Digestorum libri
Ex libro XLV
Dig. 4,4,41Iulianus libro quadragensimo quinto digestorum. Si iudex circumvento in venditione adulescenti iussit fundum restitui eumque pretium emptori reddere, et hic nolit uti hac in integrum restitutione paenitentia acta, exceptionem utilem adversus petentem pretium quasi ex causa iudicati adulescens habere poterit, quia unicuique licet contemnere haec, quae pro se introducta sunt. nec queri poterit venditor, si restitutus fuerit in eam causam, in qua se ipse constituit et quam mutare non potuisset, si minor auxilium praetoris non implorasset.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLV. When a judge orders land to be restored where a minor has been overreached in a sale, and directs him to return the price of the same to the purchaser, and he is unwilling to take advantage of complete restitution, having changed his mind; the minor is entitled to an exception against the party demanding the purchase-money, as in the case of res judicata; because every one is permitted to reject what was introduced for his own benefit. Nor can the purchaser complain if he is restored to the same condition in which he was placed by his own act, and which he could not have changed if the minor had not sought the aid of the Prætor.
Dig. 12,6,35Idem libro quadragensimo quinto digestorum. Qui ob rem non defensam solvit, quamvis postea defendere paratus est, non repetet quod solverit.
Dig. 42,1,61Idem libro quadragensimo quinto digestorum. In iudicati actione non prius ratio haberi debet eius, cui prior reus condemnatus fuerit.
Dig. 47,10,36Iulianus libro quadragensimo quinto digestorum. Si filii nomine cum patre iniuriarum agere velim et is procuratorem det, non intellegitur filius defendi, nisi iudicatum solvi satisdetur: et ideo actio adversus filium, tamquam a patre non defendatur, danda erit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLV. If I desire to bring an action in the name of a son against his father, and the latter appoints an attorney, the son is not considered to be defended unless he gives security for the payment of the judgment; and therefore an action should be granted against him just as if he was not defended by his father.