Digestorum libri
Ex libro LI
Dig. 10,1,10Idem libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Iudicium communi dividundo, familiae erciscundae, finium regundorum tale est, ut in eo singulae personae duplex ius habeant agentis et eius quocum agitur.
Dig. 16,1,15Idem libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Si mulieri solvero id quod tibi debebam et ab ea ratam rem te habiturum stipulatus fuero et forte te ratum non habente agere ex stipulatu instituero, exceptio senatus consulti, quod de intercessionibus feminarum factum est, non proderit mulieri: non enim videri potest alienam obligationem recusare, cum maneam debito obligatus, et ipsa de lucro agat ac potius reddere cogatur quod non debitum acceperat, quam pro alio solvere.
The Same, Digest, Book XV. Where I pay a woman what I owe you, and I stipulate with her that you will ratify her act, and you do not do so; I can institute proceedings based on the stipulation, and the exception founded on the Decree of the Senate which was enacted with reference to the obligations of women, will not be of any advantage to her; for she cannot be considered as refusing to assume the obligation of another, when I remain bound for the debt, and she herself profits by the transaction; and she may rather be held to have returned what was not due, than to have paid it out in behalf of another.
Dig. 44,2,8Iulianus libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Item parte fundi petita si familiae herciscundae vel communi dividundo agit, aeque exceptione submovebitur.
No translation given.
Dig. 44,2,10Iulianus libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Item si victus fuero, tu adversus me exceptionem non habebis.
Dig. 44,2,16Iulianus libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Evidenter enim iniquissimum est proficere rei iudicatae exceptionem ei, contra quem iudicatum est.
Dig. 44,2,25Idem libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Si is, qui heres non erat, hereditatem petierit et postea heres factus eandem hereditatem petet, exceptione rei iudicatae non summovebitur. 1Est in potestate emptoris intra sex menses, redhibitoria agere mallet an ea quae datur, quanti minoris homo cum veniret fuerit. nam posterior actio etiam redhibitionem continet, si tale vitium in homine est, ut eum ob id actor empturus non fuerit: quare vere dicetur eum, qui alterutra earum egerit, si altera postea agat, rei iudicatae exceptione summoveri. 2Si te negotiis meis optuleris et fundum nomine meo petieris, deinde ego hanc petitionem tuam ratam non habuero, sed mandavero tibi, ut ex integro eundem fundum peteres, exceptio rei iudicatae non obstabit: alia enim res facta est interveniente mandatu. idem est, si non in rem, sed in personam actum fuerit.
The Same, Digest, Book LI. If anyone who is not an heir should bring an action for the estate and, after having become an heir, should again sue for the same estate, he will not be barred by an exception on the ground of res judicata. 1Ad Dig. 44,2,25,1ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 349: Actio quanti minoris auf Restitution des ganzen Kaufpreises im Falle der völligen Entwerthung der Waare durch den Fehler.It is in the power of a purchaser to bring an action to compel the property to be returned within six months, where the condition was that if a slave was worth less than he was sold for, the excess paid should be refunded; for this latter action also includes the clause for the return of the money, when the slave had such a defect that, on account of it, the purchaser would not have bought him if he had been aware of it. Wherefore, it is very properly said that if the purchaser who has made use of either one of these actions should afterwards employ the other, he can be barred by an exception on the ground of res judicata. 2If you interfere in my business, and bring an action for a tract of land in my name, and I afterwards do not ratify the claim which you have made but direct you to again bring an action to recover the same land, an exception on the ground of res judicata will not act as a bar when conditions have changed since the mandate was given. The same rule will apply where a personal action, and not a real one, is brought.
Dig. 46,1,15Idem libro quinquagensimo primo digestorum. Si stipulatus esses a me sine causa et fideiussorem dedissem et nollem eum exceptione uti, sed potius solvere, ut mecum mandati iudicio ageret, fideiussori etiam invito me exceptio dari debet: interest enim eius pecuniam retinere potius quam solutam stipulatori a reo repetere. 1Si ex duobus, qui apud te fideiusserant in viginti, alter, ne ab eo peteres, quinque tibi dederit vel promiserit, nec alter liberabitur et, si ab altero quindecim petere institueris, nulla exceptione summoveris: reliqua autem quinque si a priore fideiussore petere institueris, doli mali exceptione submoveris.
The Same, Digest, Book LI. If you have stipulated with me without any consideration, and I have given a surety, and am unwilling for him to make use of an exception, but prefer that he shall pay, in order that he may bring an action on mandate against me, the exception should be granted him, even against my consent; for he has more interest in keeping his money than in recovering it from the principal debtor, after having paid the stipulator. 1If one of two sureties who have become liable to you for twenty aurei should either pay you, or promise to pay you five aurei, to prevent you from suing him, the other will not be released; and if you proceed to collect fifteen aurei from him, you will not be barred by an exception. If you attempt to collect the remaining five aurei from the former surety, you can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.