Digestorum libri
Ex libro L
Dig. 34,5,12Idem libro quinquagesimo digestorum. Quotiens in actionibus aut in exceptionibus ambigua oratio est, commodissimum est id accipi, quo res de qua agitur magis valeat quam pereat.
Dig. 44,1,13Iulianus libro quinquagensimo digestorum. Si post litem de hereditate contestatam res singulae petantur, placet non obstare exceptionem ‘quod praeiudicium hereditati non fiat’: futuri enim iudicii, non facti nomine huiusmodi exceptiones comparatae sunt.
Ad Dig. 44,1,13Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 616, Note 1.Julianus, Digest, Book L. If, after judgment has been pronounced in a case involving an entire estate, suit is brought to recover certain specified articles, it is settled that an exception on the ground that the estate will be prejudged cannot be pleaded in bar, for the reason that exceptions of this kind are introduced because they may affect a future decree, if not the one which has already been rendered.