Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 35,3,8Maecianus libro decimo fideicommissorum. Si heres partem bonorum vel etiam universa bona delata ad fiscum diceret, constaret autem de fideicommisso, decretum est, ut petitori caventi ‘evicta hereditate restitutu iri’ solveretur.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book X. Where an heir alleges that part of an estate, or even all of it, is forfeited to the Treasury, and it should be established that he was also charged with a trust, it was decided that if the beneficiary should give security to restore the estate in case it should be evicted, he must be paid.
Dig. 36,1,73Maecianus libro decimo fideicommissorum. Omnes qui de hereditate deliberant desiderante eo, qui suo periculo velit adiri hereditatem, coguntur adire, sed non statim restituere, sed ut completo tempore deliberationis, si expedire sibi compererint hereditatem, sentiant commodum testamenti eo iure, quo si sponte adissent, sin vero contra onerosam crediderint, restituta ea exonerentur actionibus hereditariis.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book X. All the heirs who deliberate with reference to an estate can be compelled to accept it, but not to transfer it immediately, on the application of anyone who desires it to be accepted at his risk; but in such a way that if, after the time of deliberation has passed, they should deem it expedient for them to accept it, they can enjoy the benefit of the will, just as if they had voluntarily entered upon the estate. But, on the other hand, if they should consider its acceptance unprofitable, they shall be released from liability by delivering it.