Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXXXII
Dig. 35,1,26Idem libro octogesimo secundo digestorum. Haec scriptura ‘si viginti dederit aut iuraverit se aliquid facturum’ unam condicionem exprimit habentem duas partes: quare si quicumque heres scriptus erit sub condicione ‘si iuraverit se decem daturum’ aut ‘monumentum facturum’, quamvis verbis edicti ad hereditatem vel legatum admittatur, tamen compellitur facere id quod facturum se iurare iussus est solo iureiurando remisso. 1Cum eadem res alteri pure, alteri sub condicione legatur aut cum alter pure, alter sub condicione heres scriptus est, pars legati vel hereditatis deficiente condicione adcrescit etiam heredi eius, cui pure legatum vel hereditas data est, si tamen hereditas eius adita fuerit.
The Same, Digest, Book LXXXII. The following clause, “If he should pay twenty aurei or swear that he will perform a certain act,” includes a condition which has two parts. Hence, if anyone should be appointed an heir under the condition that he will swear that he will pay ten aurei, or erect a monument, although he will be permitted, under the terms of the Edict, to receive the estate or the legacy, he will still be compelled to do what he was ordered to swear that he would do, as only the oath can be remitted. 1Ad Dig. 35,1,26,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 604, Note 6.Where the same property is bequeathed to one person absolutely, and to another conditionally, or where one heir is appointed absolutely, and another under a condition, and the condition fails, half of the legacy or the estate will accrue to the heir or the legatee to whom the legacy or the estate was absolutely bequeathed, provided the party accepted his share of the same.