Digestorum libri
Ex libro XLVIII
Dig. 5,4,8Idem libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Permittendum erit possessori hereditatis partem quidem hereditatis defendere, parte vero cedere, nec enim prohibet aliquem totam hereditatem possidere et partem scire dimidiam ad se pertinere, de altera parte controversiam non facere.
The Same, Digest, Book XLVIII. The possessor of an estate should be permitted to defend the action so far as surrendering a share of the same is concerned; for he is not prohibited from holding the entire estate, as he is aware that half of it belongs to him, and does not raise any controversy with reference to the other half.
Dig. 9,2,42Iulianus libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Qui tabulas testamenti depositas aut alicuius rei instrumentum ita delevit, ut legi non possit, depositi actione et ad exhibendum tenetur, quia corruptam rem restituerit aut exhibuerit. legis quoque Aquiliae actio ex eadem causa competit: corrupisse enim tabulas recte dicitur et qui eas interleverit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLVIII. Where anyone so defaces a will which has been deposited with him (or any other instrument for the conveyance of property) so that it cannot be read, he will be liable to an action on deposit, and also to one for the production of an instrument in court, because he either returned or produced the document in a ruined condition. An action under the Lex Aquilia will also lie in a case of this kind, for where a party falsifies documents, he is very properly said to have ruined them.
Dig. 12,1,21Idem libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Quidam existimaverunt neque eum, qui decem peteret, cogendum quinque accipere et reliqua persequi, neque eum, qui fundum suum diceret, partem dumtaxat iudicio persequi: sed in utraque causa humanius facturus videtur praetor, si actorem compulerit ad accipiendum id quod offeratur, cum ad officium eius pertineat lites deminuere.
Ad Dig. 12,1,21Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 342, Note 20.The Same, Digest, Book XLVIII. Some authorities have thought that a man who sues for ten aurei cannot be forced to accept five and then bring suit for the remainder; or, if he should allege that a certain tract of land is his, that he can only be compelled to bring suit for a portion of the same; but, in both instances, it is held that the Prætor would be more indulgent if he compels the plaintiff to accept what is offered him, since it is part of his duty to diminish litigation.
Dig. 43,7,2Iulianus libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Nemini licet in via publica monumentum exstruere.
Ulpianus, Digest, Book XLVIII. No one is allowed to erect a monument on a public highway.
Dig. 43,8,7Idem libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Sicut is, qui nullo prohibente in loco publico aedificaverat, cogendus non est demolire, ne ruinis urbs deformetur, ita qui adversus edictum praetoris aedificaverit, tollere aedificium debet: alioqui inane et lusorium praetoris imperium erit.
The Same, Digest, Book XLVIII. Just as a person who builds in a public place without anyone attempting to prevent him is not compelled to demolish what he has constructed in order to prevent the city from being defaced by the ruins, so anyone who builds contrary to the Prætorian Edict should remove what he has erected; otherwise, the authority of the Prætor becomes vain and illusory.
Dig. 43,16,17Iulianus libro quadragensimo octavo digestorum. Qui possessionem vi ereptam vi in ipso congressu reciperat, in pristinam causam reverti potius quam vi possidere intellegendus est: ideoque si te deiecero, ilico tu me, deinde ego te, unde vi interdictum tibi utile erit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLVIII. Where anyone forcibly recovers possession of property of which he was deprived by violence during the same dispute, he is understood to have been restored to his former position rather than to have regained possession of the property by violence. Therefore if I deprive you of anything by force, and you wrest it from me in the same way, and then I again take it from you, you can avail yourself of the interdict Unde vi against me.