Ex Minicio libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 2,14,56Idem libro sexto ad Minicium. Si convenerit, ne dominus a colono quid peteret, et iusta causa conventionis fuerit: nihilo minus colonus a domino petere potest.
The Same, On Minicius, Book VI. Where for some reason an agreement is made that a landlord shall not sue his tenant, and there is good cause for such an agreement, the tenant, nevertheless, can bring an action against his landlord.
Dig. 6,1,59Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Habitator in aliena aedificia fenestras et ostia imposuit, eadem post annum dominus aedificiorum dempsit: quaero, is qui imposuerat possetne ea vindicare. respondit posse: nam quae alienis aedificiis conexa essent, ea quamdiu iuncta manerent, eorundem aedificiorum esse, simul atque inde dempta essent, continuo in pristinam causam reverti.
Ad Dig. 6,1,59Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 188, Note 21.Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. A man living in a house belonging to another placed windows and doors therein, and these the owner of the building removed after a year had elapsed. I ask whether the party who put them there can bring an action for the recovery of those doors and windows? The answer was that he can, for whatever is attached to the building of another forms a part of the same as long as it continues so, but as soon as it is removed, it immediately reverts to its former condition.
Dig. 6,1,61Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Minicius interrogatus, si quis navem suam aliena materia refecisset, num nihilo minus eiusdem navis maneret, respondit manere. sed si in aedificanda ea idem fecisset, non posse. Iulianus notat: nam proprietas totius navis carinae causam sequitur.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. Minicius, where a man had used materials belonging to another to repair his own ship, having been asked whether the ship would still remain the property of the same man, answered that it would; but if he did this while building the ship, it would not be the case. Julianus states in a note that the property in the entire ship follows the position of the keel.
Dig. 8,5,18Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Is, cuius familia vicinum prohibebat aquam ducere, sui potestatem non faciebat, ne secum agi posset: quaerit actor, quid sibi faciendum esset. respondi oportere praetorem causa cognita iubere bona adversarii possideri et non ante inde discedere, quam is actori ius aquae ducendae constituisset et si quid, quia aquam ducere prohibitus esset, siccitatibus detrimenti cepisset, veluti si prata arboresve exaruisset.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. The slaves of a certain man had prevented a neighbor from conducting water, and the responsible party having concealed himself to avoid suit being brought against him, the complainant asked what he can do? I answered that the Prætor, after having heard the case, must order the property of the defendant to be taken into possession and not surrendered until he had established a right of conducting water for the benefit of the plaintiff, if he had suffered any damage from drought, because he had been prevented from conducting water; as for instance, if his meadows or his trees had been dried up.
Dig. 22,1,26Idem libro sexto ex Minicio. Venationem fructus fundi negavit esse, nisi fructus fundi ex venatione constet.
Ad Dig. 22,1,26Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 184, Note 5; Bd. I, § 203, Note 6.The Same, On Minicius, Book VI. Julianus denies that game constitutes the profit of land, unless the profit of the land consists of game.
Dig. 50,16,206Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. ‘Vinaria’ vasa proprie vasa torcularia esse placet: dolia autem et serias tamdiu in ea causa esse, quamdiu vinum haberent, cum sine vino esse desinerent, in eo numero non esse, quoniam ad alium usum transferri possent, veluti si frumentum in his addatur. eandem causam amphorarum esse, ut, cum vinum habeant, tum in vasis vinariis, cum inanes sint, tum extra numerum vinariorum sint, quia aliud in his addi possit.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. It is held that the expression “wine-jars” is properly applied to jars used at the wine press; for casks and other vessels are only classed as such while they contain wine; for, when they cease to do so, they have not this appellation, as they can be put to other uses; for instance, where grain is placed in them. The same rule applies to other earthen jars, when they are used for wine, just as it does to the former, for when they are empty, they are not included in the number of receptacles for wine, because other things can be kept in them.