Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 29,5,23Maecianus libro tertio decimo fideicommissorum. Si antequam patefieret testatorem occisum, tabulae testamenti apertae essent, deinde innotuisset id admissum esse, causa cognita puto compellendum institutum adire hereditatem, quam suspectam diceret, et ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituere.
Marcianus, Concerning Trusts, Book XIII. If a will should be opened before it was known that the testator had been killed, and then the crime should be ascertained to have been committed, I think that, where proper cause is shown, the appointed heir should be compelled to enter upon the estate which he declared was insolvent, and make restitution in accordance with the Trebellian Decree of the Senate.
Dig. 36,1,75Maecianus libro tertio decimo fideicommissorum. Si heres pecuniam hereditariam crediderit et in eam causam pignora acceperit, actiones non competunt ei, cui restituta fuerit hereditas, adversus ipsa pignora. sed aliqua dubitatio remanebit, si in eum contractum, qui ex defuncto fuerit, interpositus heres, antequam restitueret hereditatem, pignus acceperit. sed nec sic quidem ipse admitteretur: ex fideicommisso tamen habet adversus heredem actionem, ut ei cedat pro pignoris commodo actionem. 1Cum ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituitur hereditas, servitutes, quas mutuo praedia heredis et testatoris habent, nihilo minus valent.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XXXII. If an heir lends property belonging to an estate, and takes pledges to secure the loan, the rights of action will not pass to the person to whom the estate is transferred, as against the property which has been pledged. There is some doubt, however, in a case where the heir, before he transferred the estate, had received a pledge under a contract made by the deceased. Still, the beneficiary of the trust will not be permitted to bring suit to recover the pledge, but he can proceed against the heir, to compel him to assign to him his right of action for its recovery. 1Where an estate is transferred under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, the servitudes with which the lands of both the heir and the testator are mutually charged will still remain valid.