Digestorum libri
Ex libro XLVII
Dig. 29,2,44Idem libro quadragesimo septimo digestorum. Quotiens pupillus patri heres exstitit et abstinet se hereditate, quamvis patris bona sub creditoribus fiant, tamen rata haberi debent, quaecumque pupillus bona fide gesserit: et ideo ei, qui fundum tutore auctore a pupillo emerit, succurrendum erit: nec interest, pupillus solvendo sit nec ne.
The Same, Digest, Book XLVII. Whenever a minor is the heir of his father, and refuses to accept his estate, although the property of the deceased passes into the hands of his creditors, still, whatever the minor has done in good faith should be confirmed. Therefore, if anyone should purchase a tract of land from a ward, with the consent of his guardian, relief should be granted him; and it makes no difference whether the ward is solvent or not.
Dig. 39,6,17Idem libro quadragensimo septimo digestorum. Etsi debitor consilium creditorum fraudandorum non habuisset, avelli res mortis causa ab eo donata debet. nam cum legata ex testamento eius, qui solvendo non fuit, omnimodo inutilia sint, possunt videri etiam donationes mortis causa factae rescindi debere, quia legatorum instar optinent.
The Same, Digest, Book XLVII. Even if a debtor may not have had the intention to defraud his creditors, his donee can be deprived of property given to him mortis causa; for, as legacies bequeathed by the will of a person who is insolvent are absolutely void, it can be held that donations mortis causa made under such circumstances should also be annulled because they resemble legacies.
Dig. 42,7,5Iulianus libro quadragensimo septimo digestorum. Si debitor foro cesserit et creditores privato consilio coierint et elegerint unum, per quem bona distrahantur et portio ipsis, quae ex redacto fieret, solveretur, mox exstiterit alius, qui se creditorem dicat: nullam quidem actionem adversus curatorem habebit, sed bona debitoris una cum curatore vendere poterit, ita ut, quae a curatore et a creditore ex bonis contrahantur, omnibus pro portione praestarentur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLVII. If a debtor fails in business, and his creditors assemble and select one by whom his property may be sold, the amount due to each one of them to be paid from the proceeds of the sale, and another person afterwards appears, who alleges that he also is a creditor, he will not be entitled to an action against the curator, but he, along with the curator, can sell the property of the debtor, so that whatever is realized from the sale of the property by the curator and the said creditor may be paid to all the creditors in proportion to their claims.
Dig. 46,1,14Idem libro quadragensimo septimo digestorum. Cum reus promittendi fideiussori suo heres exstitit, obligatio fideiussoria peremitur. quid ergo est? tamquam a reo debitum petatur et, si exceptione fideiussori competente usus fuerit, in factum replicatio dari debebit aut doli mali proderit.
The Same, Digest, Book XLVII. When the principal debtor becomes the heir of his surety, the obligation of suretyship is extinguished. What, then, must be done? If the principal debtor is sued for the claim, and makes use of the exception to which the surety was entitled, a replication in factum should be granted, for recourse can be had to one on the ground of fraud.