Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 12,6,62Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Fideicommissum in stipulatione deductum tametsi non debitum fuisset, quia tamen a sciente fidei explendae causa promissum esset, debetur.
Dig. 29,1,14Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Tractabatur, an tale aliquid et in paganorum testamentis indulgendum esset: et placet non sine distinctione hoc fieri, sed, si quidem vivo testatore et sciente decessissent, nihil novi statuendum, si autem ignorante aut post mortem eius, omnimodo subveniendum.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. A discussion arose as to whether the same indulgence should be granted with reference to the wills of civilians. It was established that in this instance there was a distinction, for if the parties should die during the lifetime of the testator, and he be aware of the fact, there was no necessity for anything new, but where he was not aware of it, relief must, by all means, be granted after his death.
Dig. 29,4,28Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Si servum heredem institutum dominus, qui ipse rogatus fuerat fideicommissum praestare, priusquam adire iuberet, vendiderit, praestare id debet, cum per pretium servi hereditatis quoque aestimationem consequatur. 1Institutus heres et rogatus restituere hereditatem si omissa causa testamenti legitimam hereditatem possideat, non dubie ut legata ceteraque fideicommissa, ita hereditatem quoque restituere compellendus est, libertates quoque tam directas quam fideicommissarias. sed si alienos servos rogatus sit manumittere, utique redimere eos debebit. eam autem decessionem patietur is cui restituta fuerit hereditas, quam is qui ei restituit passurus fuit.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. Where a master sells a slave whom he had appointed his heir, and who himself had been charged with a trust, and he does this before he orders him to enter upon the estate, he should discharge the trust, because by obtaining the price of the slave he also obtained the value of the estate. 1Where a party is appointed heir and is requested to deliver the estate, and having relinquished his testamentary rights, obtains possession of the estate by operation of law, there is no doubt that he can be compelled to surrender the estate, and also the legacies and other property left in trust, as well as execute any grants of freedom direct, as well as indirect. Where, however, he is charged to manumit slaves belonging to others, he should redeem them, and he to whom the estate was surrendered, as well as he who surrenders it, must both share the loss.
Dig. 36,1,7Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Sed sciendum est inpendiorum quoque, quae ad iter explicandum necessaria essent, rationem haberi debere: nam si ita institutus esset ‘si Titio decem dedisset’, non aliter cogeretur, quam si ei pecunia offeratur. sed et salutis ac dignitatis ratio habenda erit: quid enim si morbo adplicitus Alexandriae iussus fuit adire vel nomen vispellionis testatoris ferre?
Mareianus, Trusts, Book IV. It should be noted that, in a case of this kind, an account of the necessary travelling expenses must be required. For if the heir was appointed under the condition of paying ten aurei to Titius, he cannot be compelled to accept the estate unless the money is tendered to the person entitled to it. Moreover, the condition of health and the rank of the heir must be taken into consideration. But what if, while he was suffering from illness, he would be ordered to go to Alexandria, or take the name of the testator, a man of inferior rank?
Dig. 36,1,66Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Si eius pupilli, cui sine tutoris auctoritate pecunia credita erat, restituta ex eo senatus consulto mihi fuerit hereditas, si solvam creditori, non repetam: adquin heres si post restitutionem solvat, repetet: non ob aliud, quam quod ab eo in me naturalis obligatio translata intellegitur. et si eius mihi restituta sit hereditas, qui pupillo sine tutoris auctoritate crediderit, si solverit mihi pupillus, non repetet: at si heredi solverit, repetet, non repetiturus, si ante restitutionem solvisset. 1Si necessarii heredes sub condicione quamvis levissima heredes sint instituti, cui parere solent, dicendum est cogi restituere hereditatem desiderantibus his, quibus restituere rogati sunt, quia etiam necessari heredes fideicommissae hereditatis restituendae gratia condicioni parere erunt compellendi. 2Si quis rogatus restituere hereditatem decessit, antequam eam restituat, heres eius poterit hereditatem restituere et ex Trebelliano senatus consulto transeunt actiones. sed si duo ei heredes extitissent, uti quisque restituisset, pro ea parte transituras actiones: nam et si ipse partem restituisset, pro parte interim transituras verius est. sed et si plures heredes extiterunt ei, qui rogatus est restituere hereditatem, si quidam interim restituerint, vel cum ei, cui restitui debuit, plures heredes extiterint: ut cui restituta erit, is pro ea parte ex hoc senatus consulto habebit actiones. 3Si patronus ex parte debita heres institutus rogatus fuerit eam liberis exheredatis defuncti liberti restituere, si sua sponte adierit, erit Falcidiae locus, si coactus, in solidum transibunt actiones ex hoc senatus consulto.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. Ad Dig. 36,1,66 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 289, Note 15.If the estate of a ward, to whom money was lent without the authority of his guardian, is transferred to me under the Decree of the Senate, and I pay the creditor, I cannot recover the money. But if the heir should pay the debt after the property has been transferred, he can recover the amount, for no other reason than that the natural obligation was understood to have been transferred from him to me. On the other hand, if the estate of the person who made the loan to the ward without the authority of his guardian should be transferred to me and the ward should pay me, he cannot recover the money. If, however, he should pay the heir of the creditor, he can recover it, but he cannot do so if he paid him before the transfer of the estate had been made. 1If necessary heirs are appointed under some condition which it is easy to comply with, and which is usually observed, it must be said that they can be compelled to transfer the estate upon the application of those to whom they are charged to transfer it; because even necessary heirs are compelled to comply with the condition for the purpose of executing a trust. 2Where anyone is charged to transfer an estate, and dies before doing so, his heir can transfer it, and the rights of action pass to the beneficiary of the trust under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. If, however, there are two heirs, and each of them is chargd to transfer the estate, the rights of action will pass to the beneficiary in proportion to the share of each of the said heirs; for if each one should transfer his share, it is certain that the rights of action will pass in proportion to the said share. If the person who is asked to transfer the estate should leave several heirs, and some of them should transfer their shares before the others, or where he to whom the estate is to be transferred leaves several heirs, and a transfer is made to one of them, he will be entitled to the rights of action in proportion to his share, under this Decree of the Senate. 3Where a patron is appointed heir to that portion of an estate to which he is legally entitled, and is asked to transfer it to the disinherited children of his deceased freedman, and he voluntarily accepts the estate, the Falcidian Law will apply; if he is compelled to accept it, the rights of action will pass entirely to the said children under this Decree of the Senate.