Regularum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 40,5,16Licinnius Rufinus libro quinto regularum. Libertates etiam per fideicommissum dari possunt et quidem largius quam directo: nam non tantum propriis, sed et alienis servis per fideicommissum libertas dari potest: ita tamen, ut vulgaribus verbis et quibus evidenter voluntas testatoris exprimi possit.
Licinius Rufinus, Rules, Book V. Freedom can also be bestowed under the terms of a trust, and, in fact, to even a greater extent than where it is directly bestowed, for by means of a trust it can be granted not only to one’s own slaves, but also to those of another; provided words in common use and by which the intention of the testator is plainly expressed are employed.