Digestorum libri
Ex libro LIX
Dig. 1,3,10Iulianus libro LVIIII digestorum. Neque leges neque senatus consulta ita scribi possunt, ut omnes casus qui quandoque inciderint comprehendantur, sed sufficit ea quae plerumque accidunt contineri.
Dig. 38,16,6Iulianus libro quinquagensimo nono digestorum. Titius exheredato filio extraneum heredem sub condicione instituit: quaesitum est, si post mortem patris pendente condicione filius uxorem duxisset et filium procreasset et decessisset, deinde condicio instituti heredis defecisset, an ad hunc postumum nepotem legitima hereditas avi pertineret. respondit: qui post mortem avi sui concipitur, is neque legitimam hereditatem eius tamquam suus heres neque bonorum possessionem tamquam cognatus accipere potest, quia lex duodecim tabularum eum vocat ad hereditatem, qui moriente eo, de cuius bonis quaeritur, in rerum natura fuerit,
Julianus, Digest, Book LIX. Titius, having disinherited his son, appointed a foreign heir under a condition. The question arose, if after the death of the father and while the condition was pending, the son should marry a wife and have a child, and then should die, and the condition imposed upon the appointed heir should not subsequently be complied with, whether the estate would belong by law to the posthumous grandson, or to the grandfather. The answer was, that a child conceived after the death of its grandfather cannot, as the proper heir, obtain his estate, or, as his cognate, acquire prætorian possession of the same; for the reason that the Law of the Twelve Tables calls to the succession him who was in existence at the time of the death of the person the disposition of whose estate is in question.
Dig. 38,16,8Iulianus libro quinquagensimo nono digestorum. Item praetor edicto suo proximitatis nomine bonorum possessionem pollicetur his, qui defuncto mortis tempore cognati fuerint. nam quod in consuetudine nepotes cognati appellantur etiam eorum, post quorum mortem concepti sunt, non proprie, sed per abusionem vel potius ἀναφορικῶς accidit. 1Si quis praegnatem uxorem reliquisset et matrem et sororem, si viva uxore mater mortua fuisset, deinde uxor mortuum peperisset, ad sororem solam legitima hereditas pertinet, quia certum esset matrem eo tempore decessisse, quo legitima hereditas ad eam non pertinebat.
Julianus, Digest, Book LIX. The Prætor, by his Edict also, on the ground of their being next of kin, promises the possession of an estate to those who were cognates of the deceased at the time of his death. For, although it is customary to call those cognates grandsons who were conceived after the death of their grandfather, this designation is not proper, but susceptible of abuse, as it is based on analogy. 1If anyone should leave his wife pregnant, and a mother and a sister, and the mother should die during the lifetime of his wife, and his wife should afterwards have a dead child, the estate will pass to the sister alone, as the heir at law; because it is certain that the mother died at a time when she could not lawfully have acquired the estate.