Digestorum libri
Ex libro XLII
Dig. 28,1,12Iulianus libro quadragesimo secundo digestorum. Lege Cornelia testamenta eorum, qui in hostium potestate decesserint, perinde confirmantur, ac si hi qui ea fecissent in hostium potestatem non pervenissent, et hereditas ex his eodem modo ad unumquemque pertinet. quare servus heres scriptus ab eo, qui in hostium potestate decesserit, liber et heres erit seu velit seu nolit, licet minus proprie necessarius heres dicatur: nam et filius eius, qui in hostium potestate decessit, invitus hereditati obligatur, quamvis suus heres dici non possit, qui in potestate morientis non fuit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLII. According to the Lex Cornelia, the wills of those who die while in the power of the enemy are confirmed, just as if those who had executed them had never been in the hands of the enemy, and their estates pass to whomever are entitled to them under the testamentary provisions. Wherefore, in case a slave is appointed heir by a person who dies while in the power of the enemy, he will become free and the heir of the testator, whether he is willing or not; although he is improperly said to be a necessary heir, for the son of a man who dies while in the hands of the enemy must assume the obligation of the estate, even if unwilling to do so, although he cannot be said to be his heir, as he was not under his control at the time of his death.
Dig. 30,97Idem libro quadragesimo secundo digestorum. Si mihi Stichus legatus esset fideique meae commissum, ut aut Stichum aut Pamphilum meum servum redderem, et in Sticho aliquid ex legato propter legem Falcidiam perdidissem, necesse habebo aut Pamphilum servum meum totum Titio dare aut eam partem Stichi, quam legatorum nomine accepero.
The Same, Digest, Book XLII. If Stichus should be bequeathed to me, and I should be charged, “To deliver either Stichus, or Pamphilus, my slave,” and I lose anything on account of the legacy through the operation of the Falcidian Law, I shall be obliged to give my slave Pamphilus entirely to Titius, or that share in Stichus which I have received by way of legacy.
Dig. 40,2,4Iulianus libro quadragensimo secundo digestorum. Si pater filio permiserit servum manumittere et interim decesserit intestato, deinde filius ignorans patrem suum mortuum libertatem imposuerit, libertas servo favore libertatis contingit, cum non appareat mutata esse domini voluntas. sin autem ignorante filio vetuisset pater per nuntium et antequam filius certior fieret, servum manumississet, liber non fit. nam ut filio manumittente servus ad libertatem perveniat, durare oportet patris voluntatem: nam si mutata fuerit, non erit verum volente patre filium manumississe. 1Quotiens dominus servum manumittat, quamvis existimet alienum esse eum, nihilo minus verum est voluntate domini servum manumissum et ideo liber erit. et ex contrario si se Stichus non putaret manumittentis esse, nihilo minus libertatem contingere. plus enim in re est, quam in existimatione et utroque casu verum est Stichum voluntate domini manumissum esse. idemque iuris est et si dominus et servus in eo errore essent, ut neque ille se dominum nec hic se servum eius putaret. 2Minor viginti annis dominus nec communem quidem servum sine consilio recte manumittit. Paulus notat: sed si pignori obligatum sibi minor viginti annis manumitti patiatur, recte manumittitur, quia non tam manumittere is quam non impedire manumittentem intellegitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLII. If a father should permit his son to manumit his slave, and, in the meantime, should die intestate, and his son, not being aware that his father was dead, should grant the slave his freedom, the slave will become free through the favor conceded to liberty, as it does not appear that the master changed his mind. If, however, the father had, by means of a messenger, forbidden his son to liberate the slave, and the son did not know this, and, before ascertaining it, he should manumit the slave, the latter will not become free; for in order that a slave may obtain his freedom through the manumission of a son, the intention of the father must continue to exist; since, if he should change his mind, it would not be true that the son had manumitted the slave with his father’s consent. 1Whenever a master manumits his slave, even though he may think he belongs to another, it is, nevertheless, true that the slave is manumitted with the consent of his master, and therefore he will become free. And, on the other hand, if Stichus does not think that he belongs to the person who manumits him, he will, nevertheless, obtain his freedom, for there is more in the fact itself than in opinion; and, in both cases, it is true that Stichus was manumitted with the consent of his master. The same rule of law will apply where both the master and the slave are mistaken, and one of them thinks that he is not the master, and the other believes that he is not his slave. 2A minor of twenty years of age, who is a master, cannot legally manumit without appearing before the proper authority. Paulus says that if a minor of twenty years of age permits a slave over whom he has the right of pledge to be manumitted, the manumission is legal; because he is not understood to have actually liberated him, but only not to have interfered with his manumission.
Dig. 40,2,5Iulianus eodem libro. An apud se manumittere possit is qui consilium praebeat, saepe quaesitum est. ego, qui meminissem Iavolenum praeceptorem meum et in Africa et in Syria servos suos manumississe, cum consilium praeberet, exemplum eius secutus et in praetura et consulatu meo quosdam ex servis meis vindicta liberavi et quibusdam praetoribus consulentibus me idem suasi.
Julianus, In the Same Book. The question has often been asked whether a magistrate appointed for the purpose of examining manumissions can, himself, manumit a slave. I remember that Javolenus, my preceptor, manumitted his slaves in Africa and in Syria, when he was a member of the board of magistrates; and I followed his example, and liberated some of my slaves in my tribunal, both while I was Prætor and Consul; and I advised certain other Prætors and Consuls to do the same.
Dig. 40,4,17Idem libro quadragensimo secundo digestorum. Libertas, quae in ultimum vitae tempus confertur, veluti ‘Stichus cum morietur, liber esto’, nullius momenti existimanda est. haec autem scriptura ‘Stichus si Capitolium non ascenderit, liber esto’ ita accipienda est ‘si cum primum potuerit, Capitolium non ascenderit’: isto enim modo perveniet Stichus ad libertatem, si facultate data ascendendi Capitolium abstinuerit. 1Hac scriptura testamenti ‘Pamphilus liber esto, ita ut filiis meis rationem reddat’ an sub condicione libertas data videretur, quaesitum est. respondi pure quidem datam libertatem et illam adiectionem ‘ita ut rationes reddat’ condicionem libertati non inicere: tamen quia manifesta voluntas testantis exprimeretur, cogendum eum ad rationes reddendas. 2Post annos indistincte liber esse iussus post biennium liber erit: idque et favor libertatis exigit, et verba patiuntur: nisi si aliud sensisse patrem familias manifestissimis rationibus is, a quo libertas relicta est, probaverit.
The Same, Digest, Book XLII. Freedom which is granted to take effect at the last moment of life, as for example, “Let Stichus be free when he dies,” is held to be of no force or effect. The following testamentary disposition, “Let Stichus be free, if he does not ascend to the Capitol,” must be understood to mean if he does not ascend to the Capitol as soon as he possibly can. Hence, Stichus would obtain his freedom in this way, if having the power to ascend to the Capitol he abstained from doing so. 1The question arose whether freedom should be considered to have been conditionally granted by the following provision in a will: “Let Pamphilus be free, in order that he may render an account to my children.” The answer was that freedom should be granted absolutely, and that the addition, “In order that he may render an account,” does not impose any condition upon the grant of freedom; still, because the manifest wish of the testator was expressed, the slave should be compelled to render his account. 2Where a slave is indefinitely ordered to be free after several years, he will become free after the expiration of two years. The favor-conceded to liberty requires this, and the words themselves are susceptible of such a construction; unless the person who is charged with the grant of freedom can prove by the clearest evidence that the intention of the testator was otherwise.
Dig. 40,5,47Iulianus libro quadragensimo secundo digestorum. Si pater duos filios heredes instituerit et adgnatione postumi ruptum testamentum fuerit, quamvis hereditas pro duabus partibus ad eos pertineat, tamen fideicommissae libertates praestari non debent, sicuti ne legata quidem aut fideicommissa praestare coguntur. 1Si, cum alienum servum heres rogatus sit manumittere, item communem vel eum, in quo usus fructus alienus est, latitet, non inique senatus consulto libertatibus succurretur. 2Si Sticho libertas per fideicommissum data fuerit sub condicione, si rationes reddidisset, et is absente herede paratus sit reliqua solvere, praetoris officio continetur, ut virum bonum eligat, cuius arbitrio rationes computentur, et pecuniam, quae ex computatione colligitur, deponat, atque ita pronuntiet libertatem ex causa fideicommissi deberi. haec autem fieri conveniet, si heres ex iusta causa aberit: nam si latitabit, satis erit liquere praetori per servum non stare, quo minus condicioni pareat atque ita pronuntiare de libertate oportebit. 3Cum sub condicione legato servo libertas datur non aliter fideicommissario tradi debet, quam ut caveatur existente condicione traditu iri eum. 4Quaedam cum in extrema esset valetudine, praesentibus honestis viris compluribus et matre sua, ad quam legitima hereditas eius pertinebat, ita locuta est ‘ancillas meas Maeviam et Seiam liberas esse volo’ et intestata decessit: quaero, si mater ex senatus consulto legitimam hereditatem eius non vindicasset et hereditas ad proximum cognatum pertinuisset, an fideicommissa libertas deberetur. respondi deberi: nam eam, quae in extremis dixisset ‘ancillas meas illam et illam liberas esse volo’, videri ab omnibus, qui legitimi heredes aut bonorum possessores futuri essent, petisse, ut hoc fieri possit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLII. If a father should appoint his two sons his heirs, and his will is annulled by the birth of a posthumous child, although the estate will belong to them equally, still, the grants of freedom under the trust ought not to be executed, as they are not compelled to pay any other legacies, or execute any other trusts. 1Where an heir who is charged to manumit a slave belonging to a third party, or one who is owned in common, or one in whom the usufruct belongs to another, conceals himself, relief will not improperly be granted under the Decree of the Senate. 2If freedom is bequeathed to Stichus by a trust under the condition that he shall render his account, and he is ready to pay over the balance in his hands, during the absence of the heir, it is the duty of the Prætor to select some reliable person under whose supervision the account may be rendered, so that the slave can deposit the money which is due according to the calculation; and then the Prætor shall decree that the slave is entitled to his freedom under the terms of the trust. It is proper for this to be done when the heir is absent for some good reason; for if he conceals himself, it will be sufficient to satisfy the Prætor that it is not the fault of the slave that the condition is not complied with, and hence he must decree that he is entitled to his freedom. 3Where freedom is bequeathed conditionally to a slave who forms part of the legacy, he should not be delivered to the beneficiary of the trust, unless the latter gives security that he will surrender him if the condition should be complied with. 4A certain woman, at the time of her death, made the following statement in the presence of several respectable men, and of her mother, who was entitled to the estate as her heir at law, “I wish my female slaves, Mævia and Seia, to be free,” and then died intestate. I ask, if her mother does not claim the estate as heir at law under the Decree of the Senate, and it should pass to the next of kin, whether the slaves will be entitled to freedom under the terms of the trust. I answered that they would be, for when the woman being at the point of death said, “I wish my female slaves, So-and-So and So-and-So, to be free,” she is considered to have asked this to be done by all those who would be her heirs at law, or the possessors of her estate under the Prætorian Edict.