Digestorum libri
Ex libro LVIII
Dig. 21,2,40Idem libro quinquagesimo octavo digestorum. Si is qui satis a me de evicitone accepit fundum a me herede legaverit, confestim fideiussores liberabuntur, quia, etiamsi evictus fuerit ab eo cui legatus fuerat, nulla adversus fideiussores actio est.
The Same, Digest, Book LVIII. Where a party who has taken security from me against eviction bequeaths the land to me as heir, the sureties will be immediately released, because even though he to whom it was bequeathed has to a certain extent been evicted, still, no action against the sureties will lie.
Dig. 21,2,43Iulianus libro quinquagesimo octavo digestorum. Vaccae emptor, si vitulus qui post emptionem natus est evincatur, agere ex duplae stipulatione non potest, quia nec ipsa nec usus fructus evincitur. nam quod dicimus vitulum fructum esse vaccae, non ius, sed corpus demonstramus, sicuti praediorum frumenta et vinum fructum recte dicimus, cum constet eadem haec non recte usum fructum appellari.
Julianus, Digest, Book LVIII. The purchaser of a cow, whose calf born after the sale was evicted, cannot bring an action for double damages under the stipulation, because neither the property itself, nor the usufruct in the same, was evicted; for where we say that a calf is the fruit of the cow, we mean, not the right, but the thing itself, just as we rightly designate grain and wine as the fruit of land, since it is settled that these things are not properly called usufruct.
Dig. 39,2,42Iulianus libro quinquagensimo octavo digestorum. Si servus communis damni infecti stipulatus fuisset, perinde habetur, ac si ipsi domini sua voce pro partibus stipularentur.
Julianus, Digest, Book LVIII. If a slave owned in common enters into a stipulation providing against threatened injury, it is considered the same as if his master had stipulated orally with reference to their respective shares.