Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Iul. Ex Minicio lib.Iuliani Ex Minicio libri

Ex Minicio libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 7,1,67Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Cui usus fructus legatus est, etiam invito herede eum extraneo vendere potest.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. Anyone to whom the usufruct has been bequeathed can sell the same to a stranger, even without the consent of the heir.

Dig. 30,105Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Legatum ita erat: ‘quae Lucius Titius mihi debet, ea heres meus Cornelio dare damnas esto’. nihil amplius ex hoc legato quam actiones suas heres praestare debet.

The Same, On Minicius, Book I. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows: “Let my heir be charged with the payment to Cornelius of what Lucius Titius owes me,” the heir is not required to transfer anything under this legacy, but his right of action against the debtor.

Dig. 33,2,11Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Habitationis legatum in singulos annos ab initio anni deberi constat.

The Same, On Minicius, Book I. It is established that the legacy of an annual lodging is due from the beginning of each year.

Dig. 33,3,1Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Qui duas tabernas coniunctas habebat, eas singulas duobus legavit: quaesitum est, si quid ex superiore taberna in inferiorem inaedificatum esset, num inferior oneri ferundo in superioris tabernae loco contineretur. respondit servitutem impositam videri. Iulianus notat: videamus, ne hoc ita verum sit, si aut nominatim haec servitus imposita est aut ita legatum datum est: ‘tabernam meam uti nunc est do lego’.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. A testator who had two adjoining shops left them to different persons. If either one of the buildings projected over the other, the question might arise whether the one underneath would be obliged to pay the expense of keeping up the other. I was of the opinion that the servitude appeared to be imposed, and Julianus says with reference to this: “Let us see whether this is only true where the servitude has been expressly imposed, or where the legacy was granted as follows: “I give and bequeath my shop in the condition in which it is at present.”

Dig. 33,5,12Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Servo generaliter legato verius est omnes heredes, si eis electio data est, eundem dare debere: si non consentiant heredes, ex testamento eos teneri.

The Same, On Minicius, Book I. Where a slave is bequeathed in general terms, the better opinion is that all the heirs, if the choice is left to them, should give the same slave, and if they do not agree, they will be liable under the terms of the will.

Dig. 35,1,30Idem libro primo ex Minicio. Si separatim mihi totus fundus pure, tibi sub condicione legatus fuerit et tu decesseris, antequam condicio exstiterit: non habebo necessitatem implere condicionem, utpote cum, etiamsi condicio defecerit, pars quam vindicaturus eras mihi adcrescat.

The Same, On Minicius, Book I. If an entire estate should be bequeathed to me separately and absolutely, and to you conditionally, and you should die before the condition was complied with, I will not be required to comply with it, as even if the condition should fail, the share which you could have claimed will accrue to me.

Dig. 38,1,27Iulianus libro primo ex Minicio. Si libertus artem pantomimi exerceat, verum est debere eum non solum ipsi patrono, sed etiam amicorum ludis gratuitam operam praebere: sicut eum quoque libertum, qui medicinam exercet, verum est voluntate patroni curaturum gratis amicos eius. neque enim oportet patronum, ut operis liberti sui utatur, aut ludos semper facere aut aegrotare.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book I. If a freedman exercises the calling of a comic actor, it is evident that he should employ his services not only for the benefit of the patron himself, but also gratuitously at the entertainments of his friends; just as a freedman who practices medicine should, at the desire of his patron, treat the friends of the latter without compensation; for, in order that he may employ the services of his freedman it is not necessary for a patron always to give entertainments, or constantly to be ill.

Ex libro II

Dig. 8,2,22Iulianus libro secundo ex Minicio. Qui aedificium habet, potest servitutem vicino imponere, ut non solum de his luminibus, quae in praesentia erunt, sed etiam de his quae postea fuerint, caveat.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book II. A man who owns a house can impose such a servitude upon his neighbor as to compel him to give security not only with reference to the lights which exist at the present time, but also with reference to any that may subsequently be made.

Dig. 8,2,34Iulianus libro secundo ex Minicio. Et qui duas areas habet, alteram tradendo servam alteri efficere potest.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book II. Where a man has two vacant lots, he can, by conveying one, subject it to a servitude in favor of the other.

Dig. 8,3,31Iulianus libro secundo ex Minicio. Tria praedia continua trium dominorum adiecta erant: imi praedii dominus ex summo fundo imo fundo servitutem aquae quaesierat et per medium fundum domino concedente in suum agrum ducebat: postea idem summum fundum emit: deinde imum fundum, in quem aquam induxerat, vendidit. quaesitum est, num imus fundus id ius aquae amisisset, quia, cum utraque praedia eiusdem domini facta essent, ipsa sibi servire non potuissent. negavit amississe servitutem, quia praedium, per quod aqua ducebatur, alterius fuisset et quemadmodum servitus summo fundo, ut in imum fundum aqua veniret, imponi aliter non potuisset, quam ut per medium quoque fundum duceretur, sic eadem servitus eiusdem fundi amitti aliter non posset, nisi eodem tempore etiam per medium fundum aqua duci desisset aut omnium tria simul praedia unius domini facta essent.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book II. Three tracts of land which were contiguous belonged to three owners, and the owner of the lowest one had acquired for his tract from the highest one the servitude of a water-course, and this he conducted into his own land through the intervening tract with the permission of the owner of the same, and he afterwards bought the highest tract, and sold the lowest one on to which he had conducted the water. The question was asked whether the lowest tract had lost the right of conducting the water, because as both estates had become the property of the same owner no servitude could exist between them? It was denied that the lowest tract had lost the servitude because the land through which the water was conducted belonged to another, and as no servitude could be imposed in any other way upon the uppermost tract so that the water might reach the lowest one, except by being conducted through the intermediate tract; so the same servitude in favor of the same tract of land could not be lost, unless, at the same time, the watercourse should cease to be conducted through the intermediate tract, or unless all three tracts should simultaneously become the property of a single owner.

Dig. 14,2,8Iulianus libro secundo ex Minicio. Qui levandae navis gratia res aliquas proiciunt, non hanc mentem habent, ut eas pro derelicto habeant, quippe si invenerint eas, ablaturos et, si suspicati fuerint, in quem locum eiectae sunt, requisituros: ut perinde sint, ac si quis onere pressus in viam rem abiecerit mox cum aliis reversurus, ut eandem auferret.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book II. Those who throw any property overboard for the purpose of lightening a ship, do not intend to consider it as abandoned; since if they should find it they can carry it away, and if they have any idea of the place where it has been cast by the sea, they can claim it; so that they are in the same condition as anyone who oppressed by a burden throws it down on the road, expecting to return presently with others and remove it.

Dig. 16,3,10Iulianus libro secundo ex Minicio. Nec adversus coheredes eius, qui dolo carent, depositi actio competit.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book II. The action on deposit does not lie against co-heirs who are not guilty of fraud.

Dig. 41,2,39Idem libro secundo ex Minicio. Interesse puto, qua mente apud sequestrum deponitur res. nam si omittendae possessionis causa et hoc aperte fuerit approbatum, ad usucapionem possessio eius partibus non procederet: at si custodiae causa deponatur, ad usucapionem eam possessionem victori procedere constat.

Ad Dig. 41,2,39Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 154, Note 6.The Same, On Minicius, Book II. I think that it makes a difference with what intention property is deposited in the hands of an arbiter; for if this is done for the purpose of relinquishing possession, and is clearly proved, the possession of the arbiter will be of no benefit to the parties for the purpose of usucaption. If, however, the property was deposited for safe-keeping, it is settled that he who gains the case can profit by the possession, in order to acquire the property by prescription.

Dig. 41,4,8Idem libro secundo ex Minicio. Si quis, cum sciret venditorem pecuniam statim consumpturum, servos ab eo emisset, plerique responderunt eum nihilo minus bona fide emptorem esse, idque verius est: quomodo enim mala fide emisse videtur, qui a domino emit? nisi forte et is, qui a luxurioso et protinus scorto daturo pecuniam servos emit, non usucapiet.

The Same, On Minicius, Book II. Where anyone buys slaves knowing that the vendor will immediately squander the money paid for them, many authorities have held that he will, nevertheless, be a bona fide purchaser in good faith; and this is true. For, how can he be considered to have acted in bad faith, who bought the slaves from their master, unless he bought them from a man of licentious life, who will immediately give the money to a harlot, for then he cannot acquire the slaves by usucaption?

Dig. 41,4,10Idem libro secundo ad Minicium. Servus domino ancillam, quam subripuerat, pro capite suo dedit: ea concepit: quaesitum est, an dominus eum partum usucapere possit. respondit: hic dominus quasi emptor partum usucapere potest, namque res ei abest pro hac muliere et genere quodammodo venditio inter servum et dominum contracta est.

The Same, On Minicius, Book II. A slave, in consideration of his freedom, gave to his master a female slave whom he had stolen. She conceived. The question arose whether her master could acquire her child by usucaption. The answer was that the master could, as purchaser, acquire the child by usucaption, for he gave something for the woman, and a kind of sale was made between the slave and his owner.

Dig. 41,7,7Idem libro secundo ex Minicio. Si quis merces ex nave iactatas invenisset, num ideo usucapere non possit, quia non viderentur derelictae, quaeritur. sed verius est eum pro derelicto usucapere non posse.

The Same, On Minicius, Book II. When anyone finds merchandise which has been thrown overboard from a ship, the question arises whether he cannot acquire it by usucaption, for the reason that it should be considered as abandoned. The better opinion is that he cannot acquire it by usucaption on the ground of abandonment.

Dig. 45,1,62Idem libro secundo ex Minicio. Servus vetante domino si pecuniam ab alio stipulatus sit, nihilo minus obligat domino promissorem.

The Same, On Minicius, Book II. If a slave, after having been forbidden by his master, stipulates for the payment of money by another, he will still render the promisor liable to his master.

Ex libro III

Dig. 41,1,39Iulianus libro tertio ex Minicio. Etiam furtivus servus bonae fidei emptori adquirit, quod ex re eius stipulatur aut per traditionem accipit.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book III. Even a slave who has been stolen acquires for a purchaser in good faith, if he makes a stipulation, or receives by delivery anything obtained by means of his property.

Dig. 44,7,21Iulianus libro tertio ex Minicio. Contraxisse unusquisque in eo loco intellegitur, in quo ut solveret se obligavit.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book V. Everyone is considered to have made a contract in the place where he bound himself to pay.

Dig. 47,2,60Idem libro tertio ex Minicio. Si is, qui rem commodasset, eam rem clam abstulisset, furti cum eo agi non potest, quia suum recepisset et ille commodati liberatus esset. hoc tamen ita accipiendum est, si nullas retinendi causas is cui commodata res erat habuit: nam si impensas necessarias in rem commodatam fecerat, interfuit eius potius per retentionem eas servare quam ultro commodati agere, ideoque furti actionem habebit.

The Same, On Minicius, Book III. When anyone who has lent an article for use steals it, an action for theft cannot be brought against him, because he only took what was his, and the other party to the transaction will be released from any liability growing out of the loan. This, however, should only pe considered to refer to cases where he to whom the article was lent had no reason for retaining it. For if he had incurred any necessary expense on account of the article lent, it is rather to his interest to retain it than to bring an action based on the loan, and therefore he will be entitled to an action for theft.

Dig. 47,7,10Iulianus libro tertio ex Minicio. Si gemina arbor esset et supra terram iunctura eius emineret, una arbor videtur esse. sed si id qua iungeretur non exstaret, totidem arbores sunt, quot species earum supra terram essent.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book III. Where there are two parts of one tree, and they are united above the ground, they are regarded as a single tree. But if the point of union is not visible, there are as many trees as there are trunks above the surface.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 12,1,22Idem libro quarto ex Minicio. Vinum, quod mutuum datum erat, per iudicem petitum est: quaesitum est, cuius temporis aestimatio fieret, utrum cum datum esset an cum litem contestatus fuisset an cum res iudicaretur. Sabinus respondit, si dictum esset quo tempore redderetur, quanti tunc fuisset, si dictum non esset, quanti tunc fuisset, cum petitum esset. interrogavi, cuius loci pretium sequi oporteat. respondit, si convenisset, ut certo loco redderetur, quanti eo loco esset, si dictum non esset, quanti ubi esset petitum.

Ad Dig. 12,1,22Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 258, Note 7.The Same, On Minicius, Book IV. A loan of wine was made and proceedings were instituted to recover it; the question arose with reference to the time when an estimate of its value should be made, whether when it was delivered, when issue was joined in the suit, or when the case was decided? Sabinus answered that if it had been stated at what time it was to be restored, the estimate should be made of what it was worth at that date; but if not, its value should be estimated at the time when suit was brought. I asked at what place the valuation should be made? The answer was, if it had been agreed that it should be restored at a certain place, the valuation should be made there; but if this had not been mentioned, it should be appraised at the place where suit was brought.

Dig. 17,1,33Idem libro quarto ex Minicio. Rogatus ut fideiuberet si in minorem summam se obligavit, recte tenetur: si in maiorem, Iulianus verius putat quod a plerisque responsum est eum, qui maiorem summam quam rogatus erat fideiussisset, hactenus mandati actionem habere, quatenus rogatus esset, quia id fecisset, quod mandatum ei est: nam usque ad eam summam, in quam rogatus erat, fidem eius spectasse videtur qui rogavit.

The Same, On Minicius, Book IV. Where a party is asked to become a surety, and obligates himself for a smaller sum, he is legally liable; but if he becomes bound for a larger sum, Julianus very properly thinks—and this is also the opinion of many authorities—that he will not be liable to an action on mandate for a larger amount than he was asked to become surety for, but only for the sum contained in the request; because he did what he was directed to do; since it is held that the party who requested him relied upon his good faith to the extent to which he was asked to be responsible.

Dig. 19,1,29Idem libro quarto ex Minicio. Cui res sub condicione legata erat, is eam imprudens ab herede emit: actione ex empto poterit consequi emptor pretium, quia non ex causa legati rem habet.

The Same, On Minicius, Book IV. Where property has been left to someone under a condition, and the latter, ignorant of the fact, buys it from the heir, the purchaser can recover the price by an action on purchase, because he has not possession of the property as derived from the legacy.

Dig. 19,2,32Iulianus libro quarto ex Minicio. Qui fundum colendum in plures annos locaverat, decessit et eum fundum legavit. Cassius negavit posse cogi colonum, ut eum fundum coleret, quia nihil heredis interesset. quod si colonus vellet colere et ab eo, cui legatus esset fundus, prohiberetur, cum herede actionem colonum habere: et hoc detrimentum ad heredem pertinere: sicuti si quis rem, quam vendidisset nec dum tradidisset, alii legasset, heres eius emptori et legatario esset obligatus.

Ad Dig. 19,2,32Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 361, Note 3; Bd. II, § 400, Note 7.Julianus, On Minicius, Book IV. A man who leased a tract of land to be cultivated for a term of several years died, and devised the said land. Cassius denied that the tenant could be compelled to cultivate the land, because the heir had no interest in it. If, however, the tenant desired to cultivate it, and was prevented from doing so by the party to whom the land had been left, he would be entitled to an action against the heir, and the loss must be borne by the heir; just as where anyone sells something and bequeaths it to another before he delivers it; for, in this instance, the heir will be liable both to the purchaser and to the legatee.

Dig. 21,1,50Iulianus libro quarto ex Minicio. Varicosus sanus non est.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book IV. A slave with varicose veins is not sound.

Dig. 43,20,5Idem libro quarto ex Minicio. Cum constet non solum temporibus, sed etiam mensuris posse aquam dividi, potest eodem tempore alius cottidianam, alius aestivam aquam ducere, ita ut aestate dividatur inter eos aqua, hieme solus ducat is qui cottidianae ius habeat. 1Inter duos, qui eodem rivo aquam certis horis separatim ducebant, convenit, ut permutatis inter se temporibus aqua uterentur: quaero, cum amplius tempore servitutibus praefinito ita duxissent, ut neuter eorum suo tempore usus esset, num ius utendi amississent. negavit amississe.

The Same, On Minicius, Book IV. It is established that the use of water can be divided not only by seasons, but also by measurement. One person can have the right to conduct it for daily use, and another to do so during the summer; so that the water will be divided between them during the summer, and, during the winter, he alone can conduct it who has the right to its daily use. 1It was agreed between two persons who were entitled to the privilege of conducting water by the same aqueduct, at different hours, that the hours for its use should be changed. If they had conducted it for a longer period than was necessary, as prescribed by the servitude, so that neither of them used it during the specified time for which it had been granted him, I ask whether they had lost the right to its use. It was denied that they had lost it.

Dig. 46,1,19Idem libro quarto ex Minicio. Servus inscio domino pro quodam fideiusserat et eo nomine pecuniam solverat: quaerebatur, dominus possetne ab eo, cui soluta esset, repetere. respondit: interest, quo nomine fideiusserit: nam si ex causa peculiari fideiussit, tunc id, quod ex peculio solverit, repetere dominus non poterit, quod ex dominica causa solverit, vindicabitur: si vero extra causam peculii fideiusserit, quod ex pecunia dominica solverit, aeque vindicabitur, quod ex peculio, condici poterit.

The Same, On Minicius, Book IV. A slave became surety for a certain person without the knowledge of his master, and paid the money due, in his name. The question arose whether or not the master could recover the amount from the person to whom it had been paid. The answer was that it was important to ascertain in whose name the slave had become surety, for if he had done so with reference to his peculium, then his master could not recover what he had paid out of his peculium, but anything which he had paid on account of his master could be recovered by him. If, however, he became surety for an amount greater than his peculium, any money belonging to his master, which he had paid, could also be recovered, and what he paid out of his peculium could be recovered by a personal action.

Ex libro V

Dig. 3,3,76Idem libro quinto ad Minicium. Titius cum absentem defenderet, satisdedit et prius quam iudicium acciperet desiit reus solvendo esse: quam ob causam defensor recusabat iudicium in se reddi oportere. quaero, an id ei concedi oporteat. Iulianus respondit: defensor cum satisdedit, domini loco habendus est. nec multum ei praestaturus est praetor, si eum non coegerit iudicium accipere, cum ad fideiussores eius iri possit et hi quidquid praestiterint a defensore consecuturi sint.

The Same, On Minicius, Book V. Titius, while he was defending a case for an absent party, gave security, and before issue was joined, the debtor became insolvent; for which reason the defender refused to permit issue to be joined as against himself. I ask whether he should be permitted to do this? Julianus answers that the defender should be held to occupy the place of the principal, when he gave security; and if the Prætor did not compel him to accept joinder of issue, it would not be of much benefit to him, as recourse could be had to the sureties, and whatever these paid could be recovered from the defender.

Dig. 23,3,49Idem libro quinto ex Minicio. Vir ab eo, qui uxori eius dotem facere volebat, certam pecuniam eo nomine stipulatus est, deinde acceptam eam fecit: quaerebatur, essetne ea pecunia in dotem. respondit, si acceptam non fecisset et promissor solvendo esse desisset, quaereremus, an culpa mariti ea pecunia exacta non esset: cum vero acceptam fecit, omnimodo periculum ad eum pertinebit: perinde enim est, ac si acceperit pecuniam et eandem promissori donaverit.

The Same, On Minicius, Book V. A certain man entered into a stipulation with a party concerning a sum of money which the latter wished to give as a dowry to his wife, and he then released him from liability for the same. The question arose whether or not this money constituted part of the dowry. The answer was that, if the husband had not released the promisor and he had become insolvent, we should inquire whether the money was not collected on account of the negligence of the husband, but as the husband released the debtor, he must, by all means, assume the entire responsibility; for the case is the same as if he had received the money, and then presented it to the promisor.

Dig. 24,1,39Iulianus libro quinto ex Minicio. Vir uxori pecuniam cum donare vellet, permisit ei, ut a debitore suo stipuletur: illa cum id fecisset, priusquam pecuniam auferret, divortium fecit: quaero, utrum vir eam summam petere debeat an ea promissione propter donationis causam actio nulla esset. respondi inanem fuisse eam stipulationem. sed si promissor mulieri ignorans solvisset, si quidem pecunia exstat, vindicare eam debitor potest: sed si actiones suas marito praestare paratus est, doli mali exceptione se tuebitur ideoque maritus hanc pecuniam debitoris nomine vindicando consequetur. sed si pecunia non exstat et mulier locupletior facta est, maritus eam petet: intellegitur enim ex re mariti locupletior facta esse mulier, quoniam debitor doli mali exceptione se tueri potest.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book V. A husband who wished to give a sum of money to his wife, permitted her to make a stipulation with his debtor. She did so, but before having received the money, she divorced herself from her husband. I ask whether the latter can recover the entire amount, or whether an action based on the promise will be void on account of the donation. I answered that the stipulation will be of no effect. If, however, the promisor, not being aware of the facts, should pay the woman, and the money has not been expended, the debtor can recover it. But where he is ready to assign his rights of action to the husband, he will be protected by an exception on the ground of fraud, and therefore the husband can recover this money by an action in the name of the debtor. If, however, the money is not in existence, and the woman has become more wealthy on account of it, the husband can claim it; for it is understood that the woman has become more wealthy through having received property belonging to her husband, since the debtor can protect himself by an exception on the ground of fraud.

Dig. 39,3,25Iulianus libro quinto ex Minicio. Is, cuius fundo via debetur, aquae pluviae arcendae agere potest fundi sui nomine, quoniam deteriore via facta fundo nocetur.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book V. Where a right of way is imposed upon the land of anyone, the person entitled to it can bring an action to compel care to be taken of rain-water for the benefit of the land, because by damaging the right of way the land also will be injured.

Dig. 40,12,30Iulianus libro quinto ex Minicio. Duobus petentibus hominem in servitutem pro parte dimidia separatim, si uno iudicio liber, altero servus iudicatus est, commodissimum est eo usque cogi iudices, donec consentiant: si id non continget, Sabinum refertur existimasse duci servum debere ab eo qui vicisset: cuius sententiae Cassius quoque est et ego sum. et sane ridiculum est arbitrari eum pro parte dimidia duci, pro parte libertatem eius tueri. commodius autem est favore libertatis liberum quidem eum esse, compelli autem pretii sui partem viri boni arbitratu victori suo praestare.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book V. Where two persons separately claim a man as their slave, and each of them alleges that he owns half of him, and, by one judgment, he is declared to “be free, and by another, he is pronounced to be a slave, the most convenient course will be for the judges to be compelled to agree. If this cannot be done, Sabinus states that it has been held that the man should be taken as a slave by the party who gained the case. Cassius (as well as myself), adopts this opinion, and, indeed, it is ridiculous for the man to be considered half slave, and also to be protected in the enjoyment of half his freedom. It is, however, convenient to decide that he was free, on account of the favor conceded to liberty, and to compel him to pay to the party who gained the case half of his value, as appraised by a reliable citizen.

Dig. 46,8,23Idem libro quinto ex Minicio. Procurator cum peteret pecuniam, satisdedit amplius non peti: post iudicium acceptum extitit, qui et ipse procuratorio nomine eandem pecuniam peteret: quaesitum est, cum is, qui postea peteret, procurator non esset et propter hoc exceptionibus procuratoriis excludi posset, num fideiussores prioris procuratoris tenerentur. Iulianus respondit: verius est non obligari fideiussores: nam in stipulatione cavetur non petiturum eum, cuius de ea re actio petitio persecutio sit, et ratum habituros omnes, ad quos ea res pertinebit: hic autem, qui procurator non est, nec actionem nec petitionem habere intellegendus est.

The Same, On Minicius, Book V. An agent, when bringing an action to collect a sum of money, gave security that no more would be demanded. If, after judgment has been rendered, another person should appear, who claimed the same money in the capacity of agent, as he who made the second demand was not really an agent, and for this reason could be excluded by an exception on the ground that he had no authority, the question arises whether the sureties of the first agent are liable. Julianus is of the opinion that they are not liable. For it was provided in the stipulation that he who has the right to bring an action to demand or to collect the debt will not do so; and that all those having an interest in the matter will ratify the transaction. He, however, who is not an agent, is not understood to have any right of action, or to be entitled to make any claim whatever.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 2,14,56Idem libro sexto ad Minicium. Si convenerit, ne dominus a colono quid peteret, et iusta causa conventionis fuerit: nihilo minus colonus a domino petere potest.

The Same, On Minicius, Book VI. Where for some reason an agreement is made that a landlord shall not sue his tenant, and there is good cause for such an agreement, the tenant, nevertheless, can bring an action against his landlord.

Dig. 6,1,59Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Habitator in aliena aedificia fenestras et ostia imposuit, eadem post annum dominus aedificiorum dempsit: quaero, is qui imposuerat possetne ea vindicare. respondit posse: nam quae alienis aedificiis conexa essent, ea quamdiu iuncta manerent, eorundem aedificiorum esse, simul atque inde dempta essent, continuo in pristinam causam reverti.

Ad Dig. 6,1,59Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 188, Note 21.Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. A man living in a house belonging to another placed windows and doors therein, and these the owner of the building removed after a year had elapsed. I ask whether the party who put them there can bring an action for the recovery of those doors and windows? The answer was that he can, for whatever is attached to the building of another forms a part of the same as long as it continues so, but as soon as it is removed, it immediately reverts to its former condition.

Dig. 6,1,61Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Minicius interrogatus, si quis navem suam aliena materia refecisset, num nihilo minus eiusdem navis maneret, respondit manere. sed si in aedificanda ea idem fecisset, non posse. Iulianus notat: nam proprietas totius navis carinae causam sequitur.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. Minicius, where a man had used materials belonging to another to repair his own ship, having been asked whether the ship would still remain the property of the same man, answered that it would; but if he did this while building the ship, it would not be the case. Julianus states in a note that the property in the entire ship follows the position of the keel.

Dig. 8,5,18Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. Is, cuius familia vicinum prohibebat aquam ducere, sui potestatem non faciebat, ne secum agi posset: quaerit actor, quid sibi faciendum esset. respondi oportere praetorem causa cognita iubere bona adversarii possideri et non ante inde discedere, quam is actori ius aquae ducendae constituisset et si quid, quia aquam ducere prohibitus esset, siccitatibus detrimenti cepisset, veluti si prata arboresve exaruisset.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. The slaves of a certain man had prevented a neighbor from conducting water, and the responsible party having concealed himself to avoid suit being brought against him, the complainant asked what he can do? I answered that the Prætor, after having heard the case, must order the property of the defendant to be taken into possession and not surrendered until he had established a right of conducting water for the benefit of the plaintiff, if he had suffered any damage from drought, because he had been prevented from conducting water; as for instance, if his meadows or his trees had been dried up.

Dig. 22,1,26Idem libro sexto ex Minicio. Venationem fructus fundi negavit esse, nisi fructus fundi ex venatione constet.

Ad Dig. 22,1,26Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 184, Note 5; Bd. I, § 203, Note 6.The Same, On Minicius, Book VI. Julianus denies that game constitutes the profit of land, unless the profit of the land consists of game.

Dig. 50,16,206Iulianus libro sexto ex Minicio. ‘Vinaria’ vasa proprie vasa torcularia esse placet: dolia autem et serias tamdiu in ea causa esse, quamdiu vinum haberent, cum sine vino esse desinerent, in eo numero non esse, quoniam ad alium usum transferri possent, veluti si frumentum in his addatur. eandem causam amphorarum esse, ut, cum vinum habeant, tum in vasis vinariis, cum inanes sint, tum extra numerum vinariorum sint, quia aliud in his addi possit.

Julianus, On Minicius, Book VI. It is held that the expression “wine-jars” is properly applied to jars used at the wine press; for casks and other vessels are only classed as such while they contain wine; for, when they cease to do so, they have not this appellation, as they can be put to other uses; for instance, where grain is placed in them. The same rule applies to other earthen jars, when they are used for wine, just as it does to the former, for when they are empty, they are not included in the number of receptacles for wine, because other things can be kept in them.