Posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 18,1,80Labeo libro quinto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Cum manu sata in venditione fundi excipiuntur, non quae in perpetuo sata sunt excipi viderentur, sed quae singulis annis seri solent, ita ut fructus eorum tollatur: nam aliter interpretantibus vites et arbores omnes exceptae videbuntur. 1Huius rei emptionem posse fieri dixi: ‘quae ex meis aedibus in tuas aedes proiecta sunt, ut ea mihi ita habere liceat’, deque ea re ex empto agi. 2Silva caedua in quinquennium venierat: quaerebatur, cum glans decidisset, utrius esset. scio Servium respondisse, primum sequendum esse quod appareret actum esse: quod si in obscuro esset, quaecumque glans ex his arboribus quae caesae non essent cecidisset, venditoris esse, eam autem, quae in arboribus fuisset eo tempore cum haec caederentur, emptoris. 3Nemo potest videri eam rem vendidisse, de cuius dominio id agitur, ne ad emptorem transeat, sed hoc aut locatio est aut aliud genus contractus.
Labeo, Last Works, Epitomes of Javolenus, Book V. Where a vendor in a sale reserves all crops which have been sowed by hand, those which have been permanently planted are not held to have been reserved, but only such as are usually sowed every year, in order that their yield may be gathered; for, if this was interpreted otherwise, all vines and trees would be held to have been reserved. 1I stated that a purchase could not be made of property in the following terms, namely: “I shall enjoy the right to have my house project over yours,” and that on this account an action on purchase can be brought. 2The right to cut wood was sold for the term of five years, and the question arose to whom the acorns which might fall would belong? I am aware that Servius gave it as his opinion that what appeared to be the intention of the parties must be followed in this instance. If, however, this cannot be ascertained, any acorns which fell from trees, which were not cut down will belong to the vendor, and those which remained on the trees which were cut down, will be the property of the purchaser. 3No one can be held to have sold property whose ownership is in question, unless it was delivered to the purchaser; for this is either a lease, or some other kind of a contract.
Dig. 19,1,51Idem libro quinto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Si et per emptorem et venditorem mora fuisset, quo minus vinum praeberetur et traderetur, perinde esse ait, quasi si per emptorem solum stetisset: non enim potest videri mora per venditorem emptori facta esse ipso moram faciente emptore. 1Quod si fundum emisti ea lege, uti des pecuniam kalendis Iuliis, et si ipsis calendis per venditorem esset factum, quo minus pecunia ei solveretur, deinde per te staret quo minus solveres, uti posse adversus te lege sua venditorem dixi, quia in vendendo hoc ageretur, ut, quandoque per emptorem factum sit, quo minus pecuniam solvat, legis poenam patiatur. hoc ita verum puto, nisi si quid in ea re venditor dolo fecit.
The Same, Later Epitomes by Javolenus, Book V. Ad Dig. 19,1,51 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 345, Note 13.Where the purchaser and the vendor are both in default with reference to the delivery and acceptance, the result will be the same as if the purchaser alone was responsible. For the vendor cannot be held to be in default with reference to the purchaser, when the latter himself is also guilty of delay. 1Ad Dig. 19,1,51,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 323, Note 9.Where you purchased a tract of land under the condition that you would pay the purchase-money on the Kalends of July; even though, when the time had expired, the vendor was at fault for the money not being paid to him, and afterwards you were to blame for not paying it; I stated that the vendor could avail himself of the condition stated in the contract, as against you; because in making the sale it was the intention of the parties that if the purchaser was in default for non-payment of the money, he would be liable for the penalty mentioned in the contract. I think this opinion to be correct, unless the vendor was guilty of fraud in the transaction.
Dig. 19,2,60Labeo posteriorum libro quinto a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Cum in plures annos domus locata est, praestare locator debet, ut non solum habitare conductor ex calendis illis cuiusque anni, sed etiam locare habitatori si velit suo tempore possit. itaque si ea domus ex kalendis Ianuariis fulta in kalendis Iuniis permansisset, ita ut nec habitare quisquam nec ostendere alicui posset, nihil locatori conductorem praestaturum, adeo ut nec cogi quidem posset ex kalendis Iuliis refecta domu habitare, nisi si paratus fuisset locator commodam domum ei ad habitandum dare. 1Heredem coloni, quamvis colonus non est, nihilo minus domino possidere existimo. 2Vestimenta tua fullo perdidit et habes unde petas nec repetere vis: agis nihilo minus ex locato cum fullone, sed iudicem aestimaturum, an possis adversus furem magis agere et ab eo tuas res consequi fullonis videlicet sumptibus: sed si hoc tibi impossibile esse perspexerit, tunc fullonem quidem tibi condemnabit, tuas autem actiones te ei praestare compellet. 3Lege dicta domus facienda locata erat ita, ut probatio aut improbatio locatoris aut heredis eius esset: redemptor ex voluntate locatoris quaedam in opere permutaverat. respondi opus quidem ex lege dicta non videri factum, sed quoniam ex voluntate locatoris permutatum esset, redemptorem absolvi debere. 4Mandavi tibi ut excuteres, quanti villam aedificare velles: renuntiasti mihi ducentorum impensam excutere: certa mercede opus tibi locavi, postea comperi non posse minoris trecentorum eam villam constare: data autem tibi erant centum, ex quibus cum partem impendisses, vetui te opus facere. dixi, si opus facere perseveraveris, ex locato tecum agere, ut pecuniae mihi reliquum restituas. 5Messem inspiciente colono, cum alienam esse non ignorares, sustulisti. condicere tibi frumentum dominum posse Labeo ait, et ut id faciat, colonum ex conducto cum domino acturum. 6Locator horrei propositum habuit se aurum argentum margaritam non recipere suo periculo: deinde cum sciret has res inferri, passus est. proinde eum futurum tibi obligatum dixi, ac si propositum fuit, remissum videtur. 7Servum meum mulionem conduxisti: neglegentia eius mulus tuus perit. si ipse se locasset, ex peculio dumtaxat et in rem versum damnum tibi praestaturum dico: sin autem ipse eum locassem, non ultra me tibi praestaturum, quam dolum malum et culpam meam abesse: quod si sine definitione personae mulionem a me conduxisti et ego eum tibi dedissem, cuius neglegentia iumentum perierit, illam quoque culpam me tibi praestaturum aio, quod eum elegissem, qui eiusmodi damno te adficeret. 8Vehiculum conduxisti, ut onus tuum portaret et secum iter faceret: id cum pontem transiret, redemptor eius pontis portorium ab eo exigebat: quaerebatur, an etiam pro ipsa sola reda portorium daturus fuerit. puto, si mulio non ignoravit ea se transiturum, cum vehiculum locaret, mulionem praestare debere. 9Rerum custodiam, quam horrearius conductoribus praestare deberet, locatorem totorum horreorum horreario praestare non debere puto, nisi si in locando aliter convenerit.
Labeo, Last Epitomes by Javolenus, Book V. Where a house is rented for several years, the lessor must not only permit the lessee to occupy it from the Kalends of July of each year, but also to sub-let the same during the term of his lease, if he desires to do so. Therefore, if the said house remains in a dilapidated condition from the Kalends of January to the Kalends of July, so that no one can occupy it, and it cannot be shown to anyone; the lessee will not be obliged to pay any rent to the lessor. Nor, indeed, can he be compelled to occupy the house, if it has been repaired after the Kalends of July, unless the lessor was ready to furnish him another house suitable for his residence. 1I think that the heir of a lessee, even though he may not be a tenant, will, nevertheless, hold possession for the owner of the property. 2If a fuller loses your clothing, and you have the means to recover it, but do not wish to avail yourself of them; you can, nevertheless, bring an action on lease against the fuller. The judge, however, must decide whether it will not be better for you to bring an action against the thief and recover your property from him; of course, at the expense of the fuller. But if he should consider this to be impossible, he must then render judgment in your favor against the fuller, and compel you to assign your rights of action to him. 3An agreement having been entered into, a house was contracted for under the condition that it should be subject to the approval or disapproval of the owner, or his heir. The contractor, with the consent of the other party, made certain changes in the work. I have it as My opinion that the work did not seem to have been performed in compliance with the terms of the contract, but since the changes had been made with the consent of the owner, the contractor should be released. 4I directed you to make an estimate of the amount you would ask to build a house, and you answered me that you would build it for two hundred aurei. I gave you the contract for a certain sum, and I afterwards ascertained that the house could not be built for less than three hundred aurei. I had already paid you a hundred, a part of which you had expended, and I then forbade you to proceed with the work. I held that if you continued to do the work, I would be entitled to an action on lease against you, to compel you to refund to me the remainder of the money. 5You remove a harvest, while the tenant is looking on, when you are aware that it belongs to someone else. Labeo says that the owner can sue you for the grain, and that the tenant has a right, under his lease, to bring an action against the owner to compel him to do so. 6The lessor of a warehouse had posted upon it that he would not receive deposits of gold, silver, or jewels at his own risk, and afterwards he, knowingly, allowed articles of this kind to be left in said warehouse. Hence, I stated that he would be liable to you just as if the clause in the notice had been erased. 7Ad Dig. 19,2,60,7BOHGE, Bd. 1 (1871), S. 253: Verantwortlichkeit des Principals für den zugewiesenen Gehilfen.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 401, Note 5.You employed a slave of mine who was a muleteer, and you lost a mule through his negligence. If he hired himself, I hold that I must make good the damage to you on the ground of property employed for my benefit, but only to the extent of the peculium of the slave. If, however, I myself leased him, I will not be responsible to you for anything else than fraud and negligence. But if you leased a muleteer from me without the designation of his person, and I deliver to you the one by whose negligence the animal perished, I say that I must be responsible to you for negligence, because I selected the slave who caused you loss of this kind. 8You hired a vehicle to carry your baggage and make a journey, and when a bridge was crossed, and the keeper demanded toll, the question arose whether the driver should pay toll for his carriage alone. I think that, if he knew when he hired his vehicle that he would cross the bridge, he should pay the toll. 9I hold that the lessee of an entire warehouse should not be responsible to the proprietor of the same for the custody of property, for which the proprietor himself should be liable to those who rented of him, unless it was otherwise agreed upon in the lease.
Dig. 20,6,14Labeo libro quinto posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Cum colono tibi convenit, ut invecta importata pignori essent, donec merces tibi soluta aut satisfactum esset: deinde mercedis nomine fideiussorem a colono accepisti. satisfactum tibi videri existimo et ideo illata pignori esse desisse.
Labeo, Later Epitomes by Javolenus, Book V. Where it is agreed upon between you and your tenant that whatever property he brings upon your land shall be considered pledged until the rent is paid to you, or you are satisfied in some other way, and you then accept a surety from the tenant for the payment of the rent, I think that you are satisfied, and therefore that the personal property brought on your land by the tenant ceases to be encumbered.