Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Macri Opera

Aemilii Macri Opera

Dig. 48,1 (18,9 %)De publicis iudiciis 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,2 (12,5 %)De accusationibus et inscriptionibus 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,3 (3,0 %)De custodia et exhibitione reorum 100 % – De officio praesidis libriDig. 48,4Ad legem Iuliam maiestatis Dig. 48,5 (5,0 %)Ad legem Iuliam de adulteriis coercendis 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,6Ad legem Iuliam de vi publica Dig. 48,7 (11,0 %)Ad legem Iuliam de vi privata 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,8Ad legem Corneliam de siccariis et veneficis Dig. 48,9De lege Pompeia de parricidiis Dig. 48,10 (2,2 %)De lege Cornelia de falsis et de senatus consulto Liboniano 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,11 (50,6 %)De lege Iulia repetundarum 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,12De lege Iulia de annona Dig. 48,13Ad legem Iuliam peculatus et de sacrilegis et de residuis Dig. 48,14De lege Iulia ambitus Dig. 48,15De lege Fabia de plagiariis Dig. 48,16 (14,7 %)Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum et de abolitionibus criminum 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,17 (23,3 %)De requirendis vel absentibus damnandis 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,18De quaestionibus Dig. 48,19 (5,1 %)De poenis 71 % – De publicis iudiciis libri15 % – De officio praesidis libri13 % – De re militari libriDig. 48,20 (15,3 %)De bonis damnatorum 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,21 (23,0 %)De bonis eorum, qui ante sententiam vel mortem sibi consciverunt vel accusatorem corruperunt 100 % – De publicis iudiciis libriDig. 48,22De interdictis et relegatis et deportatis Dig. 48,23De sententiam passis et restitutis Dig. 48,24De cadaveribus punitorum



De publicis iudiciis libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 47,12,8Macer libro primo publicorum. Sepulchri violati crimen potest dici ad legem Iuliam de vi publica pertinere ex illa parte, qua de eo cavetur, qui fecerit quid, quo minus aliquis funeretur sepeliaturve: quia et qui sepulchrum violat, facit, quo quis minus sepultus sit.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The crime of violating a sepulchre may be considered as coming within the terms of the Julian Law relating to public violence, and that part in which it is provided that he shall be punished who prevents anyone from celebrating funeral ceremonies, or burying a corpse; because he who violates a sepulchre commits an act preventing interment.

Dig. 47,13,2Macer libro primo publicorum iudiciorum. Concussionis iudicium publicum non est: sed si ideo pecuniam quis accepit, quod crimen minatus sit, potest iudicium publicum esse ex senatus consultis, quibus poena legis Corneliae teneri iubentur, qui in accusationem innocentium coierint quive ob accusandum vel non accusandum, denuntiandum vel non denuntiandum testimonium pecuniam acceperit.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The prosecution of extortion is not public, but if anyone has received money because he threatened another with a criminal accusation, the prosecution may become public under the Decrees of the Senate, by which all those are ordered to be liable to the penalty of the Cornelian Law who have joined in the denunciation of innocent persons, and have received money in consideration of accusing, or not accusing others, or of giving, or not giving testimony against them.

Dig. 47,14,2Macer libro primo publicorum iudiciorum. Abigeatus crimen publici iudicii non est, quia furtum magis est. sed quia plerumque abigei et ferro utuntur, si deprehendentur, ideo graviter et puniri eorum admissum solet.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The crime of driving away cattle is not subject to public prosecution, because it is rather to be classed as a theft; but since most offenders of this description go armed, if they are arrested, they are usually more severely punished on this account.

Dig. 47,15,3Macer libro primo publicorum iudiciorum. Praevaricationis iudicium aliud publicum, aliud moribus inductum est. 1Nam si reus accusatori publico iudicio ideo praescribat, quod dicat se eodem crimine ab alio accusatum et absolutum, cavetur lege Iulia publicorum, ut non prius accusetur, quam de prioris accusatoris praevaricatione constiterit et pronuntiatum fuerit. huius ergo praevaricationis pronuntiatio publici iudicii intellegitur. 2Quod si advocato praevaricationis crimen intendatur, publicum iudicium non est: nec interest, publico an privato iudicio praevaricatus dicatur. 3Si ideo quis accusetur, quod dicatur crimen iudicii publici destituisse, iudicium publicum non est, quia neque lege aliqua de hac re cautum est, neque per senatus consultum, quo poena quinque auri librarum in desistentem statuitur, publica accusatio inducta est.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The judgment for prevarication is either public or introduced by custom. 1If the defendant opposes the prosecutor in a criminal case, alleging that he already has been accused of the same crime by another and acquitted, it is provided by the Julian Law relating to public prosecutions that he cannot be prosecuted until the crime charged by the first accuser and the judgment rendered with reference to it have been investigated. Therefore, the decision of cases of this kind is understood to belong to the category of public prosecutions. 2Where the crime of prevarication is said to have been committed by an advocate, a public prosecution cannot be instituted; and it makes no difference whether he is said to have committed it in a public or a private proceeding. 3Therefore if anyone is accused of having abandoned a public prosecution, the case will not be public, because no provision was made for this by any law; and a public accusation is not authorized by that decree of the Senate which prescribes the penalty of five pounds of gold against anyone who abandons a case.

Dig. 48,1,1Macer libro primo de publicis iudiciis. Non omnia iudicia, in quibus crimen vertitur, et publica sunt, sed ea tantum, quae ex legibus iudiciorum publicorum veniunt, ut Iulia maiestatis, Iulia de adulteriis, Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis, Pompeia parricidii, Iulia peculatus, Cornelia de testamentis, Iulia de vi privata, Iulia de vi publica, Iulia ambitus, Iulia repetundarum, Iulia de annona.

Macer, On Criminal Prosecutions, Book I. All cases in which crime is involved are not public, but only those which are derived from the laws relating to the prosecution of crimes, such as the Julian Law on Treason; the Julian Law on Adultery; the Cornelian Law on Assassins and Poisoners; the Pompeian Law on Parricide; the Julian Law on Peculation; the Cornelian Law on Wills; the Julian Law on Private Violence; the Julian Law on Public Violence; the Julian Law on the Bribery of Voters; the Julian Law on Extortion; and the Julian Law on Raising the Price of Food.

Dig. 48,5,19Macer libro primo de publicis iudiciis. vel antequam cum eo agi coepit,

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book I. Or before the accusation was brought against him,

Dig. 48,5,25Macer libro primo publicorum. Marito quoque adulterum uxoris suae occidere permittitur, sed non quemlibet, ut patri: nam hac lege cavetur, ut liceat viro deprehensum domi suae (non etiam soceri) in adulterio uxoris occidere eum, qui leno fuerit quive artem ludicram ante fecerit in scaenam saltandi cantandive causa prodierit iudiciove publico damnatus neque in integrum restitutus erit, quive libertus eius mariti uxorisve, patris matris, filii filiae utrius eorum fuerit (nec interest, proprius cuius eorum an cum alio communis fuerit) quive servus erit. 1Et praecipitur, ut is maritus, qui horum quem occiderit, uxorem sine mora dimittat. 2Ceterum sui iuris an filius familias sit maritus, nihil interesse a plerisque dictum est. 3Illud in utroque ex sententia legis quaeritur, an patri magistratum occidere liceat? item si filia ignominiosa sit aut uxor contra leges nupta, an id ius nihilo minus pater maritusve habeat? et quid, si pater maritus leno vel aliqua ignominia notatus est? et rectius dicetur eos ius occidendi habere, qui iure patris maritive accusare possunt.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. A husband is also permitted to kill a man who commits adultery with his wife, but not everyone without distinction, as the father is; for it is provided by this law that the husband can kill the adulterer if he surprises him in his own house, but not if he surprises him in the house of his father-in-law; nor if he was formerly a pander; or had exercised the profession of a mountebank, by dancing or singing on the stage; or had been convicted in a criminal prosecution and not been restored to his civil rights; or is the freedman of the husband or the wife, or of the father or mother, or of the son or the daughter of any of them; nor does it make any difference whether he belonged exclusively to one of the persons above mentioned, or owed services to two patrons in common, or was a slave. 1It is also provided that a husband who has killed any one of these must dismiss his wife without delay. 2It is held by many authorities to make no difference whether the husband is his own master, or a son under paternal control. 3With reference to both parties, the question arises, in accordance with the spirit of the law, whether the father can kill a magistrate; and also where his daughter is of bad reputation, or has been illegally married, whether the father or the husband will still retain his right; and what should be done if the husband is a pander, or is branded with ignominy for some reason or other. It may properly be held that those have a right to kill who can bring an accusation as a father or a husband.

Dig. 48,5,33Macer libro primo de publicis iudiciis. Nihil interest, adulteram filiam prius pater occiderit an non, dum utrumque occidat: nam si alterum occidit, lege Cornelia reus erit. quod si altero occiso alter vulneratus fuerit, verbis quidem legis non liberatur: sed divus Marcus et Commodus rescripserunt impunitatem ei concedi, quia, licet interempto adultero mulier supervixerit post tam gravia vulnera, quae ei pater infixerat, magis fato quam voluntate eius servata est: quia lex parem in eos, qui deprehensi sunt, indignationem exigit et severitatem requirit. 1Cum alterum ex adulteris elegerit maritus, alterum non ante accusare potest, quam prius iudicium finietur, quia duos simul ab eodem accusari non licet. non tamen prohibetur accusator simul cum adultero vel adultera eum quoque accusare, qui domum suam praebuit vel consilio fuit, ut crimen redimeretur.

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book I. It makes no difference whether the father kills his daughter surprised in adultery first, or not, provided he kills both guilty parties; for if he kills only one of them, he will be liable under the Cornelian Law. If, however, one of them should be killed, and the other wounded, he is not released under the terms of the law; but the Divine Marcus and Commodus stated in a Rescript that he ought to be granted impunity, for the reason that, although the adulterer was killed, and the woman survived, after having received serious wounds inflicted upon her by her father, she was saved rather by accident, than intentionally; because the law requires the same indignation and the same severity to be displayed toward all those who are taken in adultery. 1Where a husband has selected one of two culprits who have been guilty of adultery, he cannot accuse the other before the first case is terminated; because two persons cannot be accused by the same individual at the same time. Still, the prosecutor, while proceeding against the adulterer or the adulteress, is not prevented from also accusing anyone who lent his house for the purpose, or advised that the charge be suppressed by the payment of money.

Dig. 48,7,3Macer libro primo publicorum. nec interest, liberos an servos et suos an alienos quis ad vim faciendam convocaverit. 1Nec minus hi, qui convocati sunt, eadem lege tenentur. 2Sed si nulli convocati nullique pulsati sint, per iniuriam tamen ex bonis alienis quid ablatum sit, hac lege teneri eum qui id fecerit.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. It makes no difference whether the crowd was convoked for the purpose of employing violence against freemen, or one’s own slaves, or slaves belonging to another. 1Those who have been assembled are none the less liable under the same law. 2If, however, no persons have been assembled, and none has been beaten, but something has been unjustly taken from property belonging to others, he who did so will be liable under this law.

Dig. 48,10,10Macer libro primo publicorum. De eo, qui ei in cuius potestate est eique qui in eadem potestate est adscripserit, nihil senatus consultis cavetur: sed hoc quoque casu committitur in legem, quia huius rei emolumentum ad patrem dominumve pertinet, ad quem pertineret, si filius servusve sibi adscripsissent. 1Illud constat, si extraneo quis adscripserit legatum, licet postea vivo testatore in potestate eum habere coeperit, senatus consultis locum non esse.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. Nothing is provided by the Decrees of the Senate with reference to a person who has written something for the benefit of one who has control of him, or of another who is under the same control. But the law is violated also in this instance, because the profit derived from the act will belong to the father or the master, who would be entitled to it if the son or the slave had written the instrument for his own benefit. 1It is established that where anyone writes the bequest of a legacy for the benefit of a stranger, even though he may afterwards, during the lifetime of the testator, begin to have him under his control, there will be no ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate.

Dig. 48,11,3Macer libro primo publicorum. Lege Iulia repetundarum tenetur, qui, cum aliquam potestatem haberet, pecuniam ob iudicandum vel non iudicandum decernendumve acceperit:

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. He is liable under the Julian Law relating to Extortion who, while invested with any authority, accepts money for rendering a judgment or decree;

Dig. 48,11,5Macer libro primo publicorum. In comites quoque iudicum ex hac lege iudicium datur.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The attendants of judges can also be prosecuted under this law.

Dig. 48,11,7Macer libro primo iudiciorum publicorum. Lex Iulia de repetundis praecipit, ne quis ob iudicem arbitrumve dandum mutandum iubendumve ut iudicet: neve ob non dandum non mutandum non iubendum ut iudicet: neve ob hominem in vincula publica coiciendum vinciendum vincirive iubendum exve vinculis dimittendum: neve quis ob hominem condemnandum absolvendumve: neve ob litem aestimandam iudiciumve capitis pecuniaeve faciendum vel non faciendum aliquid acceperit. 1Apparet autem, quod lex ab exceptis quidem in infinitum capere permittit, ab his autem, qui hoc capite enumerantur, a nullo neque ullam quantitatem capere permittit. 2Illud quoque cavetur, ne in acceptum feratur opus publicum faciendum, frumentum publice dandum praebendum adpraehendendum, sarta tecta tuenda, antequam perfecta probata praestita lege erunt. 3Hodie ex lege repetundarum extra ordinem puniuntur et plerumque vel exilio puniuntur vel etiam durius, prout admiserint. quid enim, si ob hominem necandum pecuniam acceperint? vel, licet non acceperint, calore tamen inducti interfecerint vel innocentem vel quem punire non debuerant? capite plecti debent vel certe in insulam deportari, ut plerique puniti sunt.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book I. The Julian Law on Extortion prescribes that: “No one shall receive anything as an inducement to render a judgment or a decree, or for changing his opinion; or to prevent him from rendering a decision; or to throw a person into prison, or put him in chains; or order him to be chained, or delivered from his chains; or to convict or acquit a man; or to appraise the amount of a judgment; or to sentence anyone to a capital or a pecuniary penalty, or to refrain from doing so.” 1It is, however, apparent that the law permits all those, excepting such as have been excepted, to receive money without limit; but those enumerated in this Section are not allowed to receive anything from anybody. 2It is also provided: “That no public work which is to be constructed shall be accepted as completed, nor any public provisions which are to be distributed held to be transferred or obtained, nor any buildings considered as repaired, before they have been finished, accepted, and delivered according to law.” 3Persons guilty of extortion are at present arbitrarily dealt with by the law, and they are generally punished with exile, or even more severely, according to the crime which they have committed. What, however, should be done if they accept money as a reward for killing a man? Or even if they do not accept it, but, impelled by rage, they kill an innocent person, or one whom they should not punish? They should undergo a capital penalty, or be deported to an island, as indeed most of them are.

Ex libro II

Dig. 1,18,14Macer libro secundo de iudiciis publicis. Divus Marcus et Commodus Scapulae Tertullo rescripserunt in haec verba: ‘Si tibi liquido compertum est Aelium Priscum in eo furore esse, ut continua mentis alienatione omni intellectu careat, nec subest ulla suspicio matrem ab eo simulatione dementiae occisam: potes de modo poenae eius dissimulare, cum satis furore ipso puniatur. et tamen diligentius custodiendus erit ac, si putabis, etiam vinculo coercendus, quoniam tam ad poenam quam ad tutelam eius et securitatem proximorum pertinebit. si vero, ut plerumque adsolet, intervallis quibusdam sensu saniore, non forte eo momento scelus admiserit nec morbo eius danda est venia, diligenter explorabis et si quid tale compereris, consules nos, ut aestimemus, an per immanitatem facinoris, si, cum posset videri sentire, commiserit, supplicio adficiendus sit. cum autem ex litteris tuis cognoverimus tali eum loco atque ordine esse, ut a suis vel etiam in propria villa custodiatur: recte facturus nobis videris, si eos, a quibus illo tempore observatus esset, vocaveris et causam tantae neglegentiae excusseris et in unumquemque eorum, prout tibi levari vel onerari culpa eius videbitur, constitueris. nam custodes furiosis non ad hoc solum adhibentur, ne quid perniciosius ipsi in se moliantur, sed ne aliis quoque exitio sint: quod si committatur, non immerito culpae eorum adscribendum est, qui neglegentiores in officio suo fuerint.’

Macer, On Criminal Trials, Book II. The Divine Marcus and Commodus addressed a Rescript to Scapulas Tertullus in the following terms: “If it is positively ascertained by you that Ælius Perseus is to such a degree insane that, through his constant alienation of mind, he is void of all understanding, and no suspicion exists that he was pretending insanity when he killed his mother, you can disregard the manner of his punishment, since he has already been sufficiently punished by his insanity; still, he should be placed under careful restraint, and, if you think proper, even be placed in chains; as this has reference not so much to his punishment as to his own protection and the safety of his neighbors. If, however, as often happens, he has intervals of sounder mind, you must diligently inquire whether he did not commit the crime during one of these periods, so that no indulgence should be given to his affliction; and, if you find that this is the case, notify Us, that We may determine whether he should be punished in proportion to the enormity of his offence, if he committed it at a time when he seemed to know what he was doing. “But, when We are informed by your letter that his condition so far as place and treatment are concerned, is that he remains in charge of his friends, or under guard in his own house; it appears to Us that you will act properly if you summon those who had care of him at that time, and investigate the cause of such great neglect, and decide the case of each one of them, so far as you discover anything tending to excuse or increase his negligence; for keepers are appointed for insane persons, not only to prevent them from injuring themselves, but that they may not be a source of destruction to others; and where this takes place, those very properly should be held responsible who are guilty of negligence in the discharge of their duties.”

Dig. 47,2,64Macer libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. Non poterit praeses provinciae efficere, ut furti damnatum non sequatur infamia.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. The Governor of a province cannot prevent anyone who has been convicted of theft from being branded with infamy.

Dig. 47,10,40Macer libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. Divus Severus Dionysio Diogeni ita scripsit: ‘Atrocis iniuriae damnatus in ordine decurionum esse non potest. nec prodesse tibi debet error praesidum aut eius, qui de te aliquid pronuntiavit, aut eorum, qui contra formam iuris mansisse te in ordine decurionum putaverunt’.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. The Divine Severus wrote to Dionysius Diogenes, as follows: “Anyone who has been condemned for an atrocious injury cannot belong to the Order of Decurions; and the error of a Governor or of anyone else who has rendered a different decision on the point in controversy will not benefit you, nor will that of those who, in opposition to the established law, held that you still retained your membership in the Order of Decurions.”

Dig. 47,12,9Idem libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. De sepulchro violato actio quoque pecuniaria datur.

The Same, Public Prosecutions, Book II. A pecuniary action is also granted for violating a sepulchre.

Dig. 47,15,4Idem libro secundo publicorum iudiciorum. Si is, de cuius calumnia agi prohibetur, praevaricator in causa iudicii publici pronuntiatus sit, infamis erit.

The Same, Public Prosecutions, Book II. If a person against whom an action for slander cannot be brought is convicted of being a prevaricator in a criminal case, he will become infamous.

Dig. 48,1,7Macer libro secundo iudiciorum publicorum. Infamem non ex omni crimine sententia facit, sed ex eo, quod iudicii publici causam habuit. itaque ex eo crimine, quod iudicii publici non fuit, damnatum infamia non sequetur, nisi id crimen ex ea actione fuit, quae etiam in privato iudicio infamiam condemnato importat, veluti furti, vi bonorum raptorum, iniuriarum.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. A sentence for every crime does not render a man infamous, but only such as have the character of public prosecutions. Hence infamy does not result from condemnation for a crime which is not the subject of public prosecution, unless the offence can be the subject of an action which, even in the case of a private judgment, brands the condemned party with infamy, as for instance, that of theft, that of robbery with violence, and that of injury.

Dig. 48,2,8Macer libro secundo de publicis iudiciis. Qui accusare possunt, intellegemus, si scierimus, qui non possunt. itaque prohibentur accusare alii propter sexum vel aetatem, ut mulier, ut pupillus: alii propter sacramentum, ut qui stipendium merent: alii propter magistratum potestatemve, in qua agentes sine fraude in ius evocari non possunt: alii propter delictum proprium, ut infames: alii propter turpem quaestum, ut qui duo iudicia adversus duos reos subscripta habent nummosve ob accusandum vel non accusandum acceperint: alii propter condicionem suam, ut libertini contra patronos:

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. We will more readily understand who can bring an accusation if we know who cannot do so. Hence, certain persons are forbidden to prosecute a crime on account of their sex or their age, as women, or minors. Many are disqualified because of their oath, for instance, those who are serving in the army; others cannot be brought into court on account of their magistracy, or their power, so long as they exercise this without the commission of fraud. Others, again are forbidden as the result of their own criminality, for example, infamous persons. Some are excluded on account of dishonorable gain, such as those who have filed two accusations signed by them against two different individuals; or who have received money in consideration of accusing, or not accusing others. Some are incompetent in consequence of their condition, as, for instance, freedmen cannot proceed against their patrons.

Dig. 48,2,11Macer libro secundo de publicis iudiciis. Hi tamen omnes, si suam iniuriam exequantur mortemve propinquorum defendent, ab accusatione non excluduntur. 1Liberi libertique non sunt prohibendi suarum rerum defendendarum gratia de facto parentium patronorumve queri, veluti si dicant vi se a possessione ab his expulsos, scilicet non ut crimen vis eis intendant, sed ut possessionem recipiant. nam et filius non quidem prohibitus est de facto matris queri, si dicat suppositum ab ea partum, quo magis coheredem haberet, sed ream eam lege Cornelia facere permissum ei non est. 2Ab alio delatum alius deferre non potest: sed eum, qui abolitione publica vel privata interveniente aut desistente accusatore de reis exemptus est, alius deferre non prohibetur.

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. Still, all these persons, if they are prosecuting injuries sustained by them, or the death of near relatives, are not excluded from bringing accusations. 1When children and freedmen desire to protect their interests they should not be prevented from complaining of the acts of their parents and patrons; for instance, where they state that they have been forcibly expelled from possession, and do not do so for the purpose of bringing an accusation of the crime of violence, but in order that they may recover possession of the property. For, indeed, a son is not forbidden to complain of the act of his mother, if he alleges that a child has been falsely substituted by her in order that he might have a co-heir, but he will not be permitted to accuse his mother under the Cornelian Law. 2One person cannot accuse another who has been already accused by a third party; but anyone who has been publicly or privately acquitted, or whose accuser has desisted from prosecution, and has been removed from a number of defendants, may be accused by another.

Dig. 48,16,9Macer libro secundo publicorum. vel ob rem prospere gestam

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. Or by reason of the fortunate result of some transaction,

Dig. 48,16,15Macer libro secundo publicorum. In senatus consultum Turpillianum incidunt, qui subiecissent accusatores, aut subiecti postulassent nec peregissent reos, aut aliter quam abolitione facta destitissent: quique chirographum ob accusandum dedissent pactionemve aliquam interposuissent. hoc autem verbum ‘nec peregissent’ ad universos supra scriptos pertinere dicendum est. 1An ad eos, qui hodie de iudiciis publicis extra ordinem cognoscunt, senatus consultum pertineat, quaeritur: sed iam hoc iure ex sacris constitutionibus utimur, ut pertineat ita ex singulis causis singulae poenae irrogentur. 2Eos, de quorum calumnia agi non permittitur, si destiterint, non incidere in poenam huius senatus consulti constitutionibus cavetur. 3Si propter mortem rei accusator destiterit, non potest hoc senatus consulto teneri, quia morte rei iudicium solvitur, nisi tale crimen fuit, cuius actio et adversus heredes durat, veluti maiestatis. idem in accusatione repetundarum est, quia haec quoque morte non solvitur. 4Ceterum si, postea quam accusator destitit, reus decesserit, non ideo magis delictum accusatoris relevatur. nam eum qui semel destitit, si postea accusare paratus sit, non esse audiendum Severus et Antoninus statuerunt. 5Qui post inscriptionem ante litem contestatam anno vel biennio agere non potuerint variis praesidum occupationibus vel etiam civilium officiorum necessitatibus districti, in senatus consultum non incident. 6Quamquam prius reum quis detulerat, et si post abolitionem, antequam reus repeteretur, alia abolitio supervenerit: non ex superiore, sed ex secunda abolitione dies triginta computantur.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. Those come within the scope of the Turpillian Decree of the Senate who substitute accusers in their places; or who, having done so, bring the accusation without prosecuting the defendants; or desist from the prosecution in some other manner than by the dismissal of the case, as well as such as have filed some written document, or have entered into some agreement for the purpose of accusing another. It must be said that these words, “Bring the accusation without prosecuting the defendants,” are applicable to all the persons above mentioned. 1The question arises whether the Decree of the Senate applies to those who, at present, have extraordinary jurisdiction of public offences. The present law, based upon the Imperial Constitutions, is that it does apply; hence each penalty will be imposed in each individual case. 2If those who are not permitted to bring an accusation for calumny desist, they will not be liable to the penalty of this Decree of the Senate. This has been provided by the Constitutions. 3If, on account of the death of the defendant, the accuser should desist, he cannot be held liable under this Decree of the Senate; because the prosecution is extinguished by the death of the accused, unless the crime is such that its prosecution can be continued against the heirs, as, for instance, that of high treason. The same rule applies where an accusation is brought for extortion, because this also is not extinguished by death. 4Moreover, if the defendant should die after the accuser has desisted from the prosecution, the offence of the accuser will not, for this reason, be lessened. For if he who has once desisted should afterwards be ready to renew the accusation, Severus and Antoninus have decreed that he shall not be heard. 5Those who, after having filed a written accusation, have permitted one or two years to elapse, for the reason that they could not prosecute on account of their various occupations as Governors, or because they were prevented by the requirements of civil office, do not come within the terms of the Decree of the Senate. 6If anyone has accused a person in the first place, and, after the case has been dismissed, but before the defendant is again accused, a second dismissal should occur, the thirty days should be computed, not from the first, but from the second dismissal of the case.

Dig. 48,17,2Macer libro secundo publicorum. Anni spatium ad occupanda bona eius, qui requirendus adnotatus est, pertinet. 1Sed si per viginti annos fiscus bona non occupaverit, postea praescriptione vel ab ipso reo vel ab heredibus eius submovebitur:

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. The term of a year is fixed for the purpose of seizing the property of anyone who is sought for and noted as being present. 1If, however, the Treasury does not seize his property for twenty years, it will be barred from doing so subsequently, if prescription should be pleaded either by the defendant himself, or by his heirs.

Dig. 48,17,4Macer libro secundo de publicis iudiciis. Annus exinde computandus est, ex quo ea adnotatio quae vel edicto vel litteris ad magistratus factis publice innotuit. 1Ergo et viginti annorum tempus exinde fisco numeratur, ex quo adnotatio publice innotuit. 2In summa sciendum est nulla temporis praescriptione causae defensione summoveri eum, qui requirendus adnotatus est.

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. The year is computed from the time when the notification was publicly made, either by means of an Edict or by letters sent to the magistrate. 1Therefore, the term of twenty years is reckoned for the Treasury, from the moment when the notice was published. 2In a word, it should be remembered that he who is sought for and notified is not barred from undertaking his defence by any prescription of time.

Dig. 48,19,10Macer libro secundo de publicis iudiciis. In servorum persona ita observatur, ut exemplo humiliorum puniantur. et ex quibus causis liber fustibus caeditur, ex his servus flagellis caedi et domino reddi iubetur: et ex quibus liber fustibus caesus in opus publicum datur, ex his servus, sub poena vinculorum ad eius temporis spatium, flagellis caesus domino reddi iubetur. si sub poena vinculorum domino reddi iussus non recipiatur, venumdari et, si emptorem non invenerit, in opus publicum et quidem perpetuum tradi iubetur. 1Qui ex causa in metallum dati sunt et post hoc deliquerunt, in eos tamquam metallicos constitui debet, quamvis nondum in eum locum perducti fuerint, in quo operari habent: nam statim ut de is sententia dicta est, condicionem suam permutant. 2In personis tam plebeiorum quam decurionum illud constitutum est, ut qui maiori poena adficitur, quam legibus statuta est, infamis non fiat. ergo et si opere temporario quis multatus sit vel tantum fustibus caesus, licet in actione famosa, veluti furti, dicendum erit infamem non esse, quia et solus fustium ictus gravior est quam pecuniaris damnatio.

Macer, On Public Prosecutions, Book II. The rule is observed with reference to slaves, that they shall be punished as persons of the lowest rank, and in cases where a freeman is whipped, a slave should be scourged, and ordered to be restored to his master; and where a freeman, after having been whipped, is sentenced to labor upon the public works, a slave, under the same circumstances, after having been kept in chains for a certain period of time, and scourged, is ordered to be restored to his master. Where a slave, after having undergone the punishment of chains, is ordered to be restored to his master, but is not received by him, he shall be sold; and if he does not find a purchaser, he shall be sentenced to labor on the public works for life. 1Those who, for some cause, have been sentenced to the mines and afterwards commit some offence, ought to be judged as having been condemned to the mines, although they may not yet have been taken to the place where they will be compelled to work; for they change their condition just as soon as sentence has been passed upon them. 2It has been decided with reference to plebeians as well as decurions, that where a more severe penalty than is authorized by law has been inflicted upon anyone, he does not become infamous. Therefore, if a man has been sentenced to labor for a specified term, or only beaten with rods, although this may have been done in an action which implied infamy, as, for instance, one of theft, it must be said that the accused does not become infamous, because blows with a rod constitute a more severe penalty than a pecuniary fine.

Dig. 48,21,2Macer libro secundo publicorum. ‘Imperatores Severus et Antoninus Iulio Iuliano. Eos, qui a latronibus nominati corruptis accusatoribus diem suum obierint, ut confessos de crimine non relinquere defensionem heredibus rationis est’. 1Si is, de cuius poena imperatori scriptum est (veluti quod decurio fuerit vel quod in insulam deportari debuerit), antequam rescriberetur decesserit: potest quaeri, num ante sententiam decessisse videatur. argumento est senatus consultum, quod factum est de his, qui Romam transmissi ante sententiam decessissent. cuius verba haec sunt: ‘Cum damnatus nemo videri possit in hunc annum, antequam de eo forte iudicium Romae redditum et pronuntiatum esset: neque cuiusquam mortui bona, antequam de eo Romae pronuntiatum sit, publicata sunt, eaque bona heredes possidere debent’.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. The Emperors Severus and Antoninus to Julius Julianus: Those who are said by robbers to have corrupted their accuser, and are dead, are considered to have confessed their crime, and hence to have left no defence to their heirs. 1Where anyone, concerning whose punishment a communication has been sent to the Emperor, for instance, because he was a decurion, or should have been deported to an island, and he dies before the Emperor has sent his reply, it may be asked whether he should be considered to have died before judgment. This question may be said to have been settled by a Decree of the Senate, which was enacted with reference to persons who were transferred to Rome, and died before judgment was rendered. The terms of this decree are as follows: “As no one can be considered to have been condemned during this year, before judgment in his case has been rendered and made public at Rome; no property belonging to a deceased person shall be confiscated before judgment in his case has been made public at Rome; and his heirs can take possession of his estate.”

Dig. 49,14,34Macer libro secundo publicorum. Imperatores Severus et Antoninus Asclepiadi ita rescripserunt: ‘Tu, qui defensione omissa redimere sententiam maluisti, cum tibi crimen obiceretur, non immerito quingentos solidos inferre fisco iussus es: omissa enim ipsius causae inquisitione ipse te huic poenae subdidisti. optinendum est enim, ut hi, quibus negotia fiscalia moventur, ad defensiones causae bona fide veniant, non adversarios aut iudices redimere temptent’.

Macer, Public Prosecutions, Book II. The Emperors Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript to Asclepiades: “You who, having failed to make a defence, preferred to purchase the judgment when you were accused of crime, are with reason ordered to pay fifty solidi to the Treasury, since, leaving out of consideration the examination of your case, you have rendered yourself liable to this penalty; for it must be maintained that those who are involved in matters in which the Treasury is interested, should undertake the defence of their cases in good faith, and not attempt to buy their adversaries, or their judges.”

Fragmenta incerta

Dig. 48,20,8Macer libro ..... de publicis iudiciis. Liberis quoque patronorum integrum ius patronatus servatur in bonis paterni liberti publicatis. si eius liberti extat patroni filius, fisco locus non est in parte filii patroni. 1Si patroni filius excluditur propter liberos quos habet libertus, satius est dicere fisco locum non esse, quoniam patroni filium excludunt liberi liberti, ipse autem fiscum repellit. 2Patroni filius etiamsi bonorum possessionem non petat, haud dubie excludit fiscum in parte sibi debita ex bonis liberti paterni. 3Relegati bona per sententiam specialem publicari poterunt, nec tamen iura adversus libertos ei auferuntur nisi principis iussu. 4Si condemnatur pater, qui dotem pro filia dedit, fisco in eam dotem ius non est, etiamsi postea in matrimonio filia moriatur,

Marcianus, Book. The right of patrons is preserved unimpaired for their children, so far as the property of a freedman of their father, whose property has been confiscated, is concerned. If the son of the patron appears, the Treasury can claim nothing of the share to which he is entitled. 1Where, however, there is a son of the patron, and a son of the freedman as well, the former will be excluded; and there will still be more reason for us to hold that there will be no ground for forfeiture to the Treasury, as children of the freedman exclude those of the patron, and those of the patron exclude the Treasury. 2But even if the son of the patron does not desire to demand prætorian possession of the estate, it is established that the Treasury will be excluded from that portion of the property of the freedman of his father to which he is entitled. 3The property of a person who has been relegated is not confiscated, unless this is expressly done by the terms of the sentence; but the rights of freedmen cannot be taken away by a special sentence, because the Emperor alone can deprive a relegated person of them. 4When a father, who has given a dowry for his daughter, is convicted, nothing is forfeited to the Treasury, even if the daughter should die afterwards during marriage, in which case the profecticial dowry will revert to the father. Therefore it will remain in the hands of her husband.

Dig. 48,20,10Macer libro ..... de publicis iudiciis. Etiam si pater, cum pro filia dotem promisisset, condemnatur, vir eam ex bonis eius a fisco petit. 1Si post solutum matrimonium filiae pater condemnatur, si quidem postquam filia ei consensit de dote repetenda, fiscus a marito eam repetit: si antequam consentiret ei, condemnatus est, ipsa repetitionem habet.

Marcianus, Book. Even if the father has promised a dowry for his daughter, and has been convicted, an action to recover the dowry from the estate of the father will be granted to the husband against the Treasury. 1Where a father has been convicted, after the dissolution of the marriage of the daughter, and, indeed, after the daughter has given her consent for him to have the dowry, the Treasury can recover it from the husband; but, before she gives her consent, the daughter herself will have a right to recover her dowry.

De appellationibus libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 2,8,15Macer libro primo de appellationibus. Sciendum est possessores immobilium rerum satisdare non compelli. 1Possessor autem is accipiendus est, qui in agro vel civitate rem soli possidet aut ex asse aut pro parte. sed et qui vectigalem, id est emphyteuticum agrum possidet, possessor intellegitur. item qui solam proprietatem habet, possessor intellegendus est. eum vero, qui tantum usum fructum habet, possessorem non esse Ulpianus scripsit. 2Creditor, qui pignus accepit, possessor non est, tametsi possessionem habeat aut sibi traditam aut precario debitori concessam. 3Si fundus in dotem datus sit, tam uxor quam maritus propter possessionem eius fundi possessores intelleguntur. 4Diversa causa est eius, qui fundi petitionem personalem habet. 5Tutores, sive pupilli eorum sive ipsi possideant, possessorum loco habentur: sed et si unus ex tutoribus possessor fuit, idem dicendum erit. 6Si fundum, quem possidebam, a me petieris, deinde cum secundum te esset iudicatum, appellaverim: an possessor eiusdem fundi sim? et recte dicetur possessorem me esse, quia nihilominus possideo, nec ad rem pertinet, quod evinci mihi ea possessio possit. 7Possessor autem quis nec ne fuerit, tempus cautionis spectandum est: nam sicuti ei, qui post cautionem possessionem vendidit, nihil obest, ita nec prodest ei, qui post cautionem possidere coepit.

Macer, On Appeals, Book I. It must be remembered that the possessors of real property are not compelled to give security. 1Ad Dig. 2,8,15,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 154, Note 7.By such a possessor is to be understood one who possesses land either in the country or in the city, either wholly, or in part. He also is understood to be a possessor who holds land subject to the payment of rent to the State, that is, an emphyteutic estate; and he also who has the mere ownership is considered to be a possessor. Ulpianus, however, stated that he who has only the usufruct, is not a possessor. 2A creditor who has accepted a pledge is not a possessor, even though he may have possession of the article, or whether it has been delivered to him, or is held by the debtor at the will of the creditor. 3Where real property is given by way of dowry, both the wife and the husband are understood to be possessors on account of their possession of said property. 4The case is different with a party who has the right of personal action for the recovery of land. 5Guardians, whether their wards or they themselves are in possession, are considered possessors; and the same rule applies where only one of several guardians is in possession. 6If you bring suit against me for land of which I am in possession; and judgment is rendered in your favor, and I take an appeal; am I still to be considered the possessor of said land? It may be very properly stated that I am the possessor of the same, because I still hold it; nor does it make any difference that I can subsequently be deprived of my possession. 7To ascertain whether a party is, or is not a possessor, the time when a bond was required must be considered; for just as the party is none the worse who has sold his possession after giving a bond, so he who takes possession after a bond has been executed obtains no advantage.

Dig. 49,1,2Macer libro primo de appellationibus. Sed si apud acta quis appellaverit, satis erit, si dicat ‘appello’.

Macer, On Appeals, Book I. When anyone appeals at the time when the judgment is rendered, it will be sufficient for him to say, “I appeal.”

Dig. 49,1,4Macer libro primo de appellationibus. Ab exsecutore sententiae appellare non licet. 1Sed ab eo, qui sententiam male interpretari dicitur, appellare licet, si tamen is interpretandi potestatem habuit, velut praeses provinciae aut procurator Caesaris: ita tamen, ut in causis appellationis reddendis hoc solum quaeratur, an iure interpretatum sit: idque etiam divus Antoninus rescripsit. 2Alio condemnato is cuius interest appellare potest. qualis est, qui per procuratorem expertus victus est nec procurator suo nomine appellet. 3Item si emptor de proprietate victus est, eo cessante auctor eius appellare poterit: aut si auctor egerit et victus sit, non est deneganda emptori appellandi facultas. quid enim, si venditor, qui appellare noluit, idoneus non est? quin etiam si auctor appellaverit, deinde in causae defensione suspectus visus sit, perinde defensio causae emptori committenda est, atque si ipse appellasset. 4Idque ita constitutum est in persona creditoris, cum debitor victus appellasset nec ex fide causam defenderet. quae constitutio ita accipienda est, si interveniente creditore debitor de pignore victus provocaverit: nam absenti creditori nullum praeiudicium debitor facit, idque statutum est. 5Si procurator, qui iudicio interfuit, victus sit, an ipse quoque per procuratorem appellare possit, videamus, quia constat procuratorem alium procuratorem facere non posse. sed meminisse oportet, quod procurator lite contestata dominus litis efficitur: et ideo et per procuratorem appellare potest.

Macer, On Appeals, Book I. It is not permitted to appeal from the execution of a judgment. 1It is, however, permitted to appeal from the decision of one who is alleged to have placed a wrong interpretation upon a judgment, if he had the authority to interpret it, as, for instance, the Governor of a province, or the Imperial Procurator; provided that, in discussing the causes for granting the appeal the question alone is raised whether the interpretation was according to law. This was also stated by the Divine Antoninus in a Rescript. 2Where another person has been convicted, he who has an interest in the case can appeal; for instance, one who, having appointed an attorney, has been defeated, and the attorney did not appeal in his name. 3Likewise, if the purchaser is evicted of the property sold, and neglects to appeal, the vendor can appeal. Or, if he brings suit and is defeated, the vendor should not be denied the right to appeal. But what if the vendor who refused to appeal is not solvent? And even if he should appeal, and appears to be liable to suspicion when conducting the case, the defence for this reason can be entrusted to the purchaser, just as if he himself had appealed. 4This has been decided with reference to the creditor, when the debtor is defeated and appeals, for he did not faithfully defend his case. This constitution should be understood to mean that the creditor having intervened, the debtor lost his case involving a pledge and took an appeal. For it has been decided that the debtor, in case of the absence of his creditor, does not prejudice him in any way. 5Where an attorney who is conducting a case loses it, let us see whether he himself can appeal through another attorney, because it is established that one attorney cannot appoint another. It must, however, be remembered that an attorney, by the joinder of issue, becomes the master of the case, and therefore can appeal by the agency of another attorney.

Dig. 49,4,2Macer libro primo de appellationibus. Si procuratorio nomine egeris et victus appellaveris, deinde iniusta appellatio tua fuerit pronuntiata, potest dubitari, num secundo die appellare debeas, quia, cum de tua appellatione iniusta pronuntiatum sit, tua interfuisse videtur. sed rectius dicetur tertia die appellare te posse, quia nihilo minus alienam causam defenderis. 1Sed si alius, quam qui iudicio expertus est, appellet, qualis est cuius interest, an etiam tertia die appellare possit, videamus. sed dicendum est secunda die appellare eum debere, quia verum est eum suam causam defendere. contrarium ei est. si dicat idcirco sibi licere intra triduum appellare, quia videtur quasi alieno nomine appellare, quando, si velit causam suam alienam videri, semet ipsum excludit, quia in aliena causa ei, qui iudicio expertus non est, appellare non liceat. 2Si is, qui ex libertinitate in ingenuitatem se defendebat, victus appellare omiserit, an pater eius appellare possit, maxime si dicat eum in potestate sua esse, quaeritur. sed si potest, quod magis probatur, secunda die, ut propria causa, appellare debet. 3Si pro eo, qui capite puniri iussus est, necessaria persona appellet, an tertia die audiri possit, Paulus dubitat. sed dicendum est hanc quoque personam ut in propria causa secunda die appellare debere, quia qui sua interesse dicit, propriam causam defendit.

Macer, Appeals, Book I. If you have conducted a case as an attorney, and, having been defeated, appeal, and your appeal has been decided to be ill founded, it may be doubted whether you should appeal on the second day, for as judgment has been rendered against your appeal, you appear to be the party in interest. It is, however, better to hold that you can appeal on the third day, because you have, nevertheless, defended the case of another. 1If, however, another than a party litigant should appeal, for example, one who has an interest, let us see whether he can appeal on the third day. It must, however, be said that he ought to appeal on the second day, because it is true that he is defending his own case. It would be opposing himself if he should allege that he has a right to appeal within three days, because it is held that if he takes an appeal in the name of another, when if he wishes his own case to appear to be that of another, he excludes himself, for the reason that he who was not a party in the beginning has no right to appeal in another’s case. 2If, however, one who is alleged to be a freedman should defend himself on the ground that he is freeborn, and, having been beaten, neglects to appeal, the question arises whether his father can do so, especially if he states that he is under his control. But if he can appeal, it is better to hold that he should do so on the second day, as conducting his own case. 3Where a near relative appeals in behalf of a person who has been sentenced to death, Paulus doubts whether he should be heard on the third day. It must, however, be said that a person of this kind should appeal upon the second day, as representing himself; because he who alleges that he is interested is defending his own case.

Dig. 49,5,4Macer libro primo de appellationibus. Eius, qui ideo causam agere frustratur, quod dicit se libellum principi dedisse et sacrum rescriptum expectare, audiri desiderium prohibetur: et si ob eam causam provocaverit, appellatio eius recipi sacris constitutionibus vetatur.

Macer, Appeals, Book I. He should not be heard who attempts to cause delay in a suit in which he alleges in reply that he has presented a petition to the Emperor, and is waiting for the issue of the Rescript, and, if he takes an appeal on this ground, the Imperial Constitutions forbid it to be received.

Ex libro II

Dig. 4,1,8Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Inter minores viginti quinque annis et eos qui rei publicae causa absunt hoc interest, quod minores annis etiam qui per tutores curatoresve suos defensi sunt, nihilo minus in integrum contra rem publicam restituuntur, cognita scilicet causa: ei vero qui rei publicae causa absit, ceteris quoque qui in eadem causa habentur, si per procuratores suos defensi sunt, hactenus in integrum restitutione subveniri solet, ut appellare his permittatur.

Macer, On Appeals, Book III. This difference exists between the case of minors under twenty-live years of age and parties who are absent on public business, namely: minors, even where they are defended by their guardians and curators, may still obtain complete restitution against the State, that is, where proper cause is shown; but where anyone is absent on public business, or where others who enjoy the same privilege, if they are defended by their agents, are usually only relieved by complete restitution to the extent of being permitted to appeal.

Dig. 42,1,63Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Saepe constitutum est res inter alios iudicatas aliis non praeiudicare. quod tamen quandam distinctionem habet: nam sententia inter alios dicta aliis quibusdam etiam scientibus obest, quibusdam vero, etiamsi contra ipsos iudicatum sit, nihil nocet. nam scientibus nihil praeiudicat, veluti si ex duobus heredibus debitoris alter condemnatur: nam alteri integra defensio est, etiamsi cum coherede suo agi scierit. item si ex duobus petitoribus alter victus adquieverit, alterius petitioni non praeiudicatur: idque ita rescriptum est. scientibus sententia, quae inter alios data est, obest, cum quis de ea re, cuius actio vel defensio primum sibi competit, sequentem agere patiatur, veluti si creditor experiri passus sit debitorem de proprietate pignoris, aut maritus socerum vel uxorem de proprietate rei in dote acceptae, aut possessor venditorem de proprietate rei emptae: et haec ita ex multis constitutionibus intellegenda sunt. cur autem his quidem scientia nocet, superioribus vero non nocet, illa ratio est, quod qui scit coheredem suum agere, prohibere eum, quo minus uti velit propria actione vel defensione utatur, non potest: is vero, qui priorem dominum defendere causam patitur, ideo propter scientiam praescriptione rei quamvis inter alios iudicatae summovetur, quia ex voluntate eius de iure, quod ex persona agentis habuit, iudicatum est. nam et si libertus meus me interveniente servus vel libertus alterius iudicetur, mihi praeiudicatur. diversa causa est, si fundum a te Titius petierit, quem ego quoque, sed non ex persona Titii ad me pertinere dico: nam quamvis contra Titium me sciente iudicatum sit, nullum tamen praeiudicium patior, quia neque ex eo iure, quo Titius victus est, vindico, neque potui Titio intercedere, quo minus iure suo utatur, sicuti et de coherede supra diximus.

Ad Dig. 42,1,63Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 132, Note 2.Macer, On Appeals, Book II. It has often been stated in the Imperial Constitutions that judgments obtained by certain persons do not prejudice the rights of others. This, however, admits of a certain distinction, for in some instances a judgment rendered against certain persons does prejudice others who have knowledge of it, but, in other cases, does not injure even those against whom it was rendered. A judgment is of no disadvantage to those who have knowledge of it, as where one of two heirs of a debtor has judgment rendered against him; for the right of the other to defend himself remains unimpaired, even if he knew that he was sued with his co-heir. Moreover, where one of two plaintiffs, having lost his case, acquiesces in the decision, the claim of the other is not prejudiced. This has been stated in a rescript. A decision rendered against certain parties injures others who are aware of it, when anyone who has a right to bring or defend an action before another suffers someone else to do so; as, for instance, where a creditor permits his debtor to bring suit involving the right to a pledge; or a husband allows his father-in-law, or his wife to institute proceedings to determine the ownership of property received by way of dowry; or a possessor permits the vendor to bring an action to establish the title to property which he has purchased. These points are understood to have been settled by many constitutions. For why should knowledge injure these parties, when it does not injure those previously mentioned? The reason for this is, that when anyone knows that his co-heir brings suit, he cannot prevent him from using any means which he may be able to employ in bringing or defending an action in which he is interested. He, however, who suffers a former owner of the property in dispute to defend an action is, on account of his knowledge, barred by an exception, even though the suit was decided with reference to others; because the decision was rendered with his consent, so far as any right derived from the party appearing in the case was concerned. For if, through my intervention, my freedman is decided to be the slave or the freedman of another, my rights will be prejudiced. A distinction, however, arises where Titius brings suit against you to recover a tract of land, which I allege belongs to me directly, and not through Titius; for even though judgment has been rendered against Titius with my knowledge, I still do not suffer any prejudice to my rights, as I do not claim the land by the same title under which Titius was defeated; and I cannot interfere to prevent him from availing himself of his alleged right, just as was the case with the co-heir above mentioned.

Dig. 49,1,9Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Illud sciendum est neque pupillum neque rem publicam, cum pro libertate iudicatur, in integrum restitui posse, sed appellationem esse necessariam. idque ita rescriptum est.

Macer, On Appeals, Book II. It must be remembered that neither a ward, nor the State, can obtain complete restitution in a case where freedom is involved, but an appeal is necessary. This has been stated in various rescripts.

Dig. 49,4,3Idem libro secundo de appellationibus. Illud videamus, si, cum imperatori scriberetur, exemplum litterarum litigatori editum sit neque is appellaverit et postea contra eum rescriptum sit, an appellare a litteris pridem sibi editis possit? quia qui tunc non appellavit, vera esse quae scripta sunt consensisse videtur: nec audiendus est, si dicat eventum rescripti sacri se sustinuisse.

The Same, Appeals, Book II. When a letter is written to the Emperor, and a copy of the same is shown to one of the litigants, who did not appeal, and afterwards the Emperor decides against him in a Rescript, let us see whether he can appeal from the letter which was previously shown to him, since as he did not do so at the time, he seems to have admitted its contents were true. He should not be heard, if he should state that he was waiting for the issue of the Imperial Rescript.

Dig. 49,5,6Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Sciendum est, cum appellatio non recipitur, praecipi sacris constitutionibus omnia in eodem statu esse nec quicquam novari, etiamsi contra fiscum appellatum sit: eumque, qui appellationem non receperit, opinionem suam confestim per relationem manifestare et causam, pro qua non recepit appellationem, eiusque exemplum litigatori edere debere mandatis cavetur.

Macer, On Appeals, Book II. It must be remembered that, when an appeal is rejected, it has been decided by the Imperial Constitutions that everything must remain in the same condition, and nothing new be done, even if the appeal is taken against the Treasury; and he who refuses to receive the appeal must immediately make a report giving his opinion, and the reason for its rejection; and it is provided by the Imperial Mandates that he shall furnish the litigant with a copy of his report.

Dig. 49,8,1Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Illud meminerimus: si quaeratur, iudicatum sit nec ne, et huius quaestionis iudex non esse iudicatum pronuntiaverit: licet fuerit iudicatum, rescinditur, si provocatum non fuerit. 1Item si calculi error in sententia esse dicatur, appellare necesse non est: veluti si iudex ita pronuntiaverit: ‘Cum constet Titium Seio ex illa specie quinquaginta, item ex illa specie viginti quinque debere, idcirco Lucium Titium Seio centum condemno’: nam quoniam error computationis est, nec appellare necesse est et citra provocationem corrigitur. sed et si huius quaestionis iudex sententiam centum confirmaverit, si quidem ideo, quod quinquaginta et viginti quinque fieri centum putaverit, adhuc idem error computationis est nec appellare necesse est: si vero ideo, quoniam et alias species viginti quinque fuisse dixerit, appellationi locus est. 2Item cum contra sacras constitutiones iudicatur, appellationis necessitas remittitur. contra constitutiones autem iudicatur, cum de iure constitutionis, non de iure litigatoris pronuntiatur. nam si iudex volenti se ex cura muneris vel tutelae beneficio liberorum vel aetatis aut privilegii excusare, dixerit neque filios neque aetatem aut ullum privilegium ad muneris vel tutelae excusationem prodesse, de iure constituto pronuntiasse intellegitur: quod si de iure suo probantem admiserit, sed idcirco contra eum sententiam dixerit, quod negaverit eum de aetate sua aut de numero liberorum probasse, de iure litigatoris pronuntiasse intellegitur: quo casu appellatio necessaria est. 3Item cum ex edicto peremptorio, quod neque propositum est neque in notitiam pervenit absentis, condemnatio fit, nullius momenti esse sententiam constitutiones demonstrant. 4Si apud eundem iudicem invicem petamus, si et mea et tua petitio sine usuris fuit et iudex me priorem tibi condemnavit, quo magis tu prior me condemnatum habeas: non est mihi necesse pro hac causa appellare, quando secundum sacras constitutiones iudicatum a me petere non possis, priusquam de mea quoque petitione iudicetur. sed magis est, ut appellatio interponatur.

Macer, On Appeals, Book II. We must remember that when an inquiry is made whether a case has been decided or not, and the judge of this question declares that it has not been decided, even though it may have been, it is rescinded, even if no appeal has been taken. 1Ad Dig. 49,8,1,1ROHGE, Bd. 7 (1873), S. 59: Berichtigung von Rechnungsfehlern in einem Erkenntnisse.Likewise, if an error in the calculation is alleged to exist in the decision, it is not necessary to appeal, for instance, if the judge decides as follows: “As it is proved that Titius owes Seius fifty sesterces for such-and-such an article, and also twenty-five for another; therefore I hold that Lucius Titius shall pay Seius a hundred sesterces;” because, as the mistake is one of computation, it is not necessary to appeal, and it can be corrected without doing so. If, however, the judge of this question should render a decision for a hundred sesterces, for the reason that he thought that fifty and twenty-five made a hundred, still, the same mistake is one of computation, and it is not necessary to appeal. But when the judge decides that there is another sum of twenty-five sesterces due, there will be ground for appeal. 2Likewise, when the decision is contrary to the Imperial Constitutions, the necessity for appeal does not exist. A decision is rendered against the constitutions when it is pronounced in compliance with the law as laid down by them, and not with reference to the rights of the litigant; for if the judge, in the case of a person desiring to be excused from the charge of a public office, or of a guardianship, on account of having children, or through age, or by reason of some privilege, should hold that neither children, nor age, nor any privilege will avail to excuse anyone from office, or from guardianship, he is understood to have decided with reference to the law as set forth in the constitutions. If, however, he should permit a person to establish his right, and then renders a decision against him because he did not prove his age, or the number of his children; he is understood to have decided with reference to the rights of the litigant, in which case an appeal will be necessary. 3Likewise when, under a peremptory Edict which has not been published, and of which the party has not been notified, he is convicted while absent, the constitutions declare that a decision of this kind is of no effect. 4If you and I both apply to the same judge, and neither of our petitions asks for interest, and the judge renders a decision against me before doing so against you, in order that you may be the first to have a judgment in your favor; it is not necessary for me to appeal on this ground, as, according to the Sacred Constitutions, you cannot ask for an execution against me before judgment has been rendered with reference to my claim; but the better opinion is that an appeal should be taken.

Dig. 49,9,2Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Si procurator absentis appellaverit, deinde rationes reddiderit, nihilo minus ipse respondere debet. sed an eo cessante dominus litis respondere possit exemplo adulescentis, videamus: magis tamen observatur, ut audiri debeat in causis appellationis reddendis is, cuius absentis procurator appellavit.

Macer, Appeals, Book II. When the attorney of an absent party appeals, and afterwards gives his reasons for doing so, he will, nevertheless, be obliged to answer. If, however, he fails to do so, can the party to the suit answer, as in the case of a minor? is a question which we should consider. We rather incline to the opinion that he ought to be heard in giving the reasons for the appeal, who, as the attorney of the absent party, applied for it.

Dig. 49,13,1Macer libro secundo de appellationibus. Appellatore defuncto, si quidem sine herede, cuiuscumque generis appellatio fuit, evanescit. quod si appellatori heres extiterit, si quidem nullius alterius interest causas appellationis reddi, cogendus non est peragere appellationem: si vero fisci vel alterius, contra quem appellatum est, interest, heres causas appellationis reddere necesse habet. nullius autem interest, veluti cum sine ademptione bonorum relegatus est. nam si ademptis bonis relegatus vel in insulam deportatus vel in metallum datus provocatione interposita decesserit, imperator noster Alexander Plaetorio militi ita rescripsit: ‘Quamvis pendente appellatione morte rei crimen extinctum sit, data tamen etiam de parte bonorum eius sententia proponitur, adversus quam non aliter is, qui emolumentum successionis habet, optinere potest, quam si in reddendis causis appellationis iniquitatem sententiae detexerit’. 1Tutor quoque in negotio pupilli appellatione interposita si decesserit, heredem eius causas appellationis reddere necesse est, etiamsi rationes tutelae heres reddiderit, quia sufficit mortis tempore ad causas appellationis reddendas obligatum fuisse. sed divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt non cogendum tutorem post rationes redditas causas appellationum reddere.

Macer, On Appeals, Book II. Where the appellant dies without leaving an heir, an appeal of this kind is extinguished. If, however, an heir of the appellant should appear, and no one else has any interest in stating the ground for the appeal, the heir cannot be forced to prosecute it. But when the Treasury, or any other party against whom the appeal was taken, is interested in the case, the heir will be required to state the grounds for the appeal. No one has any interest, where, for example, the party has been relegated without having been deprived of his property. In case he should be relegated after having been deprived of his property, or be deported to an island, or sentenced to the mines, or should die after the appeal was taken, our Emperor Alexander made the following statement in a Rescript addressed to Pletorius, a soldier, as being applicable: “Although, while the appeal is pending, the accusation of the defendant is annulled by death, still, as it is alleged that a part of his property has been confiscated under the judgment, be who is entitled to the benefit of the succession can only obtain it if he gives good reasons for the appeal, and establishes the injustice of the decision.” 1If a guardian, after having taken an appeal pertaining to the business of his ward, should die, his heir will be compelled to state the grounds for the appeal, even if he has already rendered his account of the guardianship, for the reason that it is sufficient that he would have been obliged to state the grounds for it at the time of his death. The Divine Severus and Antoninus, however, stated in a Rescript that a guardian, after having rendered his accounts, should not be compelled to set forth the grounds of the appeal.

De officio praesidis libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 1,18,1Macer libro primo de officio praesidis. Praesidis nomen generale est eoque et proconsules et legati Caesaris et omnes provincias regentes, licet senatores sint, praesides appellantur: proconsulis appellatio specialis est.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book I. The title of Governor is a general one, and hence it is applicable to Proconsuls and Deputies of the Emperor, as well as to all Governors of the provinces, and even to Senators. The title of Proconsul is one of special signification.

Dig. 1,18,16Macer libro primo de officio praesidis. Senatus consulto cavetur, ut de his, quae provincias regentes, comites aut libertini eorum, antequam in provinciam venerint, contraxerunt, parcissime ius dicatur, ita ut actiones, quae ob eam causam institutae non essent, posteaquam quis eorum ea provincia excesserit, restituerentur. si quid tamen invito accidit, veluti si iniuriam aut furtum passus est, hactenus ei ius dicendum est, ut litem contestetur resque ablata exhibeatur et deponatur aut sisti exhiberive satisdato promittatur.

Macer, On the Office of Governor, Book I. It is provided by a Decree of the Senate “That judicial proceeding must be very sparingly instituted with reference to obligations contracted by those who govern provinces, their attendants, or their freedmen, before they entered the province; for any actions which are not brought for this reason can be filed afterwards when any of the parties have left the province. But where anything occurs against the will of the party, as for instance if he suffers some injury, or is made the victim of theft, proceedings can be instituted to the extent of joining issue, and ordering the production and deposit of the stolen property; or a promise shall be given with security that the party will appear, or that the article in question will be produced.”

Dig. 1,21,4Macer libro primo de officio praesidis. Cognitio de suspectis tutoribus mandari potest. immo etiam ex mandata generali iurisdictione propter utilitatem pupillorum eam contingere constitutum est in haec verba: ‘Imperatores Severus et Antoninus Braduae proconsuli Africae. cum propriam iurisdictionem legatis tuis dederis, consequens est, ut etiam de suspectis tutoribus possint cognoscere.’ 1Ut possessio bonorum detur, vel si cui damni infecti non caveatur ut is possidere iubeatur, aut ventris nomine in possessionem mulier, vel is cui legatum est legatorum servandorum causa in possessionem mittatur, mandari potest.

Macer, On the Office of Governor, Book I. Cognizance of the acts of suspected guardians can be delegated, and it is settled that this may occur in the general delegation of jurisdiction, on account of the interest of wards, as follows: “The Emperors Severus and Antoninus to Braduas, Proconsul of Africa. Since you have delegated your jurisdiction to your Deputies, it follows that they can take cognizance of the acts of suspected guardians.” 1Thus power can be delegated to give possession of property, as for instance, when an order is issued to take possession where a bond is not furnished to provide against threatened injury; or for possession in the case of a woman in behalf of her unborn child; or to grant possession to a legatee for the preservation of his legacy.

Dig. 1,22,3Macer libro primo de officio praesidis. Si eadem provincia postea divisa sub duobus praesidibus constituta est, velut Germania, mysia, ex altera ortus in altera adsidebit nec videtur in sua provincia adsedisse.

Macer, On the Office of Governor, Book I. Where the same province has been divided between two Governors, as for instance, Germany and Mysia, a man born in either can act as assessor in the other and is not considered as acting in his own province.

Dig. 29,2,61Macer libro primo de officio praesidis. Si minor annis, posteaquam ex parte heres exstitit, in integrum restitutus est, divus Severus constituit, ut eius partis onus coheres suscipere non cogatur, sed bonorum possessio creditoribus detur.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book I. Where a minor, after having accepted an estate, obtains complete restitution, the Divine Severus decreed that his co-heir is not bound to assume liability for the debts of his share of the estate, but that prætorian possession of the same should be granted to the creditors.

Ex libro II

Dig. 48,3,7Macer libro secundo de officio praesidis. Solent praesides provinciarum, in quibus delictum est, scribere ad collegas suos, ubi factores agere dicuntur, et desiderare, ut cum prosecutoribus ad se remittantur: et id quoque quibusdam rescriptis declaratur.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book II. The Governor of a province in which a crime has been committed is accustomed to write to his colleagues, where it is said that the guilty parties are, and ask them to send them to him under guard. This has also been prescribed by certain rescripts.

Dig. 48,19,12Macer libro secundo de officio praesidis. Quod ad statum damnatorum pertinet, nihil interest, iudicium publicum fuerit nec ne: nam sola sententia, non genus criminis spectatur. itaque hi, in quos animadverti iubetur quive ad bestias dantur, confestim poenae servi fiunt.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book II. With reference to the civil condition of persons who have been convicted, it makes no difference whether the prosecution was public or not; for the sentence, and not the kind of crime, is alone considered. Therefore, those who are ordered to be punished in other ways, or who are delivered up to wild beasts, instantly become penal slaves.

Dig. 50,5,5Macer libro secundo de officio praesidis. A decurionatu, quamvis hic quoque honor est, ad alium honorem nullam vacationem tribuendam Ulpianus respondit.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book II. Ulpianus gave it as his opinion that no exemption should be granted to any other office while anyone was called to it from the decurionate.

Dig. 50,10,3Macer libro secundo de officio praesidis. Opus novum privato etiam sine principis auctoritate facere licet, praeterquam si ad aemulationem alterius civitatis pertineat vel materiam seditionis praebeat vel circum theatrum vel amphitheatrum sit. 1Publico vero sumptu opus novum sine principis auctoritate fieri non licere constitutionibus declaratur. 2Inscribi autem nomen operi publico alterius quam principis aut eius, cuius pecunia id opus factum sit, non licet.

Macer, On the Duties of Governor, Book II. A private individual can construct a new work even without the authority of the Emperor, unless this is done through rivalry with another city, or may furnish material for sedition, or is a circus, a theatre, or an amphitheatre. 1It is stated by the Imperial Constitutions that it is not lawful for a new work to be constructed at the public expense without the authority of the Emperor. 2It is not lawful for any other name than that of the Emperor, or of him by whose money it was constructed, to be inscribed upon any public work.

De re militari libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 49,16,12Macer libro primo de re militari. Officium regentis exercitum non tantum in danda, sed etiam in observanda disciplina constitit. 1Paternus quoque scripsit debere eum, qui se meminerit armato praeesse, parcissime commeatum dare, equum militarem extra provinciam duci non permittere, ad opus privatum piscatum venatum militem non mittere. nam in disciplina Augusti ita cavetur: ‘Etsi scio fabrilibus operibus exerceri milites non esse alienum, vereor tamen, si quicquam permisero, quod in usum meum aut tuum fiat, ne modus in ea re non adhibeatur, qui mihi sit tolerandus’. 2Officium tribunorum est vel eorum, qui exercitui praesunt, milites in castris continere, ad exercitationem producere, claves portarum suscipere, vigilias interdum circumire, frumentationibus commilitonum interesse, frumentum probare, mensorum fraudem coercere, delicta secundum suae auctoritatis modum castigare, principiis frequenter interesse, querellas commilitonum audire, valetudinarios inspicere.

Macer, On Military Affairs, Book I. The duty of the commander of an army consists not only in enforcing discipline, but also in observing it. 1Paternus says that he who commands an army should remember to grant furloughs very sparingly, and not to permit a horse belonging to the military service to be taken out of the province where the soldiers are; and not to send a soldier to perform any private labor, or to fish or hunt; for this is laid down in the rules of discipline prescribed by Augustus. Although I know that it is not unlawful for soldiers to perform mechanical labor, still, I fear if I should allow any act to be performed for my benefit, or for yours, this would not be done in a way which would be tolerated by me. 2It is the duty of the tribunes, or of those who command the army, to confine the soldiers in camps; to compel them to go through their exercises; to keep the keys of the gates; sometimes to make the rounds of the watch; to oversee the distribution of grain; to test it to prevent fraud from being committed by those who measure it; to punish offences according to their authority; to be frequently present at headquarters to hear the complaints of their fellow-soldiers; and to inspect those who are ill.

Ex libro II

Dig. 29,1,26Macer libro secundo militarium. Testamenta eorum, qui ignominiae causa missi sunt, statim desinunt militari iure valere, quod anni spatium testamentis eorum, qui honestam vel causariam missionem meruerunt, tribuitur. ius testandi de castrensi, quod filiis familias militantibus concessum est, ad eos, qui ignominiae causa missi sunt, non pertinet, quod hoc praemii loco merentibus tributum est.

Macer, Military Wills, Book II. The wills of soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged immediately cease to be valid by military law; but the privilege is extended for the term of a year to the wills of those who have obtained an honorable discharge, or one for some good reason. The right to dispose of castrense peculium by will, which is granted to sons under paternal control, serving in the army, is not conceded to such as are dishonorably discharged, because this privilege is only bestowed by way of recompense upon others who deserve it.

Dig. 35,2,92Macer libro secundo de re militari. Si miles testamento facto partem dimidiam hereditatis suae tibi restitui iusserit, deinde post missionem factis codicillis alteram partem Titio restitui rogaverit: si quidem post annum missionis suae decesserit, et tibi et Titio heres partem quartam retinebit, quia eo tempore testator decessit, quo testamentum eius ad beneficium principale pertinere desierat: si vero intra annum missionis decesserit, solus Titius deductionem partis quartae patietur, quia eo tempore fideicommissum ei relictum est, quo testator iure militari testari non potuit.

Macer, On Military Affairs, Book II. If a soldier, having made his will, directs half of his estate to be delivered to you, and then executes a codicil after he has been discharged, by which he requests the other half of his estate to be delivered to Titius, and dies a year after his discharge, the heir shall retain his fourth out of what was due to yourself and Titius; because the testator died at a time when his will could not receive the benefit of the Imperial privilege relating to military wills. If, however, he should die within a year after his discharge, Titius alone must suffer the deduction of the Falcidian fourth, because the trust was left to him at a time when the testator could not make a will under military law.

Dig. 38,12,1Macer libro secundo de re militari. Militi, qui capite puniri meruit, testamentum facere concedendum Paulus et Menander scribunt eiusque bona intestati, si punitus sit, ad cognatos eius pertinere, si tamen ex militari delicto, non ex communi punitus est.

Macer, On Military Affairs, Book II. Paulus and Menander say that a soldier who deserves to suffer the punishment of death should be permitted to make a will; and if he should die intestate, after having been punished, his property will belong to his next of kin; provided he is punished for a military offence, and not for an ordinary crime.

Dig. 48,19,14Macer libro secundo de re militari. Quaedam delicta pagano aut nullam aut leviorem poenam irrogant, militi vero graviorem. nam si miles artem ludicram fecerit vel in servitutem se venire passus est, capite puniendum Menander scribit.

Macer, On Military Affairs, Book II. Certain offences, if committed by a civilian, either entail no penalty at all, or merely a trifling one, while in the case of a soldier, they are severely punished; for if a soldier follows the calling of a buffoon, or suffers himself to be sold in slavery, Menander says that he should undergo capital punishment.

Dig. 49,16,13Idem libro secundo de re militari. Milites agrum comparare prohibentur in ea provincia, in qua bellica opera peragunt, scilicet ne studio culturae militia sua avocentur. et ideo domum comparare non prohibentur. sed et agros in alia provincia comparare possunt. ceterum in ea provincia, in quam propter proelii causam venerunt, ne sub alieno quidem nomine eis agrum comparare licet: alioquin fisco vindicabitur. 1Is autem, qui contra disciplinam agrum comparaverit, si nulla de ea re quaestione mota missionem acceperit, inquietari prohibetur. 2Illud constat huius praescriptionis commodum ad eos, qui ignominiae causa missi sunt, non pertinere, quod praemii loco veteranis concessum intellegitur: et ideo et ad eum, qui causaria missus est, potest dici pertinere, cum huic quoque praemium praestatur. 3Missionum generales causae sunt tres: honesta causaria ignominiosa. honesta est, quae tempore militiae impleto datur: causaria, cum quis vitio animi vel corporis minus idoneus militiae renuntiatur: ignominiosa causa est, cum quis propter delictum sacramento solvitur. et is, qui ignominia missus est, neque Romae neque in sacro comitatu agere potest. et si sine ignominiae mentione missi sunt, nihilo minus ignominia missi intelleguntur. 4Inreverens miles non tantum a tribuno vel centurione, sed etiam a principali coercendus est. nam eum, qui centurioni castigare se volenti restiterit, veteres notaverunt: si vitem tenuit, militiam mutat: si ex industria fregit vel manum centurioni intulit, capite punitur. 5Eius fugam, qui, cum sub custodia vel in carcere esset discesserit, in numero desertorum non computandam Menander scripsit, quia custodiae refuga, non militiae desertor est. eum tamen, qui carcere effracto fugerit, etiamsi ante non deseruerit, capite puniendum Paulus scripsit. 6Desertorem, qui a patre suo fuerat oblatus, in deteriorem militiam divus Pius dari iussit, ne videatur, inquit, pater ad supplicium filium optulisse. item divus Severus et Antoninus eum, qui post quinquennium desertionis se optulit, deportari iusserunt. quod exemplum et in ceteris sequi nos debere Menander scripsit.

The Same, On Military Affairs, Book II. Soldiers are forbidden to purchase land in the province in which they are carrying on warlike operations, for fear that, through the desire of cultivating the soil, they may be withdrawn from military service, and therefore they are not forbidden to purchase houses. They can, however, buy land in another province, but they are not allowed to do so, even in the name of another or in the one to which they have come for the purpose of battle; otherwise, the land will be confiscated by the Treasury. 1He who purchases land contrary to the rule of military discipline cannot be molested if he has received his discharge before any action has been taken with reference to his purchase. 2It is established that soldiers who have been dishonorably discharged have no right to the benefit of this provision, as it is understood to have been granted to veterans as a reward; and therefore it may be said to apply to those who have been discharged for some good reason, because they also are entitled to rewards. 3There are three general kinds of discharges, namely, those which are honorable, those which are for some cause, and those which are ignominious. An honorable discharge is one which is granted after the term of military service has expired. A discharge for cause is where anyone is dismissed because he has become incapable of military duty, through some defect of mind or body. An ignominious discharge is where a soldier is released from his military oath, on account of the commission of a crime. Anyone who has been ignominiously discharged can neither remain at Rome, nor in the Imperial household. When soldiers are discharged without any mention of disgrace, they can still be understood to have been dishonorably discharged. 4A soldier who is guilty of disrespect should be punished, not only by the tribune or the centurion, but also by the Emperor, for the ancients branded with infamy anyone who resisted a centurion who desired to chastise him. If he seizes the staff of the centurion, he must change his corps; if he breaks it on purpose, or raises his hand against the centurion, he is punished with death. 5Menander says that he who takes to flight while under guard or in prison should not be considered a deserter, because he has escaped from custody, and is not a deserter from the army. Paulus says that he who breaks out of prison, even if he has not previously deserted, should be punished with death. 6The Divine Pius ordered a deserter, who had been produced by his father, to be placed in an inferior corps, in order to prevent his father from appearing to have surrendered him to undergo the extreme penalty. Likewise, the Divine Severus and Antoninus ordered a soldier to be deported who gave himself up after five years of desertion. Menander says that we should follow this example in the case of other deserters.

Dig. 49,17,11Macer libro secundo de re militari. Castrense peculium est, quod a parentibus vel cognatis in militia agenti donatum est vel quod ipse filius familias in militia adquisiit, quod, nisi militaret, adquisiturus non fuisset. nam quod erat et sine militia adquisiturus, id peculium eius castrense non est.

Macer, On Military Affairs, Book II. Castrense peculium is what has been given by parents or relatives to one who is serving in the army, or what a son under paternal control has himself obtained while in the service, and which he would not have acquired if he had not been a soldier; for whatever he might have acquired without being in the army does not constitute any part of his peculium, castrense.

Ad legem vicensimam hereditatium libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 2,15,13Aemilius Macer libro primo ad legem vicensimam hereditatium. Nulli procuratorum principis inconsulto principe transigere licet.

Æmilius Macer, On the Five Per Cent Law Respecting Inheritances, Book I. It is not lawful for an Imperial Procurator to make a compromise without the authority of the Emperor.

Dig. 11,7,37Macer libro primo ad legem vicensimam hereditatium. Funeris sumptus accipitur, quidquid corporis causa veluti unguentorum erogatum est, et pretium loci in quo defunctus humatus est, et si qua vectigalia sunt, vel sarcophagi et vectura: et quidquid corporis causa antequam sepeliatur consumptum est, funeris impensam esse existimo. 1Monumentum autem sepulchri id esse divus Hadrianus rescripsit, quod monumenti, id est causa muniendi eius loci factum sit, in quo corpus impositum sit. itaque si amplum quid aedificari testator iusserit, veluti incircum porticationes, eos sumptus funeris causa non esse.

Macer, On the Law of the Twentieth Relating to Successions, Book I. Under the head of “funeral expenses” must be understood whatever is disbursed on account of the body; for instance, in the purchase of ointments, as well as the price of the place where the deceased is buried, and where any rent that is to be paid, together with the cost of the sarcophagus, the hire of vehicles, and anything else which is consumed on account of the body before it is buried; I think should be included in the funeral expenses. 1The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that a sepulchral monument is anything which is erected as a monument, that is to say, for the protection of the place where the body is laid; and therefore, if the testator ordered a large building to be constructed, for example, a number of porticos in a circular form, these expenses are not incurred on account of the funeral.

Dig. 28,1,7Aemilius Macer libro primo ad legem vicensimam hereditatium. Si mutus aut surdus, ut liceret sibi testamentum facere, a principe impetraverit, valet testamentum.

Æmilius Macer, On the Twenty Per Cent Law of Inheritance, Book I. Where a person who is dumb or deaf obtains permission from the Emperor to make a will, it will be valid.

Dig. 50,16,154Macer libro primo ad legem vicensimam. Mille passus non a miliario urbis, sed a continentibus aedificiis numerandi sunt.

Macer, On the Law Relating to the Twentieth. The thousand paces constituting a mile are not reckoned from the milestone of the City of Rome, but from the houses contiguous thereto.

Ex libro II

Dig. 35,2,68Aemilius Macer libro secundo ad legem vicesimam hereditatium. Computationi in alimentis faciendae hanc formam esse Ulpianus scribit, ut a prima aetate usque ad annum vicesimum quantitas alimentorum triginta annorum computetur eiusque quantitatis Falcidia praestetur, ab annis vero viginti usque ad annum vicesimum quintum annorum viginti octo, ab annis viginti quinque usque ad annos triginta annorum viginti quinque, ab annis triginta usque ad annos triginta quinque annorum viginti duo, ab annis triginta quinque usque ad annos quadraginta annorum viginti. ab annis quadraginta usque ad annos quinquaginta tot annorum computatio fit, quot aetati eius ad annum sexagesimum deerit remisso uno anno: ab anno vero quinquagesimo usque ad annum quinquagesimum quintum annorum novem, ab annis quinquaginta quinque usque ad annum sexagesimum annorum septem, ab annis sexaginta, cuiuscumque aetatis sit, annorum quinque. eoque nos iure uti Ulpianus ait et circa computationem usus fructus faciendam. solitum est tamen a prima aetate usque ad annum trigesimum computationem annorum triginta fieri, ab annis vero triginta tot annorum computationem inire, quot ad annum sexagesimum deesse videntur. numquam ergo amplius quam triginta annorum computatio initur. sic denique et si rei publicae usus fructus legetur, sive simpliciter sive ad ludos, triginta annorum computatio fit. 1Si quis ex heredibus rem propriam esse contendat, deinde hereditariam esse convincatur, quidam putant eius quoque Falcidiam non posse retineri, quia nihil intersit, subtraxerit an hereditariam esse negaverit: quod Ulpianus recte improbat.

Æmilius Macer, On the Law of Five Per Cent Tax of Estates, Book II. Ulpianus says that the following rule should be adopted in making the estimate of maintenance to be furnished. The amount bequeathed to anyone for this purpose from the first to the twentieth year is computed to have lasted for thirty years, and the Falcidian portion of that sum shall be reserved. From twenty to twenty-five years, the amount is calculated for twenty-eight years, from twenty to thirty years, the amount is calculated for twenty-five years; from thirty to thirty-five years, the amount is calculated for twenty-two years, from thirty to forty years, it is computed for twenty years; from forty to fifty years, the computation is made for as many years as the party lacks of the sixtieth year after having omitted one year; from the fiftieth to the fifty-fifth, the amount is calculated for nine years; from the fifty-fifth to the sixtieth year, it is calculated for seven years; and for any age above sixty, no matter what it may be, the computation is made for five years. Ulpianus also says that we use this same rule in making the calculation with reference to the legacy of an usufruct. Nevertheless, it is the practice for the computation to be made for thirty years from the first to the thirtieth, but after the age of thirty years it is made for as many years as the legatee lacks of being sixty; hence the computation is never made for a longer time than thirty years. Finally, in like manner, the computation is made for the period of thirty years, where the usufruct of property is bequeathed to the State, either simply, or for the purpose of celebrating games. 1Where one of the heirs claims that certain property belongs to him individually, and it is afterwards proved to constitute part of the estate, certain authorities hold that the Falcidian portion cannot be reserved out of said property, because it makes no difference whether the heir appropriated it, or denied that it belonged to the estate. This opinion Ulpianus very properly does not accept.