Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXXX
Dig. 39,6,19Idem libro octogensimo digestorum. Si filio familias res mortis causa data fuerit et convaluisset, donator actionem de peculio cum patre habet: at si pater familias, cum mortis causa donationem accepisset, in adoptionem se dederit, res ipsa a donatore repetitur. nec huic similis est is, qui rem, quam mortis causa acceperat, alii porro dederit: nam donator huic non rem, sed pretium eius condiceret.
The Same, Digest, Book LXXX. Where property is donated mortis causa to a son under paternal control, and the donor is restored to health, he can bring an action De peculio against his father. But if the head of the household receives the donation mortis causa, and then gives himself in adoption, the property given can be recovered by the donor. This case is not similar to that where he who receives a donation mortis causa gives it to another, for the donor cannot recover from him the property itself, but only its value.