Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 34,5,6Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Vel ex parte te et ex parte postumum heredem instituisset legatumve similiter vel fideicommissum dedisset,
Dig. 35,1,86Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Iulianus noster eum, qui decem dare et ita liber esse iussus esset, si a vivente manumissus esset, non aliter legatum, quod ei cum libertate datum esset, habiturum, quam si condicioni libertatis paruisset: item in emptorem, si alienatus esset. sed id tunc locum habet, cum omnimodo simul cum libertate legatum adquiri potuit, licet legato imposito non sit, veluti cum in tempus libertatis legatum collatum esset. 1Cum vero libertas sub condicione, legatum autem praesenti die datum est, in hoc quaestio est, an constiterit legatum: etenim nec Catonianae sententiae locum in proposito esse, quia etsi statim testator decessisset, non tamen omnimodo inutile esset legatum, cum posset condicio libertatis ante aditam hereditatem impleri et legatum manumisso deberi, nisi forte necessarius heres exstitisset: tunc enim omnimodo inutile erit legatum iure ipso, quia sub condicione acceperit libertatem.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book III. Our Julianus says that where a slave is ordered to pay ten aurei and be free, and he is manumitted during the lifetime of his owner, he will not be entitled to the legacy which was left him with his freedom, unless he complies with the condition under which it was granted. This also applies to a purchaser of the slave, if he should be sold. It, however, only applies where he could obtain the legacy unconditionally with his freedom, even though no condition was imposed on the payment of the legacy; as, for instance, where the legacy was to vest at the time when he obtained his freedom. 1Where, however, his freedom was granted under a condition, and the legacy was payable at once, the question arises whether the legacy is valid. For, in this case there is no ground for the application of the Rule of Cato, since, even if the testator should die immediately after making his will, the legacy will not be absolutely void, as the condition upon which the freedom of the slave is dependent may be complied with before the estate is entered upon, and the manumitted slave be entitled to the legacy, unless he should be appointed a necessary heir; for, in this instance, the legacy will be absolutely void by operation of law because the slave received his freedom under a condition.
Dig. 40,4,58Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Verum est eum, qui liber esse iussus esset, alienatum a testatore, si ante aditam eius hereditatem rursus hereditarius fieret, mox adiretur hereditas, ad libertatem pervenire.