Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 11,7,45Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. Impensa funeris semper ex hereditate deducitur, quae etiam omne creditum solet praecedere, cum bona solvendo non sint.
Dig. 35,2,30Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. In ratione legis Falcidiae mortes servorum ceterorumque animalium, furta, rapinae, incendia, ruinae, naufragia, vis hostium praedonum latronum, debitorum facta peiora nomina, in summa quodcumque damnum, si modo culpa legatarii careant, heredi pereunt: quemadmodum ad heredis lucrum pertinent fructus, partus ancillarum et quae per servos adquisita sunt, ut stipulationes, rerum traditiones, legata hereditatesve his datae, ceterae donationes, item servitutes, quibus liberata praedia pretiosiora fierent, actionesque adquisitae, ut furti damni iniuriae similesque, quorum nihil in rationem legis Falcidiae cadit. 1Vendere autem vel emere iussus certo pretio fundum aliamve quampiam rem in legis Falcidiae ratione, cum quantum sit legatum requiratur, tantum eo nomine inducetur, quanto pluris minorisve sit res ea quantitate, quam quo pretio testator accipi darive iussit, sed ut ei quidem portioni, quae legatis deductis facienda erit, amplius deducetur: quippe non nostri causa capi id pretium, sed eo deducto pretium reliquum legatum esse intellectum est. 2Prorsus diligenter animadvertendum est, ne quod dicitur damna post mortem testatoris illata ad solum heredem respicere usque quaque et sine ulla distinctione recipiatur. quod enim remota lege Falcidia in totum iuris foret, hoc idem fore in ea parte, quae lege Falcidia constitueretur: hoc enim attinet damna postea facta non deduci, ne amota portio legatis fideive commissis detrahatur. 3Verum est autem his solis, quae pondere numero mensura constant, nec damno postea incidente ex portione, quae fieri ad aestimationem eorum bonorum, quae mortis tempore fuerunt, quicquam detrahi. 4Certis vero corporibus et his ipsis ita relictis: ‘pecuniam, quam in illa arca’, ‘vinum, quod in illis doleis’, ‘pondus argenti, quod in illis horreis habeo’, si sine culpa heredis deperierunt vel deteriora sunt facta, procul dubio aut nihil debebitur aut eorum quae exstabunt qualia erunt ea portio debebitur, quae per legem Falcidiam efficiatur ex aestimatione bonorum, quae mortis testatoris tempore fuerint. 5Incertae autem res relictae distinctionem recipiunt: nam si ex suis rebus incertam rem testator reliquisset, veluti ‘argentum quod elegerit’, et omne argentum testatoris interisset sine culpa heredis, nihil deberetur: sin vero argenti pondus pure relictum esset, quamvis omne argentum testatoris deperisset, admissa lege Falcidia portio eius quantitatis sumetur, quae fuit in bonis eo tempore quo testator decessit, nec ad imminuendam eam quicquam damna postea incidentia proficient. 6Res tamen, quae interierint, pro nulla parte ac ne aestimatio quidem debeatur, non magis quam si omnes res per speciem enumeratae relictae essent. 7Tametsi autem legis Falcidiae ratione, quae condicionis implendae causa heredi sunt data, in quartam non computantur, tamen id, quod non figura condicionis accipere iussus est ab eo, cui hereditatem restituere rogatus est, Celso et Iuliano nostro placuit computari, quemadmodum si ea summa heres vendere eas res iussus esset, quia non condicionis implendae causa, sed quodammodo pro pretio inferre sunt iussi. quo loco amplius quaesitum est, an fideicommissarius quoque invitus cogatur dare eam summam et recipere hereditatem, quasi et ipsius fidei commissum esset: sed et verisimile non est, cum talis oratio magis ipsius causa, quam contra ipsum posita videatur. 8Cum lex Falcidia intervenit, non veniunt in contributionem, quae ipsi heredi a semetipso vel servo eius legata fideive commissa sunt. alia causa est eorum, quae in die certa dantur: nam si libertatis dies coepit cedere, ei debebuntur et in contributionem veniunt. ac ne ea quidem, quae quis servis suis inutiliter sine libertate legavit fideive commisit, in computationem eius legis cedunt. 9Res, quas neque per fideicommissum relinqui posse certum est, in legis Falcidiae computationem non veniunt.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VIII. In the application of the Falcidian Law, losses caused by the death of slaves and other animals, or by theft, robbery, fires, the ruin of houses, shipwreck, and violence of enemies, depredators and thieves, or by debtors, in fine, any loss whatsoever, must be borne by the heirs, provided that the legatees are not to blame. In like manner, the profits obtained by the heir from crops, the offspring of female slaves, and any acquisitions made by slaves (as, for instance, through stipulations, the delivery of property, legacies, or estates left to them, and other donations of every description) as well as servitudes—where lands become more valuable through being released from them—or where any rights of action, for example, those for theft, damage, injury, and others of this kind, are none of them liable to the operation of the Falcidian Law. 1Where the heir is directed either to sell or purchase a tract of land or any other kind of property for a certain price before estimating the Falcidian portion, in order to ascertain the amount of the legacy, only that sum is considered as bequeathed which either amounts to more or less than the price which the testator ordered to be paid or received for the said property. Then, from the portion which remains after the legacies have been deducted, a still further deduction will be made, since the said price is not acquired mortis causa, but after the deduction has been made, the remainder is understood to have been bequeathed. 2It should also be carefully noted that the ordinary rule, “All losses which occur after the death of the testator concern the heir alone,” is of universal application, and must be accepted without any distinction. For as even where the Falcidian Law does not apply at all, the heir will legally be compelled to bear the entire loss, so he must bear his share of it in cases where the Falcidian Law is operative. For, generally speaking, this is the rule, since losses sustained after the death of the testator cannot be deducted, in order to prevent the portion which is lost from being taken from the legacies or trusts. 3It is, however, true that no deduction can be made except with reference to such articles alone as can be weighed, counted, or measured; and where any loss happens after the death of the testator the deduction must be made from the share belonging to the legatee, dependent upon the appraised value of the estate of the deceased at the time of his death. 4With regard to property which can be positively designated, and other articles left as follows, “The money which I have in such-and-such a chest,” “The wine which I have in such-and-such casks,” “The weight of silver which I have in such-and-such a building,” and the property is lost, or becomes deteriorated without the fault of the heir, there is no doubt that either none of the legacy will be due under such circumstances, or, after the deduction of the Falcidian portion, the legatees will be entitled to a share of whatever remains, based upon an estimate of the value of the property belonging to the testator at the time of his death. 5Where property is left which is of an uncertain character, a distinction must be made; for if a testator should bequeath some articles without specifically designating them, as, for instance, where he leaves to anyone the silver plate which he may select, and all the silver plate should be lost without the heir being to blame, nothing will be due to the legatee. If, however, a certain amount of silver was absolutely bequeathed, even though all the silver of the testator should be lost, the Falcidian Law will apply, and that portion of the amount can be taken which was with the property of the estate at the time that the testator died, and any losses which may subsequently have occurred will not cause any diminution of the legacy. 6The heir will not be liable for any portion of the property bequeathed which is lost, and not even for the appraised value of the same, any more than if all the articles bequeathed had been specifically enumerated. 7In estimating the amount due to the heir under the Falcidian Law, anything which is paid to him in compliance with the conditions of the will shall not be charged against his fourth; still, it is held by Celsus and our Julianus that a charge should be made when he was directed to receive a sum of money from the beneficiary of the trust, to whom he has been ordered to deliver the estate, where the testator did not direct the beneficiary to pay the said sum under some condition; as, for instance, where the heir was directed to sell the property for a specified amount, for then he will pay the money to the heir, not for the purpose of complying with a condition, but as a price. In a similar case, it has also been asked whether the beneficiary of the trust can be compelled to pay the said sum, and take the estate, even if he is unwilling to do so, just as if he himself had been charged with a trust for the benefit of the heir. This is not probable, however, as a provision of this kind appears to have been made in favor of the beneficiary of the trust rather than against him. 8When the Falcidian Law applies, that property is not subject to contribution where the heir himself is charged with a trust for the benefit of himself, or his slave. The case, however, is different where the legacies to the slave are payable at a certain time; for when the day of his freedom arrives he will be entitled to them, and they become subject to contribution. Where, however, anyone makes a bequest to a slave without the grant of his freedom, and which, for this reason, is void, or leaves it subject to a trust, it will not be considered as liable to contribution under this law. 9Property, which it is certain cannot legally be left in trust, is not included in that liable to contribution under the Falcidian Law.
Dig. 36,1,71Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. De evictione praediorum vel mancipiorum vel ceterarum rerum hereditariarum cavere heres, cum restituit hereditatem, non debet: quin immo in contrarium caveri heredi oportet, si quid ex his evictum esset, quae ab ipso herede venissent.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VIII. When the heir transfers an estate, he is not obliged to furnish security against the eviction of the land, slaves, or any other property belonging to the same; but, on the other hand, the beneficiary of the trust must give security to indemnify the heir, if he should be evicted of any of the property which was sold by the latter.
Dig. 46,3,104Idem libro octavo fideicommissorum. Ante restitutam hereditatem solutiones et liberationes factae ab herede ratae habebuntur.