Posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 3,5,42Labeo libro sexto posteriorum epitomatorum a Iavoleno. Cum pecuniam eius nomine solveres, qui tibi nihil mandaverat, negotiorum gestorum actio tibi competit, cum ea solutione debitor a creditore liberatus sit: nisi si quid debitoris interfuit eam pecuniam non solvi.
Ad Dig. 3,5,42ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 82, S. 328: Ersatzanspruch aus der Tilgung bezw. Uebernahme der Schuld eines Andern.Labeo, On the Last Epitomes by Javolenus, Book VI. When you pay money in the name of a party who did not specially direct you to do so, you will be entitled to an action based on business transacted; since by that payment the debtor was discharged by his creditor, unless the debtor had some interest in not having the money paid.
Dig. 16,3,33Labeo libro sexto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Servus tuus pecuniam cum Attio in sequestre deposuit apud Maevium ea condicione, ut ea tibi redderetur, si tuam esse probasses, si minus, ut Attio redderetur. posse dixi cum eo, apud quem deposita esset, incerti agere, id est ad exhibendum, et exhibitam vindicare, quia servus in deponendo tuum ius deterius facere non potuisset.
Labeo, Last Epitomes of Javolenus, Book VI. Your slave deposited, in sequestration, a certain sum of money with Attius at the house of Mævius, on condition that it should be delivered to you if you proved that it was yours, but if you did not, that it should be delivered to Attius. I stated that suit could be brought for an unascertained amount against him with whom the money was deposited, that is, for its production, and having been produced, an action could be brought for its recovery, because your slave, in making the deposit, could not prejudice your rights.
Dig. 17,2,84Labeo libro sexto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Quotiens iussu alicuius vel cum filio eius vel cum extraneo societas coitur, directo cum illius persona agi posse, cuius persona in contrahenda societate spectata sit.
Labeo, Abridgments by Javolenus, Book VI. Whenever a partnership is formed by the direction of anyone, either with the son of the latter or with another person, a direct action can be brought against the one who was in view when the partnership was formed.
Dig. 23,3,79Labeo libro sexto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Avus neptis nomine filio natae genero dotem dedit et moritur. negat Servius dotem ad patrem reverti et ego cum Servio sentio, quia non potest videri ab eo profecta, quia nihil ex his sui habuisset. 1Pater filiae nomine centum doti ita promisit ‘cum commodissimum esset’. Ateius scripsit Servium respondisse, cum primum sine turpitudine et infamia dari possit, deberi.
Labeo, Epitomes of the Last Works of Javolenus, Book VI. A grandfather gave a dowry for his granddaughter, the daughter of his son, to his son-in-law, and then died. Servius denies that the dowry reverts to the father, and I agree with him, because it cannot be held to be derived from him, as he never owned any of the property. 1A father promised a hundred aurei to his daughter, by way of dowry, on condition that it should be paid when perfectly convenient. Ateius says that Servius gave it as his opinion, that the father should pay the dowry as soon as he could do so without subjecting himself to dishonor and infamy.
Dig. 24,1,65Labeo libro sexto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Quod vir ei, quae nondum viripotens nupserit, donaverit, ratum futurum existimo.
Labeo, Epitomes of Last Works, by Javolenus, Book VI. Where a man makes a donation to a woman who is not yet marriageable, I think that it will be valid.