Regularum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 23,2,51Licinnius Rufinus libro primo regularum. Matrimonii causa ancilla manumissa a nullo alio uxor duci potest quam a quo manumissa est, nisi patronus matrimonio eius renuntiaverit. 1Si autem filius familias matrimonii causa iussu patris ancillam manumiserit, Iulianus putat perinde eam haberi atque si a patre eius manumissa esset: et ideo potest eam uxorem ducere.
Licinius Rufinus, Rules, Book I. When a female slave has been manumitted for the purpose of matrimony, she cannot marry anyone else than the party by whom she was set free, unless her patron renounces the right of marriage with her. 1Where, however, a son under paternal control manumits a female slave by order of his father, for the purpose of matrimony, Julianus thinks that she is in the same position as if she had been manumitted by the father, and therefore that he can marry her.
Dig. 40,7,32Licinnius Rufinus libro primo regularum. Si duobus heredibus institutis servus liber esse iussus sit, si decem heredibus dederit, ab altero ex heredibus venierit et traditus fuerit, pro parte alteri ex heredibus, a quo non venierit, dando pecuniam liber erit.
Licinius Rufinus, Rules, Book I. Where two heirs are appointed, and a slave is ordered to be free if he pays ten aurei to the heirs, and he is sold and delivered by one of the latter, he will become free by paying half of the sum to the other heir by whom he was not sold.
Dig. 41,3,25Licinnius Rufinus libro primo regularum. Sine possessione usucapio contingere non potest.
Licinius Rufinus, Rules, Book I. Usucaption cannot take place without possession.