Πιϑανῶν (pithanon) a Paulo epitomatorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 6,1,79Idem libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si hominem a me petieris et is post litem contestatam mortuus sit, fructus quoad is vixerit aestimari oportet. Paulus. Ita id verum esse puto, si non prius is homo in eam valetudinem inciderit, propter quam operae eius inutiles factae sunt: nam ne si vixisset quidem in ea valetudine, fructus eius temporis nomine aestimari conveniret.
The Same, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus, Book VI. If you bring suit against me to recover a slave, and he dies after issue is joined, the profits must be estimated during the time that he lived. Paulus says, “I think that this is true only where the slave had not yet become so ill as to render his services worthless; for even if he had continued to live in that state of ill health, it would not be proper for the profits to be estimated during that time”.
Dig. 23,3,84Labeo libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si de dote promissa agitur, non oportet in quantum facere potest condemnari eum qui promisit. Paulus: immo quod ad extraneum attinet, semper hoc verum est. ceterum si manente adfinitate dotem promissam gener a socero petit, utique in quantum facere potest socer condemnabitur. si dirempto matrimonio petitur, ex causa et persona id tribuendum puto: quid enim si socer specie futurae dotis induxerit generum et cum sciret se praestare dotem non posse, id egerit, ut genero insidiaretur?
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus, Book VI. Where the promise of a dowry is involved, judgment should be rendered against the party who made it, without reference to his pecuniary resources. Paulus says that this is always true with reference to a stranger, but where a son-in-law claims the promised dowry from his father-in-law, while the connection between them exists, judgment will be rendered against the father-in-law in accordance with the amount which he is able to pay. If he brings an action after the marriage has been dissolved, I think that the amount to be paid will depend upon the circumstances and personal character of the parties. For what if the father-in-law had imposed upon his son-in-law by giving him reason to expect a dowry, when he knew that he was unable to furnish it, and had done this for the purpose of deceiving his son-in-law?
Dig. 41,1,65Labeo libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si epistulam tibi misero, non erit ea tua, antequam tibi reddita fuerit. Paulus: immo contra: nam si miseris ad me tabellarium tuum et ego rescribendi causa litteras tibi misero, simul atque tabellario tuo tradidero, tuae fient. idem accidet in his litteris, quas tuae dumtaxat rei gratia misero, veluti si petieris a me, uti te alicui commendarem, et eas commendaticias tibi misero litteras. 1Si qua insula in flumine propria tua est, nihil in ea publici est. Paulus: immo in eo genere insularum ripae flumini et litora mari proxima publica sunt, non secus atque in continenti agro idem iuris est. 2Si qua insula in flumine publico proxima tuo fundo nata est, ea tua est. Paulus: videamus ne hoc falsum sit de ea insula, quae non ipsi alveo fluminis cohaeret, sed virgultis aut alia qualibet levi materia ita sustinetur in flumine, ut solum eius non tangat, atque ipsa movetur: haec enim propemodum publica atque ipsius fluminis est insula. 3Paulus: si insula in flumine nata tua fuerit, deinde inter eam insulam et contrariam ripam alia insula nata fuerit, mensura eo nomine erit instruenda a tua insula, non ab agro tuo, propter quem ea insula tua facta fuerit: nam quid interest, qualis ager sit, cuius propter propinquitatem posterior insula cuius sit quaeratur? 4Labeo libro eodem. Si id quod in publico innatum aut aedificatum est, publicum est, insula quoque, quae in flumine publico nata est, publica esse debet.
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities, by Paulus. If I send a letter to you, it will not become yours until it has been delivered to you. Paulus: I am of the opposite opinion, for if you send your secretary to me, and I send you a letter by way of answer, the letter will become yours as soon as I have delivered it to your secretary. The same thing happens in the case of a letter which I send to you merely as a favor; for instance, if you have asked me to recommend you to someone, and I send you a letter for that purpose. 1If an island in a river belongs to you, none of it is public property. Paulus: The contrary is true, for in this kind of islands, the banks of a river and the shores of the sea are, to a certain extent, public property; and the rule of law is the same with reference to a field which adjoins the bank, or the shore. 2If an island is formed in a public stream, which is near your property, it will belong to you. Paulus: Let us see if this is not false with reference to an island which is not contiguous to the channel of the river, but is suspended by branches, or some other light material, above the stream, so that the soil does not reach it, and the island can change its position. An island of this kind is, to a certain extent, public property, and belongs to the river itself. 3Paulus: If an island which is formed in the river becomes yours, and another island is afterwards formed between the first one and the opposite bank, the measure will be taken from your island, and not from your land on account of which the island became your property; for what difference does it make what the character of the land may be, on account of whose situation the ownership of the last island is claimed? 4Labeo, in the same Book, says that if anything is formed or built in a public place, it becomes public, and that an island which is formed in a public stream should also be considered public property.
Dig. 44,1,23Labeo libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Paulus: si quis statuam in municipio ea mente posuit, ut ea municipii esset, et eam petere vult, excludi eum oportet praescriptione in factum data.
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus, Book III. Paulus: If anyone places a statue in a city with the intention that it shall belong to the city, and afterwards desires to claim it in court, he can be barred by an exception in factum.
Dig. 46,3,91Labeo libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si debitor tuus non vult a te liberari et praesens est, non potest invitus a te solvi. Paulus: immo debitorem tuum etiam praesentem etiam invitum liberare ita poteris supponendo, a quo debitum novandi causa stipuleris: quod etiamsi acceptum non feceris, tamen statim, quod ad te attinet, res peribit: nam et petentem te doli mali praescriptio excludet.
Ad Dig. 46,3,91Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 354, Note 5.Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus, Book VI. If your debtor refuses to be released by you, and he is present, he cannot be discharged by you against his will. Paulus: Further, you can release your debtor, if he is present, even without his consent, by substituting for him someone with whom you stipulate for payment of the debt with the intention of making a novation; and even if you do not give him a release, still, so far as you are concerned, the indebtedness is immediately extinguished, since, if you attempt to collect it, you will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 49,15,29Idem libro sexto pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si postliminio redisti, nihil, dum in hostium potestate fuisti, usucapere potuisti. Paulus: immo si quid servus tuus peculii nomine, dum in eo statu esses, possederit, id eo quoque tempore usucapere poteris, quoniam eas res etiam inscientes usucapere solemus et eo modo etiam hereditas nondum nato postumo aut nondum adita augeri per servum hereditarium solet.
The Same, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus, Book VI. If you should return under the right of postliminium, you have not been able to acquire any property by usucaption while you were in the power of the enemy. Paulus: But if your slave should have obtained anything as peculium, while you were in that condition, you can acquire it by usucaption during that time, as we are accustomed to acquire by usucaption property of this kind, even without our knowledge; and in this manner an estate can be increased by a slave forming part of the same, although a posthumous child may not yet have been born, or the estate have been entered upon.