Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXXXI
Dig. 30,102Idem libro octagesimo primo digestorum. Si minor quam viginti annis dominus servum causa non probata manumiserit et postea legatum ei dederit isque alienatus ad libertatem perductus fuisset, legatum non capit: nam perinde nullius est momenti legatum, ac si sine libertate datum fuisset.
Ad Dig. 30,102Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 647, Note 14.The Same, Digest, Book LXXXI. Where a minor of twenty years manumits his slave without the required legal investigation, and afterwards bequeaths a legacy to said slave, and the latter, having been sold, obtains his liberty; he cannot receive the legacy, for it is of no force or effect as it was bequeathed without the grant of freedom.
Dig. 34,3,13Idem libro octagesimo primo digestorum. Si creditor debitori, qui se exceptione perpetua tueri poterat, legaverit quod sibi deberet, nullius momenti legatum erit. at si idem debitor creditori legaverit, intellegendum erit exceptionem eum remitti creditori voluisse.
The Same, Digest, Book LXXXI. If a creditor should make a bequest to a debtor of what he owes him, and the former can protect himself by a perpetual exception, the legacy will be of no force or effect. If, however, the same debtor should make a bequest to his creditor of what he owes him, he will be understood to have intended that his creditor shall be released from the operation of the aforesaid exception.
Dig. 50,16,201Idem libro octagensimo primo digestorum. Iusta interpretatione recipiendum est, ut appellatione ‘filii’, sicuti filiam familias contineri saepe respondebimus, ita et nepos videatur comprehendi, et ‘patris’ nomine avus quoque demonstrari intellegatur.
The Same, Digest, Book LXXXI. According to a just interpretation it should be understood, as we have often said, that as a daughter under paternal control is included under the term “son,” a grandson should likewise be included; and a grandfather also be understood to be designated by the term “father.”