Digestorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 5,3,54Iulianus libro sexto digestorum. Ei, qui partes hereditarias vel totam a fisco mercatus fuerit, non est iniquum dari actionem, per quam universa bona persequatur, quemadmodum ei, cui ex Trebelliano senatus consulto hereditas restituta est, petitio hereditatis datur. 1Heres debitoris id quod defunctus pignori dederat quin hereditatem petendo consequi possit, dubium non est. 2Cum praedia urbana et rustica neglegentia possessorum peiora sint facta, veluti quia vineae pomaria horti extra consuetudinem patris familias defuncti culta sunt: litis aestimationem earum rerum, quanto peiores sint factae, possessores pati debent.
Julianus, Digest, Book VI. Where a party purchases from the Treasury certain shares in an estate, or the whole of it, it is not unjust that a right of action should be granted him by which he may bring suit for the entire property; just as a right of action for recovery is granted to anyone to whom an estate has been delivered under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. 1There is no doubt that the heir of a debtor can, by an action for the recovery of the estate, obtain possession of articles pledged by the deceased. 2Where buildings and lands have become deteriorated through the negligence of the possessor; for instance, where vineyards, orchards, or gardens have been cultivated in a manner which was not like that employed by the deceased owner; the possessor must permit an assessment of damages in court to the extent to which the property has been diminished in value.
Dig. 50,17,62Iulianus libro sexto digestorum. Hereditas nihil aliud est, quam successio in universum ius quod defunctus habuerit.