Digestorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 5,1,30Marcellus libro primo digestorum. Ubi acceptum est semel iudicium, ibi et finem accipere debet.
Dig. 27,10,12Marcellus libro primo digestorum. Ab adgnato vel alio curatore furiosi rem furiosi dedicari non posse constat: adgnato enim furiosi non usquequaque competit rerum eius alienatio, sed quatenus negotiorum exigit administratio.
Marcellus, Digest, Book I. It is established that the property of an insane person cannot be dedicated to religious purposes by an agnate, or any other curator of the former; for the agnate of an insane person has not an absolute right to alienate his property, but can only do so where the administration of his affairs demands it.
Dig. 49,1,15Marcellus libro primo digestorum. Servi appellare non possunt: sed domini eorum ad opem servo ferendam possunt uti auxilio appellationis, et alius domini nomine id facere potest. sin vero neque dominus neque alius pro domino appellaverit, ipsoaaDie Großausgabe liest ipsi statt ipso. servo, qui sententiam tristem passus est, auxilium sibi implorare non denegamus.
Marcellus, Digest, Book I. Slaves cannot appeal, but their masters, in order to assist them, can resort to an appeal, and anyone else can do this in the name of the master. When, however, neither the master appeals, nor anyone else does so for him, we do not refuse the slave the privilege of imploring relief for himself, after having received so severe a sentence.
Dig. 50,1,31Marcellus libro primo digestorum. Nihil est impedimento, quo minus quis ubi velit habeat domicilium, quod ei interdictum non sit.
Dig. 50,16,85Marcellus libro primo digestorum. Neratius Priscus tres facere existimat ‘collegium’, et hoc magis sequendum est.