Regularum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 18,1,70Licinnius Rufinus libro octavo regularum. Liberi hominis emptionem contrahi posse plerique existimaverunt, si modo inter ignorantes id fiat. quod idem placet etiam, si venditor sciat, emptor autem ignoret. quod si emptor sciens liberum esse emerit, nulla emptio contrahitur.
Licinius Rufinus, Rules, Book VIII. Many authorities held that the purchase of a freeman could be made, provided the transaction took place among parties ignorant of the facts. It has been decided that the same rule applies even if the vendor knows that this is the case, and the purchaser is ignorant of it; for if the purchaser, knowing a man to be free, buys him, the purchase will be void.
Dig. 44,7,58Licinnius Rufinus libro octavo regularum. Pupillus mutuam pecuniam accipiendo ne quidem iure naturali obligatur.
Callistratus, The Minority Edict, Book I. It must be remembered that where issue has been joined in a case, it passes against the heir and other persons of this kind.