Digestorum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 9,4,39Iulianus libro nono digestorum. Si plurium servus furtum fecerit et omnes dolo fecerint, quo minus eum in potestate haberent, subsequi debet praetor iuris civilis actionem et iudicium honorarium, quod ex hac causa pollicetur, in eum dare, quem actor elegerit: neque enim amplius praestare actori debet, quam ut detracta noxae deditione agere possit cum eo, cum quo noxali iudicio experiri potuisset, si servus exhiberetur. 1Qui alienum servum suum esse fatetur, quamvis noxali actione obligetur, nihilo minus causa cognita satisdare debet: qui autem pro servo convenitur, satisdatione onerandus non est: non enim offert se defensioni alieni servi. 2Si quis dicet dominum dolo fecisse, quo minus in potestate eius servus esset, ille autem contendat eum servum ab alio defendi cum satisdatione, doli mali exceptioni locus erit. 3Sed et si post iudicium acceptum cum domino servus apparuerit et, quia non defendebatur, ductus sit, exceptione doli mali posita dominus absolvetur. 4Sed et mortuo servo antequam iudicium accipiatur, omnino hac actione non tenebitur dominus.
Julianus, Digest, Book IX. Where a slave belonging to several persons commits a theft and all his owners fraudulently manage to avoid having him in their power, the Prætor ought to follow the form of the civil action, and allow the equitable action which he promises in an instance of this kind to be brought against whichever owner the plaintiff may select; and he should not afford the plaintiff any greater advantage than to enable him to bring an action, without the defendant having the right to surrender the slave by way of reparation; since he would have been able to institute proceedings in a noxal action if the slave had been produced in court. 1Where anyone acknowledges that a slave is his own who really belongs to another; then, although he is liable to a noxal action, nevertheless, where proper cause is shown, he can be compelled to give security; but where a party is sued on account of his own slave, he should not be burdened with security, as he is not volunteering in the defence of a slave belonging to another. 2Where anyone states that the owner of a slave had acted fraudulently to avoid having said slave in his possession, and the owner contends in court that the suit should be defended by someone else who would furnish security; there is ground here for an exception on the ground of malicious fraud. 3But if, after issue has been joined with the owner, the slave should appear, and because he was not defended is taken away; the owner will be discharged if he interposes an exception on the ground of malicious fraud. 4Where, however, the slave dies before issue is joined, the owner will not be held liable in this action at all.
Dig. 10,4,8Iulianus libro nono digestorum. Si ad exhibendum actum est cum eo, qui neque possidebat neque dolo malo fecerat quo minus possideret, deinde eo defuncto heres eius possidet rem, exhibere eam cogendus erit. nam si fundum vel hominem petiero et heres ex eadem causa possidere coeperit, restituere cogitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book IX. Where an action for production is brought against the party who was neither in possession nor was guilty of fraud to avoid having possession, and after his death his heir has possession of the property, the latter can be compelled to produce it; for if I bring suit against a man for a tract of land, and his heir comes into possession of it under the same title, he can be compelled to surrender it.
Dig. 12,2,12Iulianus libro nono digestorum. Idem est et si ego a quolibet alio possidente res hereditarias petere velim, quia et si petissem a te hereditatem et probassem meam, nihilo minus ab altero petendo id ipsum probare necesse haberem.
Julianus, Digest, Book IX. The same rule prevails where I wish to sue anyone who is in possession of property belonging to an estate; because if I should bring an action to recover the estate from you, and prove that it is mine, nevertheless, if I brought suit against another person it would be necessary for me to prove the same thing.
Dig. 44,2,24Iulianus libro nono digestorum. Si quis rem a non domino emerit, mox petente domino absolutus sit, deinde possessionem amiserit et a domino petierit, adversus exceptionem ‘si non eius sit res’ replicatione hac adiuvabitur ‘at si res iudicata non sit’.
Julianus, Digest, Book IX. Where anyone buys property from a person who is not its owner, and is afterwards discharged from liability when the owner himself brings suit to recover it, and the purchaser then loses possession of the property, and institutes proceedings to recover it from the owner who has obtained possession of the same, the latter can have recourse to an exception on the ground that the property belongs to him, and the other can reply that it has not been decided to be his.