Posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 28,1,2Labeo libro primo posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. In eo qui testatur eius temporis, quo testamentum facit, integritas mentis, non corporis sanitas exigenda est.
Labeo, Abridgments of Last Works by Javolenus, Book I. Soundness of mind is required of a testator at the time that he makes a will, but bodily health is not necessary.
Dig. 28,6,9Labeo libro primo posteriorum a Iavoleno epitomatorum. Si pater filio impuberi eosdem quos sibi et te unum praeterea heredem instituit, bonorum filii te dimidium, ceteros patris heredes communiter dimidium ita habere, ut unus semis apud te maneat, alterius semissis pro his partibus inter heredes paternos divisio fiat, quibus ex partibus hereditatem paternam haberent.
Labeo, Abridgments of the Last Works of Javolenus, Book I. Where a father substituted for his son under the age of puberty the same persons whom he appointed his own heirs, and you in addition, you will be entitled to half of the estate of the son, and the other heirs of the father will be entitled to the other half, so that the undivided half will belong to you, and a division of the remaining half will be made in proportion to the shares of the estate of their father to which the others would have been entitled by inheritance.