideicommissis: idemque si turpis esset condicio. 3Patri eius, qui in emancipatione ipse manumissor exstitisset, contra tabulas testamenti dandam bonorum possessionem partis debitae placet exceptis his rebus, quas in castris adquisisset, quarum liberam testamenti factionem habet:
Marcellus, Digest, Book X. If an heir appointed by a soldier should voluntarily accept an estate, and, having been requested to do so, surrenders the whole of it, the rights of action arising out of the Trebellian Decree of the Senate are transferred. 1Where a soldier by his will manumits a slave whose freedom is not allowed to be granted by the Lex Ælia Sentia, or any other law, his act is void. 2The Edict of the Prætor, by which appointed heirs as well as legatees are excused from taking an oath, is also applicable to the wills of soldiers, just as in the case of trusts. The same rule applies where a condition is dishonorable. 3It is established that prætorian possession of the share of the estate to which he was entitled should be granted to a father who had personally emancipated his son, this being done in opposition to the provisions of the latter’s will, except with reference to such property as the son had acquired while in the service, and which he was free to dispose of testamentarily.
Dig. 31,17Marcellus libro decimo digestorum. Si quis Titio decem legaverit et rogaverit, ut ea restituat Maevio, Maeviusque fuerit mortuus, Titii commodo cedit, non heredis, nisi dumtaxat ut ministrum Titium elegit. idem est et si ponas usum fructum legatum. 1Si heres damnatus esset decem uni ex libertis dare et non constituerit cui daret, heres omnibus eadem decem praestare cogendus est.
Marcellus, Digest, Book X. Where anyone bequeaths ten aurei to Titius, and charges him to pay the same to Mævius, and Mævius should die, the legacy will benefit Titius, and not the heir, unless the testator merely selected Titius as his agent. The same rule applies if you suppose a case of the bequest of an usufruct. 1Where an heir is charged to pay ten aurei to one of the freedmen of the deceased, and he did not indicate to which one it should be paid, the heir will be obliged to pay it to all the freedmen.
Dig. 38,2,32Idem libro decimo digestorum. Si libertus meus in servitutem redactus postea ab alio liberatus est et eius coeperit esse libertus, praefertur mihi in contra tabulas bonorum possessione qui eum manumisit.
The Same, Digest, Book X. If my freedman, after having been returned to slavery, is afterwards liberated by another, he will become the freedman of the latter, and the person who manumitted him will have preference over me in obtaining prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman in opposition to the terms of the will.