Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXX
Dig. 1,7,26Iulianus libro septuagensimo digestorum. Quem filius meus emancipatus adoptaverit, is nepos meus non erit.
Dig. 30,99Idem libro septuagesimo digestorum. Si domino Stichus legatus esset et servo eius optio data, partem dimidiam Stichi dico ad dominum pertinere, quod possit servus manumissus eundem Stichum optare.
The Same, Digest, Book LXX. Where Stichus was bequeathed to a master, and a bequest was also made by the testator to one of the slaves of the former, giving him the choice between Stichus and another slave, I hold that only half of Stichus would belong to the aforesaid master, because the said slave, if manumitted, could select Stichus.
Dig. 36,2,19Idem libro septuagensimo digestorum. Cum sine praefinitione temporis legatum ita datum fuerit: ‘uxori meae penum heres dato: si non dederit, centum dato’, unum legatum intellegitur centum et statim peti potest, penoris autem causa eo tantum pertinet, ut ante litem contestatam tradita peno heres liberetur. 1Quod si ita scriptum sit ‘si penum intra kalendas non dederit, centum dato’, non efficitur, ut duo legata sint, sed ut centum legata sub condicione videantur: idcirco si uxor ante kalendas decesserit, heredi suo neque penum relinquet, quia legata non est, neque centum, quia dies legati cesserit necesse est legataria viva. 2Statim dies mihi cedit, cum ab eo mihi fideicommissum datum est, cui sub condicione legatum est, quemadmodum si herede instituto sub condicione pure mihi legetur. 3Si debitori quod sub condicione debet legatum est, praesens legatum est agique ex testamento statim potest, ut liberatio praestetur, et, si post mortem testatoris decesserit, ad heredem transmittit actionem. 4Haec dicenda erunt et si non ipsi debitori, sed alii cuilibet similiter legatum esse proponatur.
The Same, Digest, Book LXX. Where a legacy is bequeathed without prescribing any time, as follows, “Let my heir provide my wife with provisions for her support, and if he does not do so, let him pay her a hundred aurei,” the legacy is understood to be only one of a hundred aurei, and it can be claimed at once. The statement relative to provisions has no other effect than to release the heir from liability, if they are delivered before issue has been joined in the case. 1Where the following provision was inserted into a will, namely, “If he should not furnish my wife with provisions before the Kalends of such-and-such a month, let him pay her a hundred aurei,” it is held that the result is not that there have been two legacies created, but that a hundred aurei were bequeathed to her under a condition. Hence if the wife should die before the Kalends of the month designated, she will not leave the provisions to her heir, because they have not been bequeathed; nor will she leave him a hundred aurei, because the day for the payment of the legacy has not arrived. 2Where a legacy is bequeathed under a condition to someone who is charged with a trust for my benefit, it is just as if the legacy was bequeathed to me absolutely, and the heir was appointed under a condition. 3Where a legacy of the amount which he owes is bequeathed to a debtor it is payable immediately, and an action can at once be brought under the will to obtain a release; and if the debtor should die after the death of the testator, he will transmit his right of action to his heir. 4The same rule will apply where a legacy is left in the same manner, not to the debtor himself, but to someone else.