Ex Minicio libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 7,1,67Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Cui usus fructus legatus est, etiam invito herede eum extraneo vendere potest.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. Anyone to whom the usufruct has been bequeathed can sell the same to a stranger, even without the consent of the heir.
Dig. 30,105Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Legatum ita erat: ‘quae Lucius Titius mihi debet, ea heres meus Cornelio dare damnas esto’. nihil amplius ex hoc legato quam actiones suas heres praestare debet.
The Same, On Minicius, Book I. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows: “Let my heir be charged with the payment to Cornelius of what Lucius Titius owes me,” the heir is not required to transfer anything under this legacy, but his right of action against the debtor.
Dig. 33,2,11Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Habitationis legatum in singulos annos ab initio anni deberi constat.
The Same, On Minicius, Book I. It is established that the legacy of an annual lodging is due from the beginning of each year.
Dig. 33,3,1Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Qui duas tabernas coniunctas habebat, eas singulas duobus legavit: quaesitum est, si quid ex superiore taberna in inferiorem inaedificatum esset, num inferior oneri ferundo in superioris tabernae loco contineretur. respondit servitutem impositam videri. Iulianus notat: videamus, ne hoc ita verum sit, si aut nominatim haec servitus imposita est aut ita legatum datum est: ‘tabernam meam uti nunc est do lego’.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. A testator who had two adjoining shops left them to different persons. If either one of the buildings projected over the other, the question might arise whether the one underneath would be obliged to pay the expense of keeping up the other. I was of the opinion that the servitude appeared to be imposed, and Julianus says with reference to this: “Let us see whether this is only true where the servitude has been expressly imposed, or where the legacy was granted as follows: “I give and bequeath my shop in the condition in which it is at present.”
Dig. 33,5,12Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Servo generaliter legato verius est omnes heredes, si eis electio data est, eundem dare debere: si non consentiant heredes, ex testamento eos teneri.
The Same, On Minicius, Book I. Where a slave is bequeathed in general terms, the better opinion is that all the heirs, if the choice is left to them, should give the same slave, and if they do not agree, they will be liable under the terms of the will.
Dig. 35,1,30Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Si separatim mihi totus fundus pure, tibi sub condicione legatus fuerit et tu decesseris, antequam condicio exstiterit: non habebo necessitatem implere condicionem, utpote cum, etiamsi condicio defecerit, pars quam vindicaturus eras mihi adcrescat.
The Same, On Minicius, Book I. If an entire estate should be bequeathed to me separately and absolutely, and to you conditionally, and you should die before the condition was complied with, I will not be required to comply with it, as even if the condition should fail, the share which you could have claimed will accrue to me.
Dig. 38,1,27Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Si libertus artem pantomimi exerceat, verum est debere eum non solum ipsi patrono, sed etiam amicorum ludis gratuitam operam praebere: sicut eum quoque libertum, qui medicinam exercet, verum est voluntate patroni curaturum gratis amicos eius. neque enim oportet patronum, ut operis liberti sui utatur, aut ludos semper facere aut aegrotare.
Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. If a freedman exercises the calling of a comic actor, it is evident that he should employ his services not only for the benefit of the patron himself, but also gratuitously at the entertainments of his friends; just as a freedman who practices medicine should, at the desire of his patron, treat the friends of the latter without compensation; for, in order that he may employ the services of his freedman it is not necessary for a patron always to give entertainments, or constantly to be ill.