Digestorum libri
Ex libro LVII
Dig. 21,2,39Iulianus libro quinquagesimo septimo digestorum. Minor viginti quinque annis fundum vendidit Titio, eum Titius Seio: minor se in ea venditione circumscriptum dicit et impetrat cognitionem non tantum adversus Titium, sed etiam adversus Seium: Seius postulabat apud praetorem utilem sibi de evictione stipulationem in Titium dari: ego dandam putabam. respondi: iustam rem Seius postulat: nam si ei fundus praetoria cognitione ablatus fuerit, aequum erit per eundem praetorem et evictionem restitui. 1Si servus tuus emerit hominem et eundem vendiderit Titio eiusque nomine duplam promiserit et tu a venditore servi stipulatus fueris: si Titius servum petierit et ideo victus sit, quod servus tuus in tradendo sine voluntate tua proprietatem hominis transferre non potuisset, supererit Publiciana actio et propter hoc duplae stipulatio ei non committetur: quare venditor quoque tuus agentem te ex stipulatu poterit doli mali exceptione summovere. alias autem si servus hominem emerit et duplam stipuletur, deinde eum vendiderit et ab emptore evictus fuerit: domino quidem adversus venditorem in solidum competit actio, emptori vero adversus dominum dumtaxat de peculio. denuntiare vero de evictione emptor servo, non domino debet: ita enim evicto homine utiliter de peculio agere poterit: sin autem servus decesserit, tunc domino denuntiandum est. 2Si a me bessem fundi emeris, a Titio trientem, deinde partem dimidiam fundi a te quis petierit: si quidem ex besse quem a me acceperas semis petitus fuerit, Titius non tenebitur, si vero triens quem Titius tibi tradiderat et sextans ex besse quem a me acceperas petitus fuerit, Titius quidem pro triente, ego pro sextante evictionem tibi praestabimus. 3Pater sciens filium suum quem in potestate habebat ignoranti emptori vendidit: quaesitum est, an evictionis nomine teneatur. respondit: qui liberum hominem sciens vel ignorans tamquam servum vendat, evictionis nomine tenetur: quare etiam pater, si filium suum tamquam servum vendiderit, evictionis nomine obligatur. 4Qui statuliberum tradit, nisi dixerit eum statuliberum esse, evictionis nomine perpetuo obligatur. 5Qui servum venditum tradit et dicit usum fructum in eo Seii esse, cum ad Sempronium pertineat, Sempronio usum fructum petente perinde tenetur, ac si in tradendo dixisset usus fructus nomine adversus Seium non teneri. et si re vera Seii usus fructus fuerit, legatus autem ita, ut, cum ad Seium pertinere desisset, Sempronii esset, Sempronio usum fructum petente tenebitur, Seio agente recte defugiet.
Julianus, Digest, Book LVII. Ad Dig. 21,2,39 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 120, Note 3.A minor under twenty-five years of age sold a tract of land to Titius, and Titius sold it to Seius. The minor alleged that he had been overreached in the sale, and obtained a judicial inquiry, not only against Titius, but against Seius as well. Seius asked the Prætor to grant him an equitable action on the stipulation, against Titius, on account of the eviction. I thought it should be granted, and gave it as my opinion that Seius only demanded what was proper, for if the land should be taken away from him by a decision of the Prætor, it would be but just for restitution to be given him in case of eviction by the same Prætor. 1If your slave should buy another, and then sell him to Titius, after promising double his value in case of eviction, and you also should stipulate with the vendor of the slave, and Titius should claim the slave, and having brought suit is defeated on the ground that your slave could not transfer property in another slave without your consent, Titius would be entitled to the Publician Action, and on this account a stipulation for double damages would not become operative as far as he was concerned. Wherefore, if you bring suit under the stipulation, you can be barred by an exception, on the ground of bad faith, interposed by your vendor. The case would be different, however, if the said slave purchased another, and, after stipulating for double damages, sold him; for if the purchaser was deprived of him by eviction, the owner will be entitled to an action against the vendor to recover the entire sum, but he will only have a right of action against the purchaser to the extent of the peculium. Moreover, the purchaser should notify the slave and not his master, of the eviction, for where he is deprived of the slave through a better title, he can lawfully bring an action on the peculium. If, however, the slave should die, then his master must be notified. 2If you purchase two-thirds of a tract of land from me, and one-third from Titius, and then someone claims half of the land from you, if the half which is claimed from you is included in the two-thirds which you have received from me, Titius will not be liable. Where, however, the claim is for the third which Titius has sold you, and the sixth is included in the two-thirds which you have received from me, Titius will be liable to you for a third, and I for a sixth, in case of eviction. 3A father, aware of his responsibility, sold his son whom he had under his control to a purchaser who was ignorant of the fact, and the question arose whether he was liable in case of eviction. The answer was where anyone knowingly or ignorantly sells a freeman as a slave, he is liable in case of eviction. Hence the father who sold his son as a slave is liable on the ground of eviction. 4Where a party sells and delivers a slave who is to become free under some condition, and does not state that this is the case, he will be liable in case of eviction, without reference to lapse of time. 5Where anyone sells and delivers a slave, and states that the usufruct in him belongs to Seius, while, in fact, it belongs to Sempronius, and Sempronius claims the usufruct; he will be liable just as if in delivering the property he had stated that he was not liable to Seius on account of the usufruct, and if the usufruct actually should belong to Seius, but was bequeathed in such a way that when it ceased to belong to him, it would become the property of Sempronius, and Sempronius should sue for it, he will be liable; but if Seius should bring the action he could legally escape responsibility.