Volusii Maeciani Opera
Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 32,9Maecianus libro primo fideicommissorum. Si ita fuerit fideicommissum relictum: ‘ad quemcumque ex testamento meo vel ab intestato’ vel ita: ‘ad quemcumque quoquo iure bona mea perveniant’: hac oratione et eius, qui postea natus erit inve familiam venerit et eius, qui postea cognatus esse coeperit, fidei commissum videtur: eius quoque, quae nondum nupta erit, sed postea eo casu, quo ex edicto ad uxorem bona mariti intestati solent pertinere.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book I. Where a trust was left as follows, “To anyone who may obtain my estate under the terms of my will, or through intestacy,” or, “To anyone in whom my estate may vest by any title whatsoever,” by these terms a child who may subsequently be born or come into the family, or anyone who may afterwards become a near relative of the testator, is held to be charged with the trust, as well as any woman who is not yet married, and afterwards is ascertained to be in the position in which, according to the Edict, the property of an intestate husband usually passes to his wife.
Dig. 35,2,28Maecianus libro primo fideicommissorum. Pater quoque in legatis, quae filius ei dedit alio herede instituto, legis Falcidiae rationem patitur.
Dig. 49,17,18Maecianus libro primo fideicommissorum. Ex castrensi peculio servus a patre heres institui potest et filium necessarium heredem patri facit. 1Et in summa ea res hi actus patris, qui ad praesens alienationem alicuius iuris de castrensi peculio praestant, impediuntur: hi vero, qui non statim quidem, sed postea efficere solent, eo tempore animadvertentur, quo habere effectum consuerunt, ut, si sit filius, cui auferatur, nihil agatur, si ante decesserit, actus patris non impediatur. 2Itaque negabimus patrem filio salvo communi dividundo agentem proprietatem alienaturum, exemplo dotalis praedii. sed nec si socius ultro cum eo agat, quicquam agetur, veluti si cum eo ageret, cui bonis interdictum est. 3Servos ex eo peculio usu fructu, item praedia tam usu fructu quam ceteris servitutibus pater liberare poterit: sed et servitutes his adquirere. id enim et eum, cui bonis interdictum est, verum est consequi posse. neque autem servis ex eo peculio neque praediis usum fructum vel servitutem imponere pater potest. 4Si quando ex eo peculio filius rem alienam bona fide tenebit, an pater eius in rem vel ad exhibendum actionem pati debeat, ut ceterorum nomine, quaeritur. sed verius est, cum hoc peculium a patris bonis separetur, defensionis necessitatem patri non inponendam. 5Sed nec cogendus est pater aes alienum, quod filius peculii nomine, quod in castris adquisiit, fecisse dicetur, de peculio actionem pati: et, si sponte patiatur, ut quilibet defensor satisdato filium in solidum, non peculio tenus defendere debet. sed et eius filii nomine non aliter movere actiones potest, quam si satis dederit eum ratam rem habiturum.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book I. A slave forming part of the castrense peculium of a son may be appointed heir by his father, and in this way make the son the necessary heir of his father. 1And, in a word, all matters or acts of the father which, for the time, may cause any alienation of a right belonging to the castrense peculium are prohibited, but any of these things which do not become operative immediately, but do so afterwards, are considered with reference to the time when they ordinarily take effect; so that if a son is deprived of any of his rights by his father, his act will be void, but this will not be the case if the son is already dead. 2Therefore, we deny that a father who brings an action in partition, while his son is living, cannot alienate the property; as is the case with land forming a part of the dowry. And if a partner of the son should make any agreement with the father, it will be void, just as if he had contracted with someone who had been forbidden to manage his own estate. 3A father can release from usufruct slaves who form part of the peculium castrense of his son, and he can also release land from usufruct, as well as from other servitudes imposed upon it; and he can also acquire servitudes for the land. It is true that he who is forbidden to manage his own property has this privilege. A father, however, cannot impose an usufruct or a servitude on the slaves or land constituting part of the peculium. 4If a son in good faith holds as part of his peculium property which belongs to another, the question arises whether a real action or one to compel the production of the property can be brought against his father, as in the case of other sons. The better opinion is that as this peculium is separate from the property of the father, the necessity of making a defence should not be imposed upon him. 5Nor can a father be compelled to defend an action De peculia, based on indebtedness which his son is said to have incurred on account of the peculium which he acquired in the service; and if he voluntarily submits to be sued, he should, like any other defender, give security for the entire amount involved, and not merely to the extent of the peculium. He cannot, however, bring an action in the name of his son without giving security that the latter will ratify his act.
Dig. 50,17,93Maecianus libro primo fideicommissorum. Filius familias neque retinere neque reciperare neque apisci possessionem rei peculiaris videtur.
Ex libro II
Dig. 32,13Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Si sic locutus erit testator: ‘heres meus illi fundum dato: Seio hoc amplius decem’, non erit dubitandum, quin Seius et fundi partem et decem ex testamento percipere debeat.
Dig. 32,15Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Hae res testatoris legatae quae in profundo esse dicuntur, quandoque apparuerint, praestantur.
Dig. 32,17Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Etiam ea quae futura sunt legari possunt, ut insula vel in mare vel in fluminibus enata: 1servitus quoque servo praedium habenti recte legatur.
Dig. 32,95Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. ‘Quisquis mihi heres erit, damnas esto dare fideique eius committo, uti det, quantas summas dictavero dedero’. Aristo res quoque corporales contineri ait, ut praedia mancipia vestem argentum, quia et hoc verbum ‘quantas’ non ad numeratam dumtaxat pecuniam referri ex dotis relegatione et stipulationibus emptae hereditatis apparet et ‘summae’ appellatio similiter accipi deberet, ut in his argumentis quae relata essent ostenditur. voluntatem praeterea defuncti, quae maxime in fideicommissis valeret, ei sententiae suffragari: neque enim post eam praefationem adiecturum testatorem fuisse res corporales, si dumtaxat pecuniam numeratam praestari voluisset.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book II. “Let whoever shall be my heir be required to pay, and I charge him to pay, whatever sums I mention.” Aristo says that corporeal property is also included in this provision, as, for example, lands, slaves, clothing, and silver plate; because the term “whatever” does not merely refer to money, as is evident where the legacy of a dowry and stipulations relating to a purchased estate are involved, and that the word “sums” should be understood in the same sense as in the instances above mentioned. Moreover, the intention of the deceased, which must be especially considered in the case of trusts, also depends upon this opinion; for the testator would hardly have intended his heir to only pay money when, after this preliminary statement, he added corporeal property.
Dig. 35,1,91Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Condicionum, quae in futurum conferuntur, triplex natura est, ut quaedam ad id tempus, quo testator vivat, quaedam ad id, quod post mortem eius futurum sit, quaedam ad alterutrum pertineant, tempus autem vel certum vel infinitum comprehendatur: quae omnia non minus in fideicommissis quam in institutionibus ac legatis incidere solent: ut haec condicio ‘Titiae, si mihi nubserit’ non dubie nisi vivente testatore, illa autem ‘si ad exsequias funeris mei venerit’ nisi post mortem impleri non possit, illa vero ‘si filio meo nubserit’ vel vivente vel mortuo testatore impleri possit. et prima quidem ac tertia ex relatis condicionibus infinitum tempus habent: quandoque enim nubserit, impletur condicio: secunda ad certum tempus adscripta est.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book II. The nature of conditions which have reference to the future is threefold; some relate to the time during which the testator may live, some relate to that following his decease, and some relate to both, and the date of their fulfillment may be either certain or indefinite. All these things are accustomed to be taken into consideration, not only in the case of trusts, but also with reference to the appointments of heirs, and the bequests of legacies. For instance, there is no doubt that the following condition, “I bequeath to Titia, if she should marry me,” must be complied with during the lifetime of the testator; this one, however, “If he should attend my funeral,” cannot be complied with until after his death. The following one, namely, “If she should marry my son,” can be complied with either during the lifetime, or after the death of the testator. The first and the third of the conditions mentioned refer to an indefinite time, for the condition will be complied with whenever the girl marries; but the second condition has reference to a certain time.
Dig. 40,4,55Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Libertate sub condicione data huc iam decursum est, ut, si per statuliberum non stet, quominus condicioni pareat, quamvis ne per heredem quidem stet, tamen ad libertatem perveniat. quod credo responderi oportere et si per fideicommissum utique hereditariis servis libertas data fuerit. 1Non absurde et de heredis servis idem dicetur. 2De his autem, quos redimendos habebit, non iuste dubitamus, siquidem eo casu iniquum erit heredem perinde compelli debere redimere eos, atque si condicio impleta esset, quod forte dominus prohiberet condicioni parere, ut et pretium perciperet et in condicionem non rogaret.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book II. A grant of freedom having been made under a condition, the decision was rendered that if neither the slave nor the heir was responsible for the condition not having been complied with, the slave would be entitled to his freedom. I think that the same opinion should be given where freedom is granted under the terms of a trust to slaves belonging to an estate. 1It is not absurd to hold that this rule also applies to the slaves of the heir. 2We cannot reasonably doubt that this is also applicable to slaves whom the heir was charged to purchase; for in this instance, it would be unjust for him to be compelled to purchase them as if the condition had been fulfilled, because it might happen that the owner would refuse to comply with the condition, in order to obtain the price of a slave, and not demand him as the condition.
Dig. 44,7,31Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Non solum stipulationes impossibili condicioni adplicatae nullius momenti sunt, sed etiam ceteri quoque contractus, veluti emptiones locationes, impossibili condicione interposita aeque nullius momenti sunt, quia in ea re, quae ex duorum pluriumve consensu agitur, omnium voluntas spectetur, quorum procul dubio in huiusmodi actu talis cogitatio est, ut nihil agi existiment adposita ea condicione, quam sciant esse impossibilem.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book II. Not only stipulations, but also any other contracts which have been made under impossible conditions are considered to be of no force or effect; as, for instance, sales or leases, where they are dependent upon impossible events, are also void; because when an agreement is made between two or more persons the intention of all of them is taken in account, and there is no doubt that they think a contract of this kind cannot be executed, if a condition is imposed which they know to be impossible.
Dig. 46,3,103Maecianus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Cum ex pluribus causis debitor pecuniam solvit, Iulianus elegantissime putat ex ea causa eum solvisse videri debere, ex qua tunc, cum solvebat, compelli poterit ad solutionem.
Ex libro III
Dig. 34,5,6Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Vel ex parte te et ex parte postumum heredem instituisset legatumve similiter vel fideicommissum dedisset,
Dig. 35,1,86Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Iulianus noster eum, qui decem dare et ita liber esse iussus esset, si a vivente manumissus esset, non aliter legatum, quod ei cum libertate datum esset, habiturum, quam si condicioni libertatis paruisset: item in emptorem, si alienatus esset. sed id tunc locum habet, cum omnimodo simul cum libertate legatum adquiri potuit, licet legato imposito non sit, veluti cum in tempus libertatis legatum collatum esset. 1Cum vero libertas sub condicione, legatum autem praesenti die datum est, in hoc quaestio est, an constiterit legatum: etenim nec Catonianae sententiae locum in proposito esse, quia etsi statim testator decessisset, non tamen omnimodo inutile esset legatum, cum posset condicio libertatis ante aditam hereditatem impleri et legatum manumisso deberi, nisi forte necessarius heres exstitisset: tunc enim omnimodo inutile erit legatum iure ipso, quia sub condicione acceperit libertatem.
Mæcianus, Trusts, Book III. Our Julianus says that where a slave is ordered to pay ten aurei and be free, and he is manumitted during the lifetime of his owner, he will not be entitled to the legacy which was left him with his freedom, unless he complies with the condition under which it was granted. This also applies to a purchaser of the slave, if he should be sold. It, however, only applies where he could obtain the legacy unconditionally with his freedom, even though no condition was imposed on the payment of the legacy; as, for instance, where the legacy was to vest at the time when he obtained his freedom. 1Where, however, his freedom was granted under a condition, and the legacy was payable at once, the question arises whether the legacy is valid. For, in this case there is no ground for the application of the Rule of Cato, since, even if the testator should die immediately after making his will, the legacy will not be absolutely void, as the condition upon which the freedom of the slave is dependent may be complied with before the estate is entered upon, and the manumitted slave be entitled to the legacy, unless he should be appointed a necessary heir; for, in this instance, the legacy will be absolutely void by operation of law because the slave received his freedom under a condition.
Dig. 40,4,58Maecianus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Verum est eum, qui liber esse iussus esset, alienatum a testatore, si ante aditam eius hereditatem rursus hereditarius fieret, mox adiretur hereditas, ad libertatem pervenire.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 12,6,62Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Fideicommissum in stipulatione deductum tametsi non debitum fuisset, quia tamen a sciente fidei explendae causa promissum esset, debetur.
Dig. 29,1,14Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Tractabatur, an tale aliquid et in paganorum testamentis indulgendum esset: et placet non sine distinctione hoc fieri, sed, si quidem vivo testatore et sciente decessissent, nihil novi statuendum, si autem ignorante aut post mortem eius, omnimodo subveniendum.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. A discussion arose as to whether the same indulgence should be granted with reference to the wills of civilians. It was established that in this instance there was a distinction, for if the parties should die during the lifetime of the testator, and he be aware of the fact, there was no necessity for anything new, but where he was not aware of it, relief must, by all means, be granted after his death.
Dig. 29,4,28Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Si servum heredem institutum dominus, qui ipse rogatus fuerat fideicommissum praestare, priusquam adire iuberet, vendiderit, praestare id debet, cum per pretium servi hereditatis quoque aestimationem consequatur. 1Institutus heres et rogatus restituere hereditatem si omissa causa testamenti legitimam hereditatem possideat, non dubie ut legata ceteraque fideicommissa, ita hereditatem quoque restituere compellendus est, libertates quoque tam directas quam fideicommissarias. sed si alienos servos rogatus sit manumittere, utique redimere eos debebit. eam autem decessionem patietur is cui restituta fuerit hereditas, quam is qui ei restituit passurus fuit.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. Where a master sells a slave whom he had appointed his heir, and who himself had been charged with a trust, and he does this before he orders him to enter upon the estate, he should discharge the trust, because by obtaining the price of the slave he also obtained the value of the estate. 1Where a party is appointed heir and is requested to deliver the estate, and having relinquished his testamentary rights, obtains possession of the estate by operation of law, there is no doubt that he can be compelled to surrender the estate, and also the legacies and other property left in trust, as well as execute any grants of freedom direct, as well as indirect. Where, however, he is charged to manumit slaves belonging to others, he should redeem them, and he to whom the estate was surrendered, as well as he who surrenders it, must both share the loss.
Dig. 36,1,7Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Sed sciendum est inpendiorum quoque, quae ad iter explicandum necessaria essent, rationem haberi debere: nam si ita institutus esset ‘si Titio decem dedisset’, non aliter cogeretur, quam si ei pecunia offeratur. sed et salutis ac dignitatis ratio habenda erit: quid enim si morbo adplicitus Alexandriae iussus fuit adire vel nomen vispellionis testatoris ferre?
Mareianus, Trusts, Book IV. It should be noted that, in a case of this kind, an account of the necessary travelling expenses must be required. For if the heir was appointed under the condition of paying ten aurei to Titius, he cannot be compelled to accept the estate unless the money is tendered to the person entitled to it. Moreover, the condition of health and the rank of the heir must be taken into consideration. But what if, while he was suffering from illness, he would be ordered to go to Alexandria, or take the name of the testator, a man of inferior rank?
Dig. 36,1,66Maecianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Si eius pupilli, cui sine tutoris auctoritate pecunia credita erat, restituta ex eo senatus consulto mihi fuerit hereditas, si solvam creditori, non repetam: adquin heres si post restitutionem solvat, repetet: non ob aliud, quam quod ab eo in me naturalis obligatio translata intellegitur. et si eius mihi restituta sit hereditas, qui pupillo sine tutoris auctoritate crediderit, si solverit mihi pupillus, non repetet: at si heredi solverit, repetet, non repetiturus, si ante restitutionem solvisset. 1Si necessarii heredes sub condicione quamvis levissima heredes sint instituti, cui parere solent, dicendum est cogi restituere hereditatem desiderantibus his, quibus restituere rogati sunt, quia etiam necessari heredes fideicommissae hereditatis restituendae gratia condicioni parere erunt compellendi. 2Si quis rogatus restituere hereditatem decessit, antequam eam restituat, heres eius poterit hereditatem restituere et ex Trebelliano senatus consulto transeunt actiones. sed si duo ei heredes extitissent, uti quisque restituisset, pro ea parte transituras actiones: nam et si ipse partem restituisset, pro parte interim transituras verius est. sed et si plures heredes extiterunt ei, qui rogatus est restituere hereditatem, si quidam interim restituerint, vel cum ei, cui restitui debuit, plures heredes extiterint: ut cui restituta erit, is pro ea parte ex hoc senatus consulto habebit actiones. 3Si patronus ex parte debita heres institutus rogatus fuerit eam liberis exheredatis defuncti liberti restituere, si sua sponte adierit, erit Falcidiae locus, si coactus, in solidum transibunt actiones ex hoc senatus consulto.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IV. Ad Dig. 36,1,66 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 289, Note 15.If the estate of a ward, to whom money was lent without the authority of his guardian, is transferred to me under the Decree of the Senate, and I pay the creditor, I cannot recover the money. But if the heir should pay the debt after the property has been transferred, he can recover the amount, for no other reason than that the natural obligation was understood to have been transferred from him to me. On the other hand, if the estate of the person who made the loan to the ward without the authority of his guardian should be transferred to me and the ward should pay me, he cannot recover the money. If, however, he should pay the heir of the creditor, he can recover it, but he cannot do so if he paid him before the transfer of the estate had been made. 1If necessary heirs are appointed under some condition which it is easy to comply with, and which is usually observed, it must be said that they can be compelled to transfer the estate upon the application of those to whom they are charged to transfer it; because even necessary heirs are compelled to comply with the condition for the purpose of executing a trust. 2Where anyone is charged to transfer an estate, and dies before doing so, his heir can transfer it, and the rights of action pass to the beneficiary of the trust under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. If, however, there are two heirs, and each of them is chargd to transfer the estate, the rights of action will pass to the beneficiary in proportion to the share of each of the said heirs; for if each one should transfer his share, it is certain that the rights of action will pass in proportion to the said share. If the person who is asked to transfer the estate should leave several heirs, and some of them should transfer their shares before the others, or where he to whom the estate is to be transferred leaves several heirs, and a transfer is made to one of them, he will be entitled to the rights of action in proportion to his share, under this Decree of the Senate. 3Where a patron is appointed heir to that portion of an estate to which he is legally entitled, and is asked to transfer it to the disinherited children of his deceased freedman, and he voluntarily accepts the estate, the Falcidian Law will apply; if he is compelled to accept it, the rights of action will pass entirely to the said children under this Decree of the Senate.
Ex libro V
Dig. 36,1,67Idem libro quinto fideicommissorum. Servo invito domino vel ignorante non recte restituetur hereditas: sed si postea ratum habuerit, confirmabitur restitutio, verum ipsi domino adquirentur actiones. nec quia hereditatis adquisitionis similis est haec restitutio, iussum praecedere oportet, sed ut dictum est, etiam ratihabitio subsequi poterit exemplo bonorum possessionis. neque interest, quod ad propositum attinet, ipsi domino an servo quis rogetur restituere hereditatem, nec in ea re consensu aut opera servi opus est: atquin in bonorum possessione vel in adeunda hereditate consensus eius necessarius est. itaque si qui suspectam dicent hereditatem, postulante domino compellendi erunt adire et restituere hereditatem. 1Si testator rogasset heredem, ut restituat hereditatem mulieri, si non nupsisset, dicendum erit compellendum heredem, si suspectam dicat hereditatem, adire et restituere eam mulieri, etiamsi nupsisset. idem in ceteris quoque condicionibus Iulianus noster probat, quae similiter nisi fine vitae expleri non possent. secundum quam sententiam cautione praestita his, quorum interest, ab his, quibus restitui sub isdem condicionibus heres rogatus esset, restituet hereditatem. 2Cum praetor cognita causa per errorem vel etiam ambitiose iuberet hereditatem ut ex fideicommisso restitui, etiam publice interest restitui propter rerum iudicatarum auctoritatem. 3Si pupillo infanti restituere hereditatem quis rogatus sit, si sponte adierit, etiam servo eius et ipsi pupillo tutore auctore restituetur hereditas: si quidem eo, quod fari non potest, non magis ea res impedietur, quam in muto pubere volente sibi restitui hereditatem. si autem heres recuset adire hereditatem, quemadmodum res expediri possit, difficile est, quia neque tutore desiderante periculo pupilli adiri hereditatem Trebelliano senatus consulto locus sit futurus neque pupillus ipse id desiderare possit, cum fari non possit. quod aliquatenus circa mutos expediri potest, nam si auditus capaces sunt vel interrogati nutu possint significare velle se periculo suo hereditatem adire, quomodo absentes per nuntium. sed et infanti non dubito omnimodo subveniendum idque ex similitudine iuris civilis vel honorarii constituendum est: sive enim heres institutus esset, non dubie pro herede tutore auctore gerere posse videtur, sive de bonorum possessione agitaretur, peti ei per tutorem posset. ideoque et heres compelli per tutorem potest adire et restituere hereditatem. quo exemplo et mutus, qui nihil intellegere potest, per curatorem adiuvatur. 4Si singulae res ab herede traditae sunt iussu meo ei cui eas vendiderim, non dubitabimus mihi intellegi factam restitutionem. idem erit, et si iussu meo tradantur, cui ego ex fideicommisso aliave qua causa eas praestare debuerim vel in creditum ire vel donare voluerim.
The Same, Trusts, Book V. Ad Dig. 36,1,67 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 596, Note 11.An estate cannot legally be transferred to a slave, if his master is unwilling or not informed of the fact, but if he afterwards ratifies the transfer, it will be confirmed, and the rights of action will be acquired by the master himself, not for the reason that this transfer resembles the acquisition of the estate, and that the order of the master must precede it, but, as has already been stated, the subsequent ratification can be made just as in the case of the possession of property under the Prætorian Law. Nor does it make any difference, in the present instance, whether the master himself or his slave is charged to transfer his estate, nor is the consent nor the agency of the slave required but his consent is necessary where prætorian possession of the property is demanded, or an estate is to be accepted. Therefore, where heirs allege that they think an estate is insolvent, on the application of the master they can be compelled to enter upon and transfer it. 1Where a testator charges his heir to transfer his estate to a woman, if she does not marry, it must be held that if the heir alleges that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, he can be compelled to accept and transfer it to the woman, even if she should marry. Our Julianus adopts this view with reference to other conditions which, in like manner, cannot be fulfilled except at the termination of life. In accordance with this opinion, a bond should be furnished by those to whom the heir has been charged to transfer the estate under similar conditions, to deliver it to the persons to whom it will belong if the condition should not be complied with. 2If the Prætor, after proper investigation, should, either through mistake or partiality, order an estate to be transferred as due under a trust, it is to the interest of the community that it should be transferred, on account of the authority which invests judicial decisions. 3Where anyone is charged to transfer an estate to a ward who is not old enough to talk, and he voluntarily enters upon said estate, it can be transferred either to the slave of the ward, or to the ward himself, with the authority of his guardian; and the incapacity of the child to speak is no more an impediment to the transaction than exists in the case where a mute, who has reached the age of puberty, desires an estate to be delivered to him. If, however, the heir refuses to enter upon the estate, it is difficult to decide how the matter can be settled, because there will be no ground for the application of the Trebellian Decree of the Senate if the guardian should ask that the estate be accepted at the risk of his ward; nor can the ward ask that this be done, as he does not possess the faculty of speech. This question may be more easily solved in the case of persons who are dumb, for if they are interrogated and can hear, they can indicate by a nod that they are willing to accept the estate at their own risk, just as persons who are absent can give their consent by a messenger. However, I have no doubt that relief ought to be granted the child, and that this rule should be established on account of the resemblance between the Civil and the Prætorian Law. But if the said ward should be appointed heir, there is no doubt that he can act as such under the authority of his guardian; or, where a question arises with reference to obtaining possession of an estate under the Prætorian Law, he can claim it by his guardian; hence if appointed heir, he can be compelled by his guardian to enter upon and transfer the estate. In the same manner, a person who is dumb and destitute of understanding can be assisted by his curator. 4Where property is delivered by the heir, on my order, to the person to whom I have sold it, there is no doubt that the transfer should be considered to have been made to me as the beneficiary of the trust. The same rule will apply if, by my order, the property is delivered to anyone to whom I would be obliged to deliver it under the terms of a trust, or for any other reason; or to one to whom I intended to lend it, or give it.
Ex libro VI
Dig. 36,1,5Maecianus libro sexto fideicommissorum. Sed et qui magna praeditus est dignitate vel auctoritate, harenarii vel eius mulieris, quae corpore quaestum fecerit, hereditatem restituere cogetur.
Ex libro VII
Dig. 28,5,87Maecianus libro septimo fideicommissorum. Iam dubitari non potest suos quoque heredes sub hac condicione institui posse, ut, si voluissent, heredes essent, si heredes non essent, alium quem visum erit eis substituere: negatumque hoc casu necesse esse sub contraria condicione filium exheredare, primum quia tunc tantum id exigeretur, cum in potestate eius non esset, an heres patri existeret, exspectantis extrinsecus positae condicionis eventum, deinde quod, etsi quacumque posita condicione deberet filius sub contraria condicione exheredari, in proposito ne possibilis quidem repperiri posset, certe, si verbis exprimeretur, inepta fieret: huic enim condicioni ‘si volet, heres esto’ quae alia verba contraria concipi possunt quam haec ‘si nolet heres esse, exheres esto?’ quod quam sit ridiculum, nulli non patet. 1Non ab re autem hoc loco velut excessus hic subiungetur suis ita heredibus institutis ‘si voluerint heredes esse’ non permittendum amplius abstinere se hereditate, cum ea condicione instituti iam non ut necessarii, sed sua sponte heredes exstiterunt. sed et ceteris condicionibus, quae in ipsorum sunt potestate, si sui pareant, ius abstinendi adsequi non debent.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VII. There is no longer any room for doubt that heirs can be appointed under the following condition, namely: “If they wish to be heirs, and if they do not wish to be, another, who seems to be acceptable, shall be substituted for them.” In this instance, it has been denied that it is necessary to disinherit a son under the contrary condition; in the first place, because this is only required when the condition is in his power, or he is the heir of his father, and its fulfillment is dependent upon some outside influence and must be awaited; second, because no matter what kind of a condition has been imposed, the son should be disinherited under the contrary condition, and in the case stated disinheritance cannot possibly take place; and certainly if it were expressed in words it would be absurd, for what other terms can be conceived which would be contrary to this condition: “If he is willing, let him be my heir”, than these: “If he is unwilling to be my heir, let him be disinherited”? It is evident to every one that such a provision is ridiculous. 1It does not seem to be foreign to the subject to add here, by way of supplement, that when heirs are appointed under the condition, “If they wish to be heirs”, they should not be permitted to reject the estate for the reason that where they are appointed under this condition they are not necessary heirs, but become such voluntarily. Nor are they entitled to the right to reject the estate under other conditions which they are able to comply with, and have fulfilled.
Dig. 40,5,42Maecianus libro septimo fideicommissorum. Antoninus Augustus Pius noster, quo militum suorum per omnia rata esset voluntas suprema, cum et institutus et substitutus in continenti, priusquam adirent hereditatem, decessissent, eos, quibus ab his et libertas et hereditas a milite per fideicommissum data esset, perinde liberos et heredes esse iussit, ac si utrumque directo accepissent. eorum autem, qui a pagano libertatem et hereditatem per fideicommissum acceperant, cum aeque in continenti et institutus et substitutus decessissent, satis habuit libertatem confirmare.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VII. Our Emperor, Antoninus Pius, in order that the last wills of his soldiers might in every respect be considered valid, where an appointed heir and his substitute died suddenly before entering upon the estate, ordered that those to whom freedom and the estate had been left under a trust, by soldiers, should become free and be heirs, just as if they had received both of these bequests directly. Moreover, where slaves, by means of a trust, had acquired their freedom and an estate from a civilian, and the appointed heir and his substitute had also died suddenly, he held that this was sufficient for the confirmation of their freedom.
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 11,7,45Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. Impensa funeris semper ex hereditate deducitur, quae etiam omne creditum solet praecedere, cum bona solvendo non sint.
Dig. 35,2,30Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. In ratione legis Falcidiae mortes servorum ceterorumque animalium, furta, rapinae, incendia, ruinae, naufragia, vis hostium praedonum latronum, debitorum facta peiora nomina, in summa quodcumque damnum, si modo culpa legatarii careant, heredi pereunt: quemadmodum ad heredis lucrum pertinent fructus, partus ancillarum et quae per servos adquisita sunt, ut stipulationes, rerum traditiones, legata hereditatesve his datae, ceterae donationes, item servitutes, quibus liberata praedia pretiosiora fierent, actionesque adquisitae, ut furti damni iniuriae similesque, quorum nihil in rationem legis Falcidiae cadit. 1Vendere autem vel emere iussus certo pretio fundum aliamve quampiam rem in legis Falcidiae ratione, cum quantum sit legatum requiratur, tantum eo nomine inducetur, quanto pluris minorisve sit res ea quantitate, quam quo pretio testator accipi darive iussit, sed ut ei quidem portioni, quae legatis deductis facienda erit, amplius deducetur: quippe non nostri causa capi id pretium, sed eo deducto pretium reliquum legatum esse intellectum est. 2Prorsus diligenter animadvertendum est, ne quod dicitur damna post mortem testatoris illata ad solum heredem respicere usque quaque et sine ulla distinctione recipiatur. quod enim remota lege Falcidia in totum iuris foret, hoc idem fore in ea parte, quae lege Falcidia constitueretur: hoc enim attinet damna postea facta non deduci, ne amota portio legatis fideive commissis detrahatur. 3Verum est autem his solis, quae pondere numero mensura constant, nec damno postea incidente ex portione, quae fieri ad aestimationem eorum bonorum, quae mortis tempore fuerunt, quicquam detrahi. 4Certis vero corporibus et his ipsis ita relictis: ‘pecuniam, quam in illa arca’, ‘vinum, quod in illis doleis’, ‘pondus argenti, quod in illis horreis habeo’, si sine culpa heredis deperierunt vel deteriora sunt facta, procul dubio aut nihil debebitur aut eorum quae exstabunt qualia erunt ea portio debebitur, quae per legem Falcidiam efficiatur ex aestimatione bonorum, quae mortis testatoris tempore fuerint. 5Incertae autem res relictae distinctionem recipiunt: nam si ex suis rebus incertam rem testator reliquisset, veluti ‘argentum quod elegerit’, et omne argentum testatoris interisset sine culpa heredis, nihil deberetur: sin vero argenti pondus pure relictum esset, quamvis omne argentum testatoris deperisset, admissa lege Falcidia portio eius quantitatis sumetur, quae fuit in bonis eo tempore quo testator decessit, nec ad imminuendam eam quicquam damna postea incidentia proficient. 6Res tamen, quae interierint, pro nulla parte ac ne aestimatio quidem debeatur, non magis quam si omnes res per speciem enumeratae relictae essent. 7Tametsi autem legis Falcidiae ratione, quae condicionis implendae causa heredi sunt data, in quartam non computantur, tamen id, quod non figura condicionis accipere iussus est ab eo, cui hereditatem restituere rogatus est, Celso et Iuliano nostro placuit computari, quemadmodum si ea summa heres vendere eas res iussus esset, quia non condicionis implendae causa, sed quodammodo pro pretio inferre sunt iussi. quo loco amplius quaesitum est, an fideicommissarius quoque invitus cogatur dare eam summam et recipere hereditatem, quasi et ipsius fidei commissum esset: sed et verisimile non est, cum talis oratio magis ipsius causa, quam contra ipsum posita videatur. 8Cum lex Falcidia intervenit, non veniunt in contributionem, quae ipsi heredi a semetipso vel servo eius legata fideive commissa sunt. alia causa est eorum, quae in die certa dantur: nam si libertatis dies coepit cedere, ei debebuntur et in contributionem veniunt. ac ne ea quidem, quae quis servis suis inutiliter sine libertate legavit fideive commisit, in computationem eius legis cedunt. 9Res, quas neque per fideicommissum relinqui posse certum est, in legis Falcidiae computationem non veniunt.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VIII. In the application of the Falcidian Law, losses caused by the death of slaves and other animals, or by theft, robbery, fires, the ruin of houses, shipwreck, and violence of enemies, depredators and thieves, or by debtors, in fine, any loss whatsoever, must be borne by the heirs, provided that the legatees are not to blame. In like manner, the profits obtained by the heir from crops, the offspring of female slaves, and any acquisitions made by slaves (as, for instance, through stipulations, the delivery of property, legacies, or estates left to them, and other donations of every description) as well as servitudes—where lands become more valuable through being released from them—or where any rights of action, for example, those for theft, damage, injury, and others of this kind, are none of them liable to the operation of the Falcidian Law. 1Where the heir is directed either to sell or purchase a tract of land or any other kind of property for a certain price before estimating the Falcidian portion, in order to ascertain the amount of the legacy, only that sum is considered as bequeathed which either amounts to more or less than the price which the testator ordered to be paid or received for the said property. Then, from the portion which remains after the legacies have been deducted, a still further deduction will be made, since the said price is not acquired mortis causa, but after the deduction has been made, the remainder is understood to have been bequeathed. 2It should also be carefully noted that the ordinary rule, “All losses which occur after the death of the testator concern the heir alone,” is of universal application, and must be accepted without any distinction. For as even where the Falcidian Law does not apply at all, the heir will legally be compelled to bear the entire loss, so he must bear his share of it in cases where the Falcidian Law is operative. For, generally speaking, this is the rule, since losses sustained after the death of the testator cannot be deducted, in order to prevent the portion which is lost from being taken from the legacies or trusts. 3It is, however, true that no deduction can be made except with reference to such articles alone as can be weighed, counted, or measured; and where any loss happens after the death of the testator the deduction must be made from the share belonging to the legatee, dependent upon the appraised value of the estate of the deceased at the time of his death. 4With regard to property which can be positively designated, and other articles left as follows, “The money which I have in such-and-such a chest,” “The wine which I have in such-and-such casks,” “The weight of silver which I have in such-and-such a building,” and the property is lost, or becomes deteriorated without the fault of the heir, there is no doubt that either none of the legacy will be due under such circumstances, or, after the deduction of the Falcidian portion, the legatees will be entitled to a share of whatever remains, based upon an estimate of the value of the property belonging to the testator at the time of his death. 5Where property is left which is of an uncertain character, a distinction must be made; for if a testator should bequeath some articles without specifically designating them, as, for instance, where he leaves to anyone the silver plate which he may select, and all the silver plate should be lost without the heir being to blame, nothing will be due to the legatee. If, however, a certain amount of silver was absolutely bequeathed, even though all the silver of the testator should be lost, the Falcidian Law will apply, and that portion of the amount can be taken which was with the property of the estate at the time that the testator died, and any losses which may subsequently have occurred will not cause any diminution of the legacy. 6The heir will not be liable for any portion of the property bequeathed which is lost, and not even for the appraised value of the same, any more than if all the articles bequeathed had been specifically enumerated. 7In estimating the amount due to the heir under the Falcidian Law, anything which is paid to him in compliance with the conditions of the will shall not be charged against his fourth; still, it is held by Celsus and our Julianus that a charge should be made when he was directed to receive a sum of money from the beneficiary of the trust, to whom he has been ordered to deliver the estate, where the testator did not direct the beneficiary to pay the said sum under some condition; as, for instance, where the heir was directed to sell the property for a specified amount, for then he will pay the money to the heir, not for the purpose of complying with a condition, but as a price. In a similar case, it has also been asked whether the beneficiary of the trust can be compelled to pay the said sum, and take the estate, even if he is unwilling to do so, just as if he himself had been charged with a trust for the benefit of the heir. This is not probable, however, as a provision of this kind appears to have been made in favor of the beneficiary of the trust rather than against him. 8When the Falcidian Law applies, that property is not subject to contribution where the heir himself is charged with a trust for the benefit of himself, or his slave. The case, however, is different where the legacies to the slave are payable at a certain time; for when the day of his freedom arrives he will be entitled to them, and they become subject to contribution. Where, however, anyone makes a bequest to a slave without the grant of his freedom, and which, for this reason, is void, or leaves it subject to a trust, it will not be considered as liable to contribution under this law. 9Property, which it is certain cannot legally be left in trust, is not included in that liable to contribution under the Falcidian Law.
Dig. 36,1,71Maecianus libro octavo fideicommissorum. De evictione praediorum vel mancipiorum vel ceterarum rerum hereditariarum cavere heres, cum restituit hereditatem, non debet: quin immo in contrarium caveri heredi oportet, si quid ex his evictum esset, quae ab ipso herede venissent.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book VIII. When the heir transfers an estate, he is not obliged to furnish security against the eviction of the land, slaves, or any other property belonging to the same; but, on the other hand, the beneficiary of the trust must give security to indemnify the heir, if he should be evicted of any of the property which was sold by the latter.
Dig. 46,3,104Idem libro octavo fideicommissorum. Ante restitutam hereditatem solutiones et liberationes factae ab herede ratae habebuntur.
Ex libro IX
Dig. 35,2,32Maecianus libro nono fideicommissorum. Poenales actiones sive legitimae sive honorariae exceptis popularibus in bonis actoris non ideo minus computandae sunt, quia morte reorum intercidere possunt. e contrario autem eaedem actiones nihil bonis rei defuncto eo detrahunt. sed ne in actoris quidem bonis defuncto eo iniuriarum actio poterit computari, quia et ipsa simul cum eo intercidit, ut usus fructus et id quod in dies menses annosve singulos alicui quoad vivat debeatur. etenim ea demum obligatio rei bonis deminutionem praestat, quae in heredem transit. nec contrarium est, quod vivente reo eo minus in bonis eius intellegebatur: nam et si ita stipulatus esset, ut cum moreretur debere ei inciperet, tamen augerentur bona eius, quemadmodum, si ipse sub eadem condicione promisisset, defuncto eo minuerentur. 1Honorariae quoque actiones, quae intra certum tempus a praetore promittuntur, cum bonis actoris defuncto eo augmentum rei decessionemve, si tales erunt, ut in heredem quoque transeant, praestabunt. 2Iulianus scribit, si utriusque heredis pars exhausta est legatis et alter ex heredibus cautionem praetoriam accepit a legatariis, non aequaliter, sed pro suo modo legis Falcidiae rationem et actionem ex stipulatu habiturum. omnes enim praetorias stipulationes eiusdem interpretationis esse: nam constare ex iudicatum solvi stipulatione, sive a parte actoris sive a rei plures heredes exstitissent, non omnibus nec adversus omnes actionem contingere, sed dumtaxat his qui vicissent et adversus victos, hisque, adversus quos res defensa non esset, adversus eos, qui rem non defendissent. 3Annua bima trima die aureis centenis legatis ex omnibus summis, non tantum ex posterioribus portionem legis Falcidiae detrahi placuit. 4Si Titio viginti legatis portio per legem Falcidiam detracta esset, cum ipse quoque quinque Seio rogatus esset restituere, vindius noster tantum Seio pro portione ex quinque detrahendum ait, quantum Titio ex viginti detractum esset. quae sententia et aequitatem et rationem magis habet, quia exemplo heredis legatarius ad fideicommissa praestanda obligabitur: nec quia ex sua persona legatarius inducere legem Falcidiam non possit, idcirco quod passus esset non imputaturum: nisi forte testator ita fidei eius commississet, ut totum, quidquid ex testamento cepisset, restitueret. 5Si autem manumittere servum vel suum vel alienum rogatus sit, omnimodo praestare debebit libertatem, nec hoc contrarium est superiori, quia favor libertatis saepe et alias benigniores sententias exprimit.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book IX. Penal actions, whether they are derived from the Civil or the Prætorian Law, with the exception of popular actions, should, none the less, be reckoned among the assets of the party entitled to them, because they become extinguished by the death of the criminal. Moreover, on the other hand, these actions do not take anything from the estate of the culprit in case of his death. But a right of action for injury sustained cannot be counted as a part of the estate of the person entitled to the same, in case of his death; because it itself is extinguished at that time, just as an usufruct, or an allowance which is payable to anyone at stated periods, for instance monthly or annually, as long as he lives. For an obligation of any kind only affords ground for the diminution of the property of a debtor, where it is transferred to his heir; nor, on the other hand, should the debtor be understood to have had that much less property during his lifetime, since, if anyone should stipulate that a sum shall begin to be due when he dies, his estate will, nevertheless, be increased, just as if he himself should promise, under the same condition, that it shall be diminished at the time of his death. 1Honorary actions, also, which are permitted by the Prætor to be brought within a certain time, increase the estate of the person entitled to bring them, at the time of his death, and decrease that of the person against whom they can be brought, if they are such as also pass to the heir. 2Julianus says that if the shares of two heirs are exhausted by legacies, and one of them has received a prætorian bond from the legatees, he will be entitled to bring an action on the stipulation, not for half, but in proportion to his share of everything acquired by them over and above the amount authorized by the Falcidian Law. For all prætorian stipulations are subject to the same interpretation, as where a stipulation has been made it is settled that the judgment shall be paid, whether the plaintiff or the defendant leaves several heirs. The action cannot be brought by all, or against all of them, but only in favor of the heirs of those who gained the suit, and against the heirs of those who lost it, and in favor of those against whom no defence was made, and against those who did not defend the suit. 3Where a legacy of a hundred aurei is left, payable in one, two, and three years, it has been decided that the Falcidian portion shall be deducted from all the payments made, and not merely from the last one. 4Where part of the legacy of twenty aurei bequeathed to Titius has been deducted under the Falcidian Law, and the legatee was requested to pay five aurei to Seius, our Vindius says that the same proportion can be deducted by the legatee from the five due to Seius as was deducted from the twenty due to Titius. This opinion is founded both on equity and reason, because, like the heir, the legatee is obliged to execute the trust, and, as he cannot, personally, profit by the Falcidian Law, the loss which he has sustained must not be borne by him, unless the testator had charged him to deliver everything that he had received under the terms of the will. 5If, however, the legatee should be requested to manumit either his own slave, or one belonging to another, he must, by all means, give him freedom. This is not contrary to what is above stated, because the favor conceded to liberty frequently gives rise to other and even more indulgent decisions.
Ex libro X
Dig. 35,3,8Maecianus libro decimo fideicommissorum. Si heres partem bonorum vel etiam universa bona delata ad fiscum diceret, constaret autem de fideicommisso, decretum est, ut petitori caventi ‘evicta hereditate restitutu iri’ solveretur.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book X. Where an heir alleges that part of an estate, or even all of it, is forfeited to the Treasury, and it should be established that he was also charged with a trust, it was decided that if the beneficiary should give security to restore the estate in case it should be evicted, he must be paid.
Dig. 36,1,73Maecianus libro decimo fideicommissorum. Omnes qui de hereditate deliberant desiderante eo, qui suo periculo velit adiri hereditatem, coguntur adire, sed non statim restituere, sed ut completo tempore deliberationis, si expedire sibi compererint hereditatem, sentiant commodum testamenti eo iure, quo si sponte adissent, sin vero contra onerosam crediderint, restituta ea exonerentur actionibus hereditariis.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book X. All the heirs who deliberate with reference to an estate can be compelled to accept it, but not to transfer it immediately, on the application of anyone who desires it to be accepted at his risk; but in such a way that if, after the time of deliberation has passed, they should deem it expedient for them to accept it, they can enjoy the benefit of the will, just as if they had voluntarily entered upon the estate. But, on the other hand, if they should consider its acceptance unprofitable, they shall be released from liability by delivering it.
Ex libro XII
Dig. 35,3,9Idem libro duodecimo fideicommissorum. Si non in controversia sit proprietas, sed usus fructus (potest enim rei, cuius proprietas Titio legata est, usus fructus alii legari), tunc de eo restituendo non heredi, sed Titio caveri debeat. interdum et si ab herede legetur usus fructus, Titio cavendum est: veluti si detracto usu fructu proprietas ei legetur, usus fructus Seio: quid enim attinebit hoc casu heredi caveri, ad quem emolumentum intercidentis usus fructus non sit spectandum? verum si usu fructu Seio legato proprietas Titio ita legetur, ut, cum ad Seium pertinere desierit, habeat proprietatem, tunc heredi caveri oportebit a fructuario, ab herede autem Titio, quia non sit certum usu fructu intercepto ad Titium proprietatem reversuram.
The Same, Trusts, Book XII. When the ownership of property is not in controversy, but the usufruct of the same is (for it may happen that the ownership is bequeathed to Titius, and the usufruct to someone else), then security to restore it should not be given to the heir, but to Titius. Sometimes, even if the heir is charged with the transfer of the usufruct, security should be given to Titius; for instance, if the usufruct, having been reserved, the ownership is left to him, and the usufruct to Seius; for, in this instance, what advantage would it be for security to be given to the heir, since no benefit will accrue to him if the usufruct should be extinguished? If, however, the usufruct, having been bequeathed to Seius, and the ownership is left to Titius in such a way that when the usufruct ceases to belong to Seius, he will be entitled to the ownership, then security must be furnished to the heir by the usufructuary, and also by the heir to Titius, because it is not certain that, if the usufruct should be extinguished, the ownership will be acquired by Titius.
Dig. 36,4,12Maecianus libro duodecimo fideicommissorum. Municipiis fideicommissum relinqui posse dubium non est. sed si non caveatur, adversus municipes quidem non dubitavimus ex hoc edicto iri in possessionem posse: ipsos vero municipes, si his non caveatur, non idem adsecuturos: sed extraordinario remedio opus erit, videlicet ut decreto praetoris actor eorum in possessionem mittatur.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XII. There is no doubt that property can be left in trust to a municipality. If security should not be provided, we have no hesitation in saying that, according to the Edict, the citizens of the town can be placed in possession of the estate; but they themselves, if security should not be given them, cannot be placed in possession, but an extraordinary remedy will be required; that is to say, an agent who represents them can be placed in possession of the property by a decree of the Prætor.
Dig. 50,17,96Maecianus libro duodecimo fideicommissorum. In ambiguis orationibus maxime sententia spectanda est eius, qui eas protulisset.
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 29,5,23Maecianus libro tertio decimo fideicommissorum. Si antequam patefieret testatorem occisum, tabulae testamenti apertae essent, deinde innotuisset id admissum esse, causa cognita puto compellendum institutum adire hereditatem, quam suspectam diceret, et ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituere.
Marcianus, Concerning Trusts, Book XIII. If a will should be opened before it was known that the testator had been killed, and then the crime should be ascertained to have been committed, I think that, where proper cause is shown, the appointed heir should be compelled to enter upon the estate which he declared was insolvent, and make restitution in accordance with the Trebellian Decree of the Senate.
Dig. 36,1,75Maecianus libro tertio decimo fideicommissorum. Si heres pecuniam hereditariam crediderit et in eam causam pignora acceperit, actiones non competunt ei, cui restituta fuerit hereditas, adversus ipsa pignora. sed aliqua dubitatio remanebit, si in eum contractum, qui ex defuncto fuerit, interpositus heres, antequam restitueret hereditatem, pignus acceperit. sed nec sic quidem ipse admitteretur: ex fideicommisso tamen habet adversus heredem actionem, ut ei cedat pro pignoris commodo actionem. 1Cum ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituitur hereditas, servitutes, quas mutuo praedia heredis et testatoris habent, nihilo minus valent.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XXXII. If an heir lends property belonging to an estate, and takes pledges to secure the loan, the rights of action will not pass to the person to whom the estate is transferred, as against the property which has been pledged. There is some doubt, however, in a case where the heir, before he transferred the estate, had received a pledge under a contract made by the deceased. Still, the beneficiary of the trust will not be permitted to bring suit to recover the pledge, but he can proceed against the heir, to compel him to assign to him his right of action for its recovery. 1Where an estate is transferred under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, the servitudes with which the lands of both the heir and the testator are mutually charged will still remain valid.
Ex libro XV
Dig. 40,5,32Maecianus libro quinto decimo fideicommissorum. Sed si alienare quidem sit paratus, non ante tamen id velit facere, quam sibi in pretium satisfiat, non erit manumittere compellendus, ne et servum manumittat et interdum nihil aut minus consequatur, si forte is, qui rogatus est manumittere, solvendo non sit. 1Invito tamen servo neque alii neque domino eam rem persequi concedendum est, quia non tale sit hoc fideicommissum, ex quo domino quid adquiratur: alioquin ipsi datum videretur. quod potest contingere, si testator pluris eum servum, quam quanti est, redimi ac manumitti voluit: nam tunc et domino erit fideicommissi persecutio, cuius interest praeter verum pretium id, quod plus ei iussus est dare, consequi, et servi, ut ad libertatem perveniat. 2Quod eveniet et si rem alienam certa pecunia redimere atque alii praestare heres vel legatarius intellegerentur: namque tunc et domino rei et ei, cui eadem praestare deberet, persecutionem esse: utriusque enim interesse et domini, ut praeter pretium accipiat, quo pluris eam testator redimi iussit, et eius cui relicta est, uti eam habeat.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XV. If the master is ready to alienate the slave, but is not willing to do so before he is satisfied with the price, he ought not to be compelled to liberate him, lest, if he did it, he might obtain little or nothing, if he who is asked to manumit him should prove to be insolvent. 1If the slave does not consent, neither the master nor anyone else should be permitted to proceed with the matter, because a trust of this kind is not one by which anything is acquired by the master; otherwise, the benefit of the trust would appear to accrue only to himself. This might happen if the testator wished the slave to be purchased for more than he was worth, and be manumitted, for then the master could proceed with the execution of the trust; because it would be to his interest to obtain, in addition to the true value of the slave, any excess which the testator ordered to be given him; and it is to the interest of the slave to secure his freedom. 2This will occur where the heir or the legatee is directed to purchase certain property for a special sum of money, and deliver it to another; for then both the owner of the property and the person to whom it is to be delivered can proceed to compel the execution of the trust, as both of them are interested in doing so; the owner, in order that he may obtain any excess over and above the price which the testator has ordered to be given him, and the person to whom the property was left, in order that he may acquire it.
Dig. 40,5,35Maecianus libro quinto decimo fideicommissorum. Gaii Cassii non est recepta sententia existimantis et heredi et legatario remittendam interdum proprii servi manumittendi necessitatem, si vel usus tam necessarius esset, ut eo carere non expediret, veluti dispensatoris paedagogive liberorum, vel tantum delictum est, ut ultio remittenda non esset: visum est enim ipsos in sua potestate habuisse: nam potuissent discedere a causa testamenti: qua non omissa debere voluntati defuncti obsequi.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XV. The opinion of Gaius Cassius is not adopted, for he held that the obligation of manumitting his own slave should not be imposed upon the heir or the legatee, if the services of the slave were so necessary that he could not dispense with them; as, for instance, where he was his steward, or the teacher of children, or where he had committed an unpardonable crime. For the testator is considered to have had these slaves in his power, and the owners have the right to reject the will, but if this is not done, the wishes of the deceased should be carried out.
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 40,5,36Idem libro sexto decimo fideicommissorum. Neque infantes neque furiosi neque ab hostibus capti neque hi, quos religio aut honestior causa vel calamitas aliqua vel maior res familiaris aut capitis famaeve periculum aut similis causa moretur, Rubriano senatus consulto continentur: ac ne pupilli quidem, qui tutores non habent, aut eos habeant, quos earum quae causa detinet. sed nec, si hi data opera sui potestatem non faciunt, puto pupillis libertos eripi, quia et iniquum est facto tutoris, qui forsitan solvendo non sit, pupillum damno adfici, et senatus consulto non continetur alius quis quam qui ex causa fideicommissi debet praestare libertatem. quid ergo est? Dasumiano senatus consulto subvenitur his, quo cautum est de his, qui iusta ex causa abessent, ut nec libertas impediatur nec libertus eripiatur his, qui fraude careant. 1Si per procuratorem quis defendatur, semper iusta ex causa abesse dicitur nec libertus ei eripitur. 2Nihil facit ad interpellandam iurisdictionem eius, qui de fideicommissa libertate cognoscit, privilegium cuiusque vel civitatis vel corporis vel officii, in quo quisque est, vel condicio personarum.
The Same, Trusts, Book XVI. Neither infants, insane persons, captives taken by the enemy, nor those whom religion or any honorable cause, or some calamity, or important business, or the danger of forfeiting life or reputation, or anything of this kind detains, come within the scope of the Rubrian Decree of the Senate; nor, indeed, minors who have no guardians, and even if they have any, are they or their guardians subject to its provisions, where any of the above-mentioned matters are involved. For, even if the latter designedly refrain from exerting their authority, I do not think that their wards should be deprived of the rights over their freedmen, because it is unjust that a ward should suffer wrong by the act of his guardian who, perhaps, may not be solvent, and only those are included in the Decree of the Senate who are obliged to grant freedom in accordance with the provisions of the trust. What course must then be pursued? Relief is granted to such persons by the Dasumian Decree of the Senate, under which provision is made with reference to those who are absent for some good reason, in order that no impediment may be placed in the way of freedom, and that the rights over a freedman may not be taken from those who are not guilty of fraud. 1If an absent party is defended by an attorney, he is always held to be absent for some good reason, and he will not be deprived of his rights over his freedman. 2No objection can be urged against the jurisdiction of a magistrate who has cognizance of a grant of freedom under a trust, by alleging a personal privilege, or one attaching to a municipality or a corporation, or any office held by anyone, or the civil condition of any of the parties interested.
Dig. 40,5,54Maecianus libro sexto decimo fideicommissorum. Si mater, postquam filium accepisset, vel qui in eius locum successit praestare noluit libertatem, compellendi sunt: amplius si mater aut nollet sibi filium tradi aut in rerum natura esse desisset, non ab re est dicere, nihilo minus ita natis ab herede libertatem praestari.
Marcianus, Trusts, Book XVI. If the mother, after having received her child, or he who has succeeded to her place, refuses to grant it its freedom, he or she should be compelled to do so. Again, if the mother is unwilling that the child should be delivered to her, or if she should die before this is done, it may not incorrectly be said that freedom should be granted to the child by the heir.
De publicis iudiciis libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 48,6,8Maecianus libro quinto publicorum. Lege Iulia de vi publica cavetur, ne quis reum vinciat impediatve, quo minus Romae intra certum tempus adsit.
Marcianus, Public Prosecutions, Book V. By the Julian Law relating to Public Violence, it is provided that no one can bind an accused person, or prevent him from appearing at Rome within a certain time.
Ex libro X
Dig. 48,1,11Maecianus libro decimo de iudiciis publicis. Servus per procuratorem domini aeque ac per dominum defendi potest.
Marcianus, On Public Prosecutions, Book X. A slave can be defended by an attorney appointed by his master, just as well as by his master himself.
Ex libro XI
Dig. 29,5,14Maecianus libro undecimo de publicis iudiciis. Excipiuntur senatus consulto Silaniano impuberes servi. Trebius autem Germanus legatus etiam de impubere sumi iussit supplicium et tamen non sine ratione: nam is puer nec multum a puberi aetate aberat et ad pedes domini cubuerat cum occideretur nec postea caedem eius prodiderat. ut enim opem ferre eum non potuisse constabat, ita silentium praestitisse etiam postea certum erat, et his dumtaxat impuberibus senatus consulto parci credebat, qui tantum sub eodem tecto fuissent: qui vero ministri vel participes caedis fuissent et eius aetatis, quamquam nondum puberis, ut rei intellectum capere possent, his non magis in caede domini quam in ulla alia causa parci oportere.
Marcianus, On Public Prosecutions, Book XI. Slaves who have not reached the age of puberty are excepted from the operation of the Silanian Decree of the Senate. The Deputy, Trebius Germanus, however, ordered punishment to be inflicted upon a slave under the age of puberty; and this was not without reason, because the boy was very little under that age, and was sleeping at the feet of his master at the time when he was killed, and did not afterwards disclose that he had been murdered. As it was proved that he was unable to have assisted him, it was also certain that he afterwards kept silent; and it was held that boys under the age of puberty could only be excused from liability under the Decree of the Senate, where they had merely been under the same roof with their master, but where such slaves had been the principals or accomplices in the crime, and were of such an age as to understand what they were doing (even though they may not have reached the age of puberty), they should not be excused from responsibility for the murder of their master any more than for anything else.
Ex lege Rhodia liber
Dig. 14,2,9Volusius Maecianus ex lege Rhodia. Ἀξίωσις Εὐδαίμονος Νικομηδέως πρὸς Ἀντωνῖνον βασιλέα· Κύριε βασιλεῦ Ἀντωνῖνε, ναυφράγιον ποιήσαντες ἐν τῇ Ἰταλίᾳ διηρπάγημεν ὑπὸ τῶν δημοσίων τῶν τὰς Κυκλάδας νήσους οἰκούντων. Ἀντωνῖνος εἶπεν Εὐδαίμονι· ἐγὼ μὲν τοῦ κόσμου κύριος, ὁ δὲ νόμος τῆς θαλάσσης. τῷ νόμῳ τῶν Ῥοδίων κρινέσθω τῷ ναυτικῷ, ἐν οἷς μήτις τῶν ἡμετέρων αὐτῷ νόμος ἐναντιοῦται. τοῦτο δὲ αὐτὸ καὶ ὁ θειότατος Αὔγουστος ἔκρινεν.
Volusius Marcianus, On the Rhodian Law. A petition of Eudaimon of Nicomedia to the Emperor Antoninus; “Lord Emperor Antoninus, having been shipwrecked in Icaria we have been robbed by farmers of the revenue inhabiting the Cyclades Islands.” Antoninus answered Eudaimon as follows: “I am, indeed, the Lord of the World, but the Law is the Lord of the sea; and this affair must be decided by the Rhodian law adopted with reference to maritime questions, provided no enactment of ours is opposed to it.” The Divine Augustus established the same rule.