Digestorum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 6,1,34Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Idem est et si per alluvionem pars fundo accesserit.
Dig. 7,6,3Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Qui usum fructum traditum sibi ex causa fideicommissi desiit in usu habere tanto tempore, quanto, si legitime eius factus esset, amissurus eum fuerit, actionem ad restituendum eum habere non debet: est enim absurdum plus iuris habere eos, qui possessionem dumtaxat usus fructus, non etiam dominium adepti sint.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. Where a party to whom an usufruct was delivered in compliance with the terms of a trust, has ceased to use it for such a time as would have caused him to lose it if it had become his lawfully, he should not be granted an action for restitution; for it is absurd that parties who have only obtained possession of an usufruct and not the ownership of the same, should have the better right.
Dig. 8,2,32Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Si aedes meae serviant aedibus Lucii Titii et aedibus Publii Maevii, ne altius aedificare mihi liceat, et a Titio precario petierim, ut altius tollerem, atque ita per statutum tempus aedificatum habuero, libertatem adversus Publium Maevium usucapiam: non enim una servitus Titio et Maevio debebatur, sed duae. argumentum rei praebet, quod, si alter ex his servitutem mihi remississet, ab eo solo liberarer, alteri nihilo minus servitutem deberem. 1Libertas servitutis usucapitur, si aedes possideantur: quare si is, qui altius aedificatum habebat, ante statutum tempus aedes possidere desiit, interpellata usucapio est. is autem, qui postea easdem aedes possidere coeperit, integro statuto tempore libertatem usucapiet. natura enim servitutium ea est, ut possideri non possint, sed intellegatur possessionem earum habere, qui aedes possidet.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. If my house is servient to those of Lucius Titius and Publius Mævius, the provision being that I shall not be permitted to build my house any higher, and I ask permission of Titius to raise it, and I keep it raised for the time established by law; I will obtain freedom from the servitude by usucaption as against Publius Mævius; for Titius and Mævius were not entitled to one servitude together, but to two. The proof of this is that if either one of them should release me from the servitude, I would be free from that one alone, and should still be subject to the servitude for the benefit of the other. 1Ad Dig. 8,2,32,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 216, Note 11.Freedom from a servitude is obtained by usucaption, where the house is held in possession; and therefore if a party who has raised his house relinquishes possession of the same before the time provided by law has expired, the usucaption is interrupted; and any other person who subsequently acquires possession of the same house, will obtain freedom by usucaption by the lapse of the entire term established by law. For the nature of servitudes is such that they cannot be possessed, but the party who possesses the house is understood to have possession of the servitude.
Dig. 8,2,37Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Idemque esse et si duobus aedes cesserit.
Dig. 8,3,27Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Si communi fundo meo et tuo serviat fundus Sempronianus et eundem in commune redemerimus, servitus extinguitur, quia par utriusque domini ius in utroque fundo esse incipit. at si proprio meo fundo et proprio tuo idem serviat, manebit servitus, quia proprio fundo per communem servitus deberi potest.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. If the Sempronian Estate is subject to a servitude in favor of land owned by you and me in common, and we purchase the same to be held in common, the servitude is extinguished; because the right of each owner has become the same in the two estates, respectively. But where the land purchased was subject to my own estate and to yours as well, the servitude will remain; because a servitude over an estate held in common can be attached to land owned in severalty.
Dig. 8,5,16Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Si a te emero, ut mihi liceat ex aedibus meis in aedes tuas stillicidium immittere et postea te sciente ex causa emptionis immissum habeam, quaero, an ex hac causa actione quadam vel exceptione tuendus sim. respondi utroque auxilio me usurum.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. If I purchase from you permission to let rain-water drip from my house on to yours, and afterwards, with your knowledge, on account of the purchase, I allow it to do so; I ask, whether I can on this ground be protected by any action or exception? I answered that I can avail myself of either resource.
Dig. 19,1,22Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Si in qualitate fundi venditor mentitus sit, non in modo eius, tamen tenetur emptori: pone enim dixisse eum quinquaginta iugera esse vineae et quinquaginta prati et in prato plus inveniri, esse tamen omnia centum iugera.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. If the vendor makes a false statement as to the quality of the land, but not as to its amount, he will still be liable to the purchaser. For suppose that he alleged that there were fifty jugera of vineyard and fifty of meadow, and it was ascertained that there were less than this in the vineyard, and more in the meadow, there would, nevertheless, be one hundred jugera in all.
Dig. 22,1,25Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Qui scit fundum sibi cum alio communem esse, fructus, quos ex eo perceperit invito vel ignorante socio, non maiore ex parte suos facit quam ex qua dominus praedii est: nec refert, ipse an socius an uterque eos severit, quia omnis fructus non iure seminis, sed iure soli percipitur: et quemadmodum, si totum fundum alienum quis sciens possideat, nulla ex parte fructus suos faciet, quoquo modo sati fuerint, ita qui communem fundum possidet, non faciet suos fructus pro ea parte, qua fundus ad socium eius pertinebit. 1In alieno fundo, quem Titius bona fide mercatus fuerat, frumentum sevi: an Titius bonae fidei emptor perceptos fructus suos faciat? respondi, quod fructus qui ex fundo percipiuntur intellegi debet propius ea accedere, quae servi operis suis adquirunt, quoniam in percipiendis fructibus magis corporis ius ex quo percipiuntur quam seminis, ex quo oriuntur aspicitur: et ideo nemo umquam dubitavit, quin, si in meo fundo frumentum tuum severim, segetes et quod ex messibus collectum fuerit meum fieret. porro bonae fidei possessor in percipiendis fructibus id iuris habet, quod dominis praediorum tributum est. praeterea cum ad fructuarium pertineant fructus a quolibet sati, quanto magis hoc in bonae fidei possessoribus recipiendum est, qui plus iuris in percipiendis fructibus habent? cum fructuarii quidem non fiant, antequam ab eo percipiantur, ad bonae fidei autem possessorem pertineant, quoquo modo a solo separati fuerint, sicut eius qui vectigalem fundum habet fructus fiunt, simul atque solo separati sunt. 2Bonae fidei emptor sevit et antequam fructus perciperet, cognovit fundum alienum esse: an perceptione fructus suos faciat, quaeritur. respondi, bonae fidei emptor quod ad percipiendos fructus intellegi debet, quamdiu evictus fundus non fuerit: nam et servus alienus quem bona fide emero tamdiu mihi ex re mea vel ex operis suis adquiret, quamdiu a me evictus non fuerit.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. A party who is aware that a tract of land is jointly owned by himself and another, and who gathers the crops from the same without the knowledge or consent of his fellow-owner, does not acquire a right to any greater portion of them than his interest in the land entitles him to. Nor does it make any difference whether he or his fellow-owner, or both of them, sow the seed, for the ownership of every kind of crop is acquired, not through the right to the seed, but through that to the soil; and just as where a party who knowingly has possession of a tract of land belonging to another, cannot acquire the ownership of any part of the crop, no matter in what way the land has been sown; so also, he who has possession of land belonging to himself and another, will acquire no right to the crop on that portion of the land which belongs to his fellow-owner. 1Ad Dig. 22,1,25,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Note 12.I sowed wheat on land belonging to another which Titius had bought in good faith; will Titius, the bona fide purchaser, have a right to the crop after it has been harvested? I answered that the profits obtained from a tract of land should be understood to closely resemble those which slaves acquire by their labor; for in gathering crops more consideration is paid to what produces them than to the seed from which they are derived, and therefore no one can ever doubt that if I should sow your wheat on my own ground, the crop and whatever may be collected from the harvest will belong to me. Again, a possessor in good faith has the same right to harvest the crop which is granted to the actual owner of the land. Besides, since crops of every kind, no matter by whom they have been sowed, belong to the usufructuary, much more does this apply to bona fide possessors who have a still better right to the crops, since they do not belong to the usufructuary until they have been gathered by him, but they belong to the bona fide possessor, without reference to how they may have been separated from the soil; just as in the case of a party who holds land on the condition of paying a tax, the crops become his as soon as they are separated from the soil. 2A bona fide purchaser sowed land of which he was in possession, and, before he harvested the crop, ascertained that the land belonged to someone else. The question arises, will he be entitled to the crop after it is harvested? I answered that a bona fide purchaser should be understood to have a right to harvest the crop, provided the land has not been evicted, for whatever a slave belonging to another, and whom I purchased in good faith, acquires for me by means of my property or by his own labor, is mine, so long as he is not evicted.
Dig. 40,7,12Iulianus libro septimo digestorum. Si quis testamento libertatem acceperit sub condicione, si rationem dederit, debet pro hereditaria parte heredibus reliqua solvere, etiamsi nomina quorundam heredum sint in condicione posita.
Julianus, Digest, Book VII. Where a slave receives his freedom by a will, under the condition of rendering an account, he must pay the balance remaining in his hands to the heirs, in proportion to their respective shares of the estate; even if the names of some of them are mentioned in the condition.