Digestorum libri
Ex libro LIV
Dig. 19,1,25Idem libro quinquagesimo quarto digestorum. Qui pendentem vindemiam emit, si uvam legere prohibeatur a venditore, adversus eum petentem pretium exceptione uti poterit ‘si ea pecunia, qua de agitur, non pro ea re petitur, quae venit neque tradita est’. ceterum post traditionem sive lectam uvam calcare sive mustum evehere prohibeatur, ad exhibendum vel iniuriarum agere poterit, quemadmodum si aliam quamlibet rem suam tollere prohibeatur.
Ad Dig. 19,1,25Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 321, Note 2; Bd. II, § 355, Note 6; Bd. II, § 472, Note 1b.The Same, Digest, Book LIV. When anyone purchases a vintage which is not yet harvested, and is forbidden by the vendor to gather the grapes, he can avail himself of an exception against him if suit is brought for the purchase-money, and not for the recovery of the property which was sold, but not delivered. But if, after delivery has been made, the purchaser is forbidden to press the grapes which have been gathered, or to remove the new wine, he can bring an action for production, or for injury committed, just as if he were forbidden to remove any other property whatsoever which belonged to him.
Dig. 34,4,11Idem libro quinquagesimo quarto digestorum. Qui hominem legat et Stichum adimit, non peremit legatum, sed extenuat,
Dig. 44,7,18Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Si is, qui Stichum dari stipulatus fuerat, heres exstiterit ei, cui ex testamento idem Stichus debebatur: si ex testamento Stichum petierit, non consumet stipulationem, et contra si ex stipulatu Stichum petierit, actionem ex testamento salvam habebit, quia initio ita constiterint hae duae obligationes, ut altera in iudicium deducta altera nihilo minus integra remaneret.
The Same, Digest, Book LIV. If anyone, who has stipulated to give Stichus, becomes the heir of a person who is entitled to the said Stichus under the terms of a will, and he brings suit under the will to recover Stichus, he does not annul the stipulation. On the other Rand, if he brings an action to recover Stichus under the stipulation, he will still be entitled to one under the will; because in the beginning, these two obligations were contracted in such a way that if one of them was brought into court, the other would, nevertheless, remain unimpaired.
Dig. 45,1,58Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Qui usum fructum fundi stipulatur, deinde fundum, similis est ei, qui partem fundi stipulatur, deinde totum, quia fundus dari non intellegitur, si usus fructus detrahatur. et e contrario qui fundum stipulatus est, deinde usum fructum, similis est ei, qui totum stipulatur, deinde partem. sed qui actum stipulatur, deinde iter, posteriore stipulatione nihil agit, sicuti qui decem, deinde quinque stipulatur, nihil agit. item si quis fructum, deinde usum stipulatus fuerit, nihil agit. nisi in omnibus novandi animo hoc facere specialiter expresserit: tunc enim priore obligatione exspirante ex secunda introducitur petitio et tam iter quam usus nec non quinque exigi possunt.
The Same, Digest, Book LIV. He who stipulates for the usufruct of land, and afterwards for the land itself, resembles one who stipulates for a part, of the land and afterwards for the whole of it, because the land is not understood to be conveyed if the usufruct is reserved. And, on the other hand, where anyone stipulates for the land, and afterwards for the usufruct, he resembles one who stipulates for all of it, and afterwards for a part. When a person stipulates for a right of way to drive, and afterwards for a footpath, the subsequent stipulation is void, just as where the stipulation of anyone for ten aurei, and afterwards for five, is void. Likewise, if anyone stipulates for the crops, and afterwards for the use of the land, the stipulation is void; unless, in all these cases, he expressly states that he does this with the intention of making a new stipulation, for then the first obligation having been extinguished, a right of action will arise from the second, and the right of passage, and the use of the land, as well as the five aurei, can be exacted.
Dig. 46,3,13Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Ratum autem habere dominus debet, cum primum certior factus est. sed hoc ἐν πλάτει et cum quodam spatio temporis accipi debet, sicut in legato, cum de repellendo quaereretur, spatium quoddam temporis adsumitur nec minimum nec maximum et quod magis intellectu percipi quam ex locutione exprimi possit.
Julianus, Digest, Book LIV. The principal, however, should ratify the act as soon as he is informed of it, but with some degree of latitude and allowance, and it should include a certain period of time. As in the case of a legacy, where either its acceptance or rejection is concerned, a certain period of time, which is neither too small or too great, and which can better be understood than expressed in words, should be permitted.
Dig. 46,3,34Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Qui hominem aut decem tibi aut Titio dari promisit, si Titio partem hominis tradiderit, mox tibi decem numeraverit, non Titio, sed tibi partem hominis condicet, quasi indebitum tua voluntate Titio solveret. idemque iuris erit etiam, si mortuo Titio decem solverit, ut tibi potius quam heredi Titii partem hominis condicat. 1Si duo rei stipulandi hominem dari stipulati fuerint et promissor utrique partes diversorum hominum dederit, dubium non est, quin non liberetur. sed si eiusdem hominis partes utrique dederit, liberatio contingit, quia obligatio communis efficiet, ut quod duobus solutum est, uni solutum esse videatur. nam ex contrario cum duo fideiussores hominem dari spoponderint, diversorum quidem hominum partes dantes non liberantur: at si eiusdem hominis partes dederint, liberantur. 2Stipulatus sum decem mihi aut hominem Titio dari: si homo Titio datus fuisset, promissor a me liberatur et, antequam homo daretur, ego decem petere possum. 3Si Titium omnibus negotiis meis praeposuero, deinde vetuero eum ignorantibus debitoribus administrare negotia mea, debitores ei solvendo liberabuntur: nam is, qui omnibus negotiis suis aliquem proponit, intellegitur etiam debitoribus mandare, ut procuratori solvant. 4Si nullo mandato intercedente debitor falso existimaverit voluntate mea pecuniam se numerare, non liberabitur. et ideo procuratori, qui se ultro alienis negotiis offert, solvendo nemo liberabitur: 5Et cum fugitivus, qui pro libero se gerebat, rem vendidisset, responsum est emptores fugitivo solventes a domino liberatos non esse. 6Si gener socero, ignorante filia, dotem solvisset, non est liberatus, sed condicere socero potest, nisi ratum filia habuisset. et propemodum similis est gener ei, qui absentis procuratori solveret, quia in causam dotis particeps et quasi socia obligationis patri filia esset. 7Si debitorem meum iussero pecuniam Titio dare donaturus ei, quamvis Titius ea mente acceperit, ut meos nummos faceret, nihilo minus debitor liberabitur: sed si postea Titius eandem pecuniam mihi dedisset, nummi mei fient. 8Quidam filium familias, a quo fideiussorem acceperat, heredem instituerat: quaesitum est, si iussu patris adisset hereditatem, an pater cum fideiussore agere posset. dixi, quotiens reus satisdandi reo satis accipiendi heres existeret, fideiussores ideo liberari, quia pro eodem apud eundem debere non possent. 9Si praedo id, quod a debitoribus hereditariis exegerat, petenti hereditatem restituerit, debitores liberabuntur. 10Si decem aut hominem dari stipulatus fuero et duos fideiussores accepero Titium et Maevium et Titius quinque solverit, non liberabitur, priusquam Maevius quoque quinque solvat: quod si Maevius partem hominis solverit, uterque obligatus remanebit. 11Qui perpetua exceptione se tueri potest, solutum repetit et ideo non liberatur. quare si ex duobus reis promittendi alter pepigerit, ne ab eo peteretur, quamvis solverit, nihilo minus alter obligatus manebit.
The Same, Digest, Book LIV. Where anyone who has promised to give a slave, or pay ten aurei to you, or to Titius, delivers to Titius a part of the slave, and afterwards pays you ten aurei, he can bring an action to recover the part of the slave, not against Titius, but against you, just as if he had given to Titius with your consent, something that he did not owe him. The same rule will apply if he should pay ten aurei after the death of Titius; as he can recover the share of the slave rather from you than from the heir of Titius. 1If two joint-stipulators contract that a slave shall be delivered to them, and the promisor delivers to each of them different shares of different slaves, there is no doubt that he will not be released. If, however, he gives to both of them the shares of the same slave, a release takes place, because the common obligation has such an effect that what is paid to two persons is held to have been paid to one. On the other hand, when two sureties promise a slave shall be delivered, and they give shares of different slaves, they will not be released, but if they give shares of the same slave, they will be freed from liability. 2I stipulated for ten aurei to be paid to me, or a slave to be delivered to Titius. If the slave is delivered to Titius, the promisor will be released, so far as I am concerned; and before he is delivered I can demand the ten aurei. 3Ad Dig. 46,3,34,3ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 303: Zahlung an einen zur Geldempfangnahme beauftragten Gehilfen nach Widerruf der Vollmacht.ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 381: Wirkung des theilweisen Widerrufs bez. der Beschränkung einer bisher unbeschränkten Vollmacht auf den Verkehr mit dritten Contrahenten.If I give Titius charge of all my business, and afterwards, without the knowledge of my debtors, I forbid him to transact it, the latter, by paying him, will be released; for he who gives anyone charge of his business is understood to direct his debtors to pay him as his agent. 4If my debtor, without any authority from me, should erroneously believe that he has my consent to pay money to another person, he will not be released; and therefore no one will be freed from liability by payment of an agent, who voluntarily offers himself to transact the affairs of another. 5If a fugitive slave who asserts that he is free sells any property, it has been decided that the purchasers are not released from liability to his master by paying the fugitive slave. 6If a son-in-law pays a dowry to his father-in-law, without the knowledge of the daughter of the latter, he will not be released, but he can bring a personal action for recovery against his father-in-law, unless the daughter ratines what he has done. The son-in-law, to a certain extent, resembles one who pays the agent of a person who is absent, because, in the case of a dowry, the daughter participates in the dowry, and is, as it were, a partner in the obligation. 7If I, desiring to make a donation to Titius, order my debtor to pay a sum of money to him, even though Titius may accept the money with the intention of rendering it mine, the debtor will, nevertheless, be released from liability. If, however, Titius afterwards gives me the same money, it will become mine. 8A testator appointed, as his heir, a son under paternal control from whom he had received a surety. If he should enter upon the estate by the order of his father, the question arises whether the latter can bring an action against the surety. I stated that whenever the principal debtor became the heir of him who received security, the sureties would be released, because they could not be indebted to the same person, on account of the same person. 9If a thief restores to someone claiming an estate property which he has collected from debtors of the estate, the latter will be released. 10If I stipulate that ten aurei shall be paid, or a slave be delivered, and I receive two sureties, Titius and Mævius, and Titius pays five aurei, he will not be released until Mævius also pays five. If, however, Mævius delivers a share of a slave, both of them will remain liable. 11Anyone who can protect himself by means of a perpetual exception can recover what he has paid, and therefore will not be released. Hence, when one of two promisors makes an agreement that nothing shall be demanded of him, even though he should make payment, the other will, nevertheless, remain liable.
Dig. 46,4,17Iulianus libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Qui hominem aut decem stipulatus est, si quinque accepto fecerit, partem stipulationis peremit et petere quinque aut partem hominis potest.
Dig. 50,17,65Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto digestorum. Ea est natura cavillationis, quam Graeci σωρίτην appellant, ut ab evidenter veris per brevissimas mutationes disputatio ad ea, quae evidenter falsa sunt, perducatur.