Digestorum libri
Ex libro LXVIII
Dig. 43,24,14Iulianus libro sexagensimo octavo digestorum. Nam et si servus meus ignorante me opus fecerit eumque vendidero vel manumisero, mecum in hoc solum agi poterit, ut patiar opus tolli, cum emptore autem servi, ut aut noxae dedat aut impensam, quae in restitutione facta fuerit, praestet: sed et cum ipso manumisso recte agi poterit.
Julianus, Digest, Book LXVIII. For if my slave constructs a new work without my knowledge, and I afterwards sell or manumit him, proceedings can only be instituted against me to compel me to allow the work to be demolished. The plaintiff, however, can proceed against the purchaser of the slave, and force him to surrender him by way of reparation, or pay the expense incurred in restoring the property to its original condition. This action can also be brought against the slave himself, after he has been manumitted.