Digestorum libri
Ex libro LV
Dig. 1,3,20Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. Non omnium, quae a maioribus constituta sunt, ratio reddi potest,
Dig. 2,11,13Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. Quotiens servus iudicio sistendi causa ut ipse litigaturus vel ab alio stipulatur vel ipse promittit: nec commititur stipulatio nec fideiussores tenentur, quia servus conveniri vel convenire non potest.
Dig. 6,1,52Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. Cum autem fundi possessor ante litem contestatam dolo malo fundum possidere desiit, heredes eius in rem quidem actionem suscipere cogendi non sunt, sed in factum actio adversus eos reddi debebit, per quam restituere cogantur, quanto locupletes ex ea re facti fuerunt.
Julianus, Digest, Book LV. Where the possessor of a tract of land fraudulently relinquished possession of the same before issue was joined, his heirs cannot be compelled to undertake the defence of the action in rem; but an action in factum should be granted against them by which they may be forced to surrender the amount to which they have profited by means of the property.
Dig. 6,1,55Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. Si possessor fundi ante iudicium acceptum duobus heredibus relictis decesserit et ab altero ex his, qui totum fundum possidebat, totus petitus fuerit, quin in solidum condemnari debeat, dubitari non oportet.
Dig. 35,1,24Idem libro quinquagesimo quinto digestorum. Iure civili receptum est, quotiens per eum, cuius interest condicionem impleri, fit, quo minus impleatur, ut perinde habeatur, ac si impleta condicio fuisset: quod plerique et ad legata et ad heredum institutiones perduxerunt. quibus exemplis stipulationes quoque committi quidam recte putaverunt, cum per promissorem factum esset, quo minus stipulator condicioni pareret.
Ad Dig. 35,1,24ROHGE, Bd. 5 (1872), S. 111: Rechtliche Bedeutung der Clausel in Feuerversicherungspolicen: „die Versicherung wird erst durch die gehörig geleistete Prämienzahlung giltig“.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 92, Noten 6, 10.The Same, Digest, Book XXXV. It has been established by the Civil Law that a condition is always considered to have been fulfilled where the party who is interested in not having this done opposes its fulfillment. Many authorities have extended the application of this rule to legacies and the appointment of heirs. Certain jurists have also very properly held that in cases of this kind, stipulations become operative when attempts are made by the promisor to prevent the stipulator from complying with the condition.
Dig. 46,7,4Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. is autem, cum quo actum fuit, absolvi debet.
Dig. 46,7,14Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quinto digestorum. Si ex duobus fideiussoribus, qui iudicatum solvi spoponderant, alter ob rem non defensam partem suam solverit, nihilo minus res defendi poterit. nec tamen is, qui solverit, repetet: stipulatio enim pro parte eius perempta est, perinde ac si acceptum ei factum fuisset. 1Quotiens ex stipulatione iudicatum solvi ob rem non defensam agitur cum fideiussoribus, non est iniquum caveri dominum priore iudicio absolvi, quia omissa cautione fideiussores mandati iudicio non consequentur aut certe cogantur dominum priore iudicio defendere.
Julianus, Digest, Book LV. When one of two sureties who have promised to pay a judgment pays his share because the case was not defended, the defence can, nevertheless, be undertaken; but he who made payment cannot recover anything, as the stipulation is extinguished, so far as his share is concerned, just as if he had received a release. 1Whenever proceedings are instituted against sureties under a stipulation to pay a judgment, on account of the case not having been defended, it is not inequitable to provide that the principal shall be released from liability for the first judgment; because, if this provision were omitted, the sureties could not have recourse to the action on mandate, or they would certainly be compelled to defend the principal against the first judgment.