Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXXIII
Dig. 44,7,19Idem libro septuagensimo tertio digestorum. Ex promissione dotis: non videtur lucrativa causa esse, sed quodammodo creditor aut emptor intellegitur, qui dotem petit. porro cum creditor vel emptor ex lucrativa causa rem habere coeperit, nihilo minus integras actiones retinent, sicut ex contrario qui non ex causa lucrativa rem habere coepit, eandem non prohibetur ex lucrativa causa petere.
Ad Dig. 44,7,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 343, Note 8.The Same, Digest, Book LXXIII. A lucrative title is not considered to arise from the promise of a dowry, for the reason that he who claims the dowry is understood to be, to a certain extent, a creditor or a purchaser. However, when a creditor or a purchaser obtains property by some lucrative title, he still retains the right to the action to recover it; just as, on the other hand, a person who does not obtain the property by a lucrative title is not prevented from bringing an action to recover it on this account.