Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 32,13Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Si sic locutus erit testator: ‘heres meus illi fundum dato: Seio hoc amplius decem’, non erit dubitandum, quin Seius et fundi partem et decem ex testamento percipere debeat.
Dig. 32,15Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Hae res testatoris legatae quae in profundo esse dicuntur, quandoque apparuerint, praestantur.
Dig. 32,17Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Etiam ea quae futura sunt legari possunt, ut insula vel in mare vel in fluminibus enata: 1servitus quoque servo praedium habenti recte legatur.
Dig. 32,95Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. ‘Quisquis mihi heres erit, damnas esto dare fideique eius committo, uti det, quantas summas dictavero dedero’. Aristo res quoque corporales contineri ait, ut praedia mancipia vestem argentum, quia et hoc verbum ‘quantas’ non ad numeratam dumtaxat pecuniam referri ex dotis relegatione et stipulationibus emptae hereditatis apparet et ‘summae’ appellatio similiter accipi deberet, ut in his argumentis quae relata essent ostenditur. voluntatem praeterea defuncti, quae maxime in fideicommissis valeret, ei sententiae suffragari: neque enim post eam praefationem adiecturum testatorem fuisse res corporales, si dumtaxat pecuniam numeratam praestari voluisset.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book II. “Let whoever shall be my heir be required to pay, and I charge him to pay, whatever sums I mention.” Aristo says that corporeal property is also included in this provision, as, for example, lands, slaves, clothing, and silver plate; because the term “whatever” does not merely refer to money, as is evident where the legacy of a dowry and stipulations relating to a purchased estate are involved, and that the word “sums” should be understood in the same sense as in the instances above mentioned. Moreover, the intention of the deceased, which must be especially considered in the case of trusts, also depends upon this opinion; for the testator would hardly have intended his heir to only pay money when, after this preliminary statement, he added corporeal property.
Dig. 35,1,91Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Condicionum, quae in futurum conferuntur, triplex natura est, ut quaedam ad id tempus, quo testator vivat, quaedam ad id, quod post mortem eius futurum sit, quaedam ad alterutrum pertineant, tempus autem vel certum vel infinitum comprehendatur: quae omnia non minus in fideicommissis quam in institutionibus ac legatis incidere solent: ut haec condicio ‘Titiae, si mihi nubserit’ non dubie nisi vivente testatore, illa autem ‘si ad exsequias funeris mei venerit’ nisi post mortem impleri non possit, illa vero ‘si filio meo nubserit’ vel vivente vel mortuo testatore impleri possit. et prima quidem ac tertia ex relatis condicionibus infinitum tempus habent: quandoque enim nubserit, impletur condicio: secunda ad certum tempus adscripta est.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book II. The nature of conditions which have reference to the future is threefold; some relate to the time during which the testator may live, some relate to that following his decease, and some relate to both, and the date of their fulfillment may be either certain or indefinite. All these things are accustomed to be taken into consideration, not only in the case of trusts, but also with reference to the appointments of heirs, and the bequests of legacies. For instance, there is no doubt that the following condition, “I bequeath to Titia, if she should marry me,” must be complied with during the lifetime of the testator; this one, however, “If he should attend my funeral,” cannot be complied with until after his death. The following one, namely, “If she should marry my son,” can be complied with either during the lifetime, or after the death of the testator. The first and the third of the conditions mentioned refer to an indefinite time, for the condition will be complied with whenever the girl marries; but the second condition has reference to a certain time.
Dig. 40,4,55Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Libertate sub condicione data huc iam decursum est, ut, si per statuliberum non stet, quominus condicioni pareat, quamvis ne per heredem quidem stet, tamen ad libertatem perveniat. quod credo responderi oportere et si per fideicommissum utique hereditariis servis libertas data fuerit. 1Non absurde et de heredis servis idem dicetur. 2De his autem, quos redimendos habebit, non iuste dubitamus, siquidem eo casu iniquum erit heredem perinde compelli debere redimere eos, atque si condicio impleta esset, quod forte dominus prohiberet condicioni parere, ut et pretium perciperet et in condicionem non rogaret.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book II. A grant of freedom having been made under a condition, the decision was rendered that if neither the slave nor the heir was responsible for the condition not having been complied with, the slave would be entitled to his freedom. I think that the same opinion should be given where freedom is granted under the terms of a trust to slaves belonging to an estate. 1It is not absurd to hold that this rule also applies to the slaves of the heir. 2We cannot reasonably doubt that this is also applicable to slaves whom the heir was charged to purchase; for in this instance, it would be unjust for him to be compelled to purchase them as if the condition had been fulfilled, because it might happen that the owner would refuse to comply with the condition, in order to obtain the price of a slave, and not demand him as the condition.
Dig. 44,7,31Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Non solum stipulationes impossibili condicioni adplicatae nullius momenti sunt, sed etiam ceteri quoque contractus, veluti emptiones locationes, impossibili condicione interposita aeque nullius momenti sunt, quia in ea re, quae ex duorum pluriumve consensu agitur, omnium voluntas spectetur, quorum procul dubio in huiusmodi actu talis cogitatio est, ut nihil agi existiment adposita ea condicione, quam sciant esse impossibilem.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book II. Not only stipulations, but also any other contracts which have been made under impossible conditions are considered to be of no force or effect; as, for instance, sales or leases, where they are dependent upon impossible events, are also void; because when an agreement is made between two or more persons the intention of all of them is taken in account, and there is no doubt that they think a contract of this kind cannot be executed, if a condition is imposed which they know to be impossible.
Dig. 46,3,103Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Cum ex pluribus causis debitor pecuniam solvit, Iulianus elegantissime putat ex ea causa eum solvisse videri debere, ex qua tunc, cum solvebat, compelli poterit ad solutionem.