Iulii Aquilae Opera
Responsorum liber
Dig. 26,7,34Iulius Aquila libro responsorum. Respondit ad instruendam diligentiam iudicantis et pupillorum utilitatem admittendam servos quoque eorum interrogari posse.
Julius Aquilia, Opinions. The slave of wards should be interrogated for the information of the court, and the promotion of the interest of the wards.
Dig. 26,10,12Iulius Aquila libro responsorum. Nihil proponi, cur praescribere curator possit in cognitione suspecti, quo minus religio praetoris a pupillari servo detegente fraudes instruatur.
Julius Aquila, Opinions. In an investigation of suspicion there is nothing in the facts stated, by which a curator can prevent the Prætor from making use of a slave of the ward for the detection of the fraud of the curator.